
  • 网络Khabarovsk Krai;Khabarovsky Krai;KHABAROVSKIY KRAY
  1. 原来分属各边疆区的自治州,除哈巴罗夫斯克边疆区的犹太自治州外,升格为共和国。

    Originally belong to their respective Krai of the Autonomous Region , in addition to Khabarov the Jewish Autonomous Oblast Krai , the upgrading of the Republic .

  2. 位于黑龙江省会哈尔滨市的东金集团2017年起在俄哈巴罗夫斯克边疆区租种农田,形成了现代化大型跨境农业产业示范区。

    Dong Jin group headquartered in Harbin , the capital city of Heilongjiang province , has rented farmlands in Khabarovsk since 2017 and built a mass cross border demonstration zone of agricultural industry .