
  • 网络harare;Harare, Zimbabwe;hre
  1. 从参与津巴布韦哈拉雷开展的TB–HIV流行情况社区调查的人当中随机选择了一些参与者,并对他们进行了二次分析。

    We performed a secondary analysis of randomly selected participants in a community-based TB – HIV prevalence survey in Harare , Zimbabwe .

  2. UNICEF已经向哈拉雷的居民提供了数千万水净化药剂。

    UNICEF has provided hundreds of thousands of water purification tablets to residents of Harare .

  3. Pa的飞机频繁地出没于津巴布韦首都哈拉雷的机场,并且他在那里购置大量物业,包括一栋20层高的建筑。

    Mr Pa 's plane frequently showed up at the Harare airport and he bought properties in the capital , including the20-storey Livingstone House .

  4. NPR新闻,奥菲比亚·奎斯特·阿克顿哈拉雷报道。

    Ofeibea Quist-Arcton , NPR News , Harare .

  5. CRI新闻,高君雅(音译)津巴布韦哈拉雷报道。重点讲解:你必须输入命令,例如“帮助”或“打印”。

    You have to type in commands , su ch as ' help ' and ' print ' .

  6. 据NPR新闻的奥菲比亚·奎斯特·阿克顿从哈拉雷带来的报道,国务卿约翰·克里表示,选举结果并不能代表津巴布韦人民的意愿。

    From Harare , NPR 's Ofeibea Quist-Arcton reports Secretary of State John Kerry says the results do not represent a creditable expression of the will of the people of Zimbabwe .

  7. 返回哈拉雷后,茨万吉拉伊告诉记者这是场事故,但是像许多其他津巴布韦人那样,ButEvansKuntonda对此保持怀疑,他说政治暴力在津巴布韦有很长的历史。

    Mr. Tsvangirai told supporters Monday after returning to Harare that the crash was an accident . But Evans Kuntonda , like many Zimbabweans , has his suspicions saying Zimbabwe has a long history of political violence .

  8. PetaThornycroft采访了公民权利积极分子,他已经在哈拉雷街道上经历了几次逮捕而生存下来。

    Peta Thornycroft has this report on one of the epidemic 's victims , a civil rights activist who had survived many arrests on the streets of Harare .

  9. 第一个经过民主选举产生的哈拉雷市长EliasMudzure六年前就已经提出警告,该城市的自来水配送和污水系统已经处于崩溃的边缘。

    The first democratically elected mayor of Harare , Elias Mudzure of the MDC , warned six years ago that the city 's water distribution and sewage systems were in on the verge of collapse .

  10. 在全部病例中,据报告50%来自Budiriro,这是首都哈拉雷一处人口密集的郊区。

    Out of the total number of cases , 50 % have been reported from Budiriro , a high density suburb of the capital city , Harare .

  11. 这家主要的水处理厂负责处理哈拉雷以及周边地区的水处理。

    The main water-treatment plant serves Harare and the surrounding area .

  12. 关于非洲彻底非殖民化和消除种族隔离制度的哈拉雷宣言

    Harare Declaration on the Total Decolonization of Africa and the Elimination of Apartheid

  13. 图为哈拉雷烟草拍卖行。

    The picture shows the Harare tobacco auction house .

  14. 当时这家飞机起飞从上海飞往津巴布韦的哈拉雷。

    The plane was destined for Harare , Zimbabwe , said the agency .

  15. 津巴布韦首都哈拉雷的死亡人数最多。

    The largest number of cases have been in the capital , Harare .

  16. 哈拉雷英联邦宣言英联邦部长级行动小组

    Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group on the Harare Commonwealth Declaration

  17. 津巴布韦反对党领袖茨万吉拉伊到荷兰驻哈拉雷大使馆寻求保护。

    Zimbabwe Opposition Leader Seeks Refuge in Dutch Embassy

  18. 136.津巴布韦哈拉雷(40.7)

    136 . Harare , Zimbabwe ( 40.7 )

  19. 他在过去两个星期经由哈拉雷国际机场返回哈拉雷。

    He returned to Harare in the past two weeks via Harare International Airport .

  20. 位于辛巴威的哈拉雷中央,许多药房的架子都是空的。

    In central Harare of Zimbabwe , many shelves in the pharmacy are empty .

  21. 关于在初级保健基础上加强地方保健制度的哈拉雷会议宣言

    Declaration of the Harare Conference on Strengthening District Health Systems based on Primary Health Care

  22. 津巴布韦总统的选举结果则是从各投票站直接送到哈拉雷。

    The results for the presidential vote go directly from the polling stations to Harare .

  23. 而该调查显示,最不适宜居住的城市是津巴布韦首都哈拉雷。

    According to the survey , the worst place to live is the Zimbabwean capital Harare .

  24. 哈拉雷的街道上,许多人说,他们知道这些谈判至关重要。

    In the streets of Harare , many people say they know these negotiations are crucial .

  25. 踢足球:与在哈拉雷,津巴布韦,周四足球扮演一个男孩。

    PLAYING SOCCER : A boy played with a soccer ball in Harare , Zimbabwe , Thursday .

  26. 在哈拉雷机场,国际购买者和政府官员一起纪念禁令的取消。

    International buyers joined members of the government at Harare airport to mark the lifting of the suspension .

  27. 一天前,茨万吉拉伊宣布退出同津巴布韦总统穆加贝的决选。荷兰外交部证实,茨万吉拉伊目前在哈拉雷的荷兰大使馆里受到保护。

    The Dutch Foreign Ministry confirmed that Morgan Tsvangirai is being sheltered at the country 's embassy in Harare .

  28. 与此同时,在哈拉雷的低等法院把指控争取民主变革运动秘书长比迪犯有叛国罪的审判推迟到十一月。

    Meanwhile , the Harare lower court has postponed the treason case against MDC Secretary General Tendai Biti to November .

  29. 南部非洲防治空气污染及其潜在越境影响哈拉雷决议;

    Harare resolution on the prevention and control of regional air pollution in southern Africa and its likely transboundary effects ;

  30. 在哈拉雷,如果约翰内斯堡和布隆方丹降水减少10%,那里的河流水位将降低70%。

    In Harare a10 % drop in rainfall over Johannesburg and Bloemfontein will lead to a70 % drop in river levers .