
  • 网络palmyra;Palmira
  1. 2014年,联合国教科文组织给了意大利两年的时间来管理威尼斯繁荣的旅游业,否则这个城市将被列入另一个名单——世界濒危遗产,加入被叙利亚战争摧毁的阿勒颇和巴尔米拉等遗址的行列。

    In 2014 , UNESCO gave Italy two years to manage Venice 's flourishing tourism or the city would be placed on another list — World Heritage In Danger , joining such sites as Aleppo and Palmyra , destroyed by the war in Syria .

  2. 像巴尔米拉(Palmyra又译:帕尔米拉Placeofpalms:棕榈树之城)这样坐落在沙漠里的城市(如今的叙利亚所在地),就是完美的例证。

    Cities like Palmyra ( " place of palms " ) , situated in the desert of present day Syria , are perfect examples .

  3. 巴尔米拉的统治者,奥登纳图斯(Odaenathus)被暗杀后,他的妻子塞诺维娅(Zenobia)掌权。

    When the city 's ruler , Odaenathus , was assassinated , his wife Zenobia came to power .

  4. 塞诺维娅战败并于公元272年被捕,她被皇帝奥勒利安(Aurelian)用金锁链铐着在罗马城中游行,从此巴尔米拉就被遗弃了,并且再也不复往日的繁荣。

    After Zenobia 's defeat and capture in 272 AD , she was paraded in golden shackles by Emperor Aurelian through the city of Rome , while Palmyra was sacked and never truly recovered .

  5. 这在古代极大地促进了巴尔米拉的繁荣。

    This greatly contributed to Palmyra 's prosperity in ancient times .

  6. 巴尔米拉曾是罗马帝国统治下的一个享有自治权的城市。

    Palmyra had been a semi-independent city state influenced by Roman rule .

  7. 为什么巴尔米拉坐落于叙利亚的沙漠之中

    Why Palmyra Was Located In The Syrian Desert

  8. 2000年前,巴尔米拉是罗马帝国重要的贸易枢纽。

    Palmyra was an important trading hub in the Roman Empire around 2,000 years ago .

  9. 在巴尔米拉,他们可以购买他们所需要的商品和服务以保证安全地走完这一段旅程。

    There , they could purchase the items and services they needed to safely complete their journeys .

  10. 其吞并造成的繁荣,上面提到的巴尔米拉,其贵族与王朝,同样是从阿里比。

    Its annexation caused the prosperity of the above-mentioned Palmyra , whose aristocracy and dynasty were likewise descended from the Aribi .

  11. 在她的带领下,巴尔米拉开始拓展在整个中东地区的统治,从而引发了与罗马的冲突。

    Under her dominion , the city began to expand its rule throughout the Middle East , triggering a conflict with Rome .

  12. 当然,作为回报,巴尔米拉也会替支付中转费的商队保护货物的安全,为商队提供水,食物,暂住居所以及乘凉的荫蔽。

    Palmyra offered in return security , water , food , shelter and shade for travelers who were happy to pay to have access .

  13. 巴尔米拉以及在它周围超过36个的古罗马村庄(但是被遗忘了)利用一种水库网来使他们干燥的大草原保持常绿。

    Palmyra and over three dozen surrounding ( but forgotten ) ancient Roman farming villages used a network of water reservoirs to make their arid steppe green .

  14. 这给了巴尔米拉一个稳定的食物来源,即使在旱季巴尔米拉也是一片壮观的绿洲,在其充满活力的集市中,有着树木茂密的林荫道,各式各样精美的拱门和圆柱。

    This gave Palmyra a stable source of food , even during droughts , making it a grand oasis of avenues , arches , and columns in a vibrant desert marketplace .

  15. 多年的船上生活让他心生厌倦,他于是接受了看管巴尔米拉环礁的工作,负责警告船只避开暗礁以及驱逐环礁的破坏者。

    Exhausted by his years on the boat , he agreed to take a job as the island 's caretaker , warning ships off the reefs and 15 ) discouraging vandals .

  16. 上世纪80年代早期,莱科斯曲特在经历离婚以及变卖两个餐馆这些事情后,开着自己的游艇花了近12年的时间来环游世界。最后,在他四十来岁时,他来到了巴尔米拉环礁。

    He 14 ) wound up there in his mid-40s , after nearly a dozen years of sailing around the world on his yacht , following his divorce and the sale of two restaurants in the early 1980s .

  17. 从1992年到2000年这些年间,莱科斯曲特是偏远的巴尔米拉热带环礁上唯一的居民。巴尔米拉环礁是北太平洋岛链上的一个岛,位于夏威夷以南,与夏威夷相距1000多英里。

    Mr. Lextrait was the sole inhabitant of the remote tropical 13 ) atoll of Palmyra , in an island chain in the Northern Pacific Ocean , more than 1000 miles south of Hawaii , from 1992 to 2000 .