
nán bàn qiú
  • the Southern Hemisphere
南半球 [nán bàn qiú]
  • [Southern hemisphere] 赤道圈将地球面分成两个半球中的南边一半

南半球[nán bàn qiú]
  1. 澳大利亚位于南半球。

    Australia is in the southern hemisphere .

  2. 这种动物只有在南半球才能找到。

    This animal is to be found only in the Southern Hemisphere .

  3. 美国控制着世界银行(worldbank)&在南半球最遭人痛恨的一家发展银行,美国不想看到任何对手插手这项宝贵的事业。

    The US controls the World Bank , the most hated development bank in the southern hemisphere , and does not want rivals for that valuable franchise .

  4. SAGE还考虑了2010年冬季期间用于南半球的疫苗。

    SAGE also considered vaccines for use in the southern hemisphere during the2010 winter season .

  5. 甲型H1N1流感病毒在澳大利亚的蔓延恰逢南半球的年度流感季节。

    The virus'spread in Australia has come at the start of the southern hemisphere 's annual flu season .

  6. 注意,南半球(S)的位置为负纬度,西半球(W)位置为负经度。

    Remember , locations in the Southern Hemisphere ( S ) are at negative latitudes , and locations in the Western Hemisphere ( W ) are at negative longitudes .

  7. 南亚夏季风与索马里急流和80~90°E的越赤道气流密不可分,该夏季风的建立与一周左右南半球高纬流场的失稳也有密切关系。

    Besides , the monsoon onset is also in close connection with the establishment of Somali jet and cross-equatorial flow of 80 & 90 ° E , nearly a week before the monsoon onset .

  8. 我们的研究同时发现:南半球中高纬度风应力对北大西洋经向翻转环流(AtlanticMeridionalOverturningCirculation,AMOC)有着极强的调控作用。

    Our modeling results suggest a strong control of southern high-latitude wind stress on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation ( AMOC ) .

  9. 我们需要非常认真地观察H1N1的行为,看它在遭遇南半球冬季传播的其它流感病毒时将会如何。

    We need to watch the behaviour of H1N1 very carefully as it encounters other influenza viruses circulating during the winter season in the Southern Hemisphere .

  10. 美国宇航局的过境系外行星测量卫星(TESS)在完成对南半球天空的第一年观测后,发现了几颗距离地球仅31光年的有趣的新系外行星。

    After completing its first year of observations in the southern sky , NASA 's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite has spotted some intriguing new exoplanets only 31 light-years away from Earth .

  11. 他的MDR有限公司经营在南半球内提炼和加工石油、煤炭和其它燃料资源的生意。

    His company , MDR Limited , is an Aspatrian corporation engaged in the business of extracting and processing oil , coal , and other fuel sources throughout the Southern Hemisphere .

  12. 但也有人走得更远,认为g8如今算不得什么,未来真正重要的经济行动要看南半球和东方。

    But there are those that go further and reckon the G8 is now almost irrelevant and that the really important economic action is to be found further south and East .

  13. 它们均属南半球地幔域。亏损地幔和近原始地幔分别是三江地区MORB和OIB的源区物质。

    The MORB and OIB of the Sanjiang area were generated from the depleted mantle and the primitive mantle respectively .

  14. 由于南半球的长波槽容易在澳洲大陆东西两岸同时停滞加深,因此越赤道气流的路径则相对集中在这两个长波槽后的150°E和105°E附近地区。

    Because the Southern Hemisphere long wave troughs can easily be intensified and stay over the east and west coasts of Australian continent , the paths of cross-equator flow relatively concentrate at the back of the two long wave troughs , near 150 ° E and 105 ° E.

  15. 而单纯IOD和单纯ENSO均难以在南半球对流层激发出遥相关波列,进一步证实了两者共同作用的影响。

    However , the pure IOD ( Indian Ocean Dipole ) and pure ENSO are difficult to excite teleconnection wave train in the Southern Hemisphere , which further confirms the interaction between them .

  16. 对印度洋和南海海域详细划分区域后的进一步分析表明春季南半球热带外大气环流(SAM)异常可以强迫南印度洋中高纬海域海温发生明显异常。

    Based on the partition in the IO and SCS , the further analyses reveal the extratropical Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation anomalies ( SAM ) in the boreal spring may force SST and induce SSTA in the middle and high latitudes of SIO , which may continue to the summer .

  17. 综述了PDO机制的研究进展,尤其是近年来关于PDO是热带和南半球起源的观点,强调PDO是一种太平洋海盆尺度的现象。

    The research advance of new PDO loop mechanisms is summarized in this paper . In recent years , it is held that PDO is originated from tropical and south Pacific and it is emphasized that PDO is a Pacific basin-wide phenomenon .

  18. 这个Amerigo(如果我们决定相信他自己的故事)和一群探险队到达了新世界并且发现了南半球大量的陆地。

    This Amerigo ( if we are to believe his own stories ) accompanied several expeditions to the New World and actually found a great deal of new land in the southern part of the hemisphere .

  19. 作为南半球最大的煤炭出口港,纽卡斯尔港今年受到了反常气候的影响。散货船PashaBulker在该港口搁浅,导致70艘船排队等待入港。

    The port of Newcastle , the largest coal export terminal in the southern hemisphere , was hit this year by freak weather that left 70 ships queuing off the coastline when the bulk carrier Pasha Bulker ran aground .

  20. 该设施可容纳高达400个来自新南威尔士大学与澳大利亚儿童癌症研究所(CCIA)的研究人员,将成为南半球最大的专业癌症研究中心之一。

    The facility will house up to400 researchers from UNSW and the Children 's Cancer Institute Australia ( CCIA ), to become one of the largest dedicated cancer research centres in the Southern Hemisphere .

  21. 夏、秋季(南半球冬、春)的南印度洋偶极子指数与后期热带500hPa和100hPa高度场异常有显著而持续的相关,在冬、春达到最大,并可以持续到次年夏、秋。

    The index in summer and autumn has significant and sustained correlations with the following 500 hPa and 100 hPa geopotential height anomalies in the tropical regions , which are most significant in winter and next spring and can persist 10 months until next summer and autumn .

  22. 在地理上,这个国家位于南半球。

    Geographioally , this country is located in the southern hemisphere .

  23. 因为澳大利亚在南半球。

    In australia , Christmas come in the summer . why ?

  24. 南半球冷空气入侵与热带气旋的形成

    The effects of cold surges from southern hemisphere on tropical cyclone formation

  25. 一个世界性草本属,尤其生长在南半球;许多作为地面覆盖物。

    Cosmopolitan herbs especially southern hemisphere ; many used as ground covers .

  26. 具有坚韧羽状复叶的广泛分布在南半球热带地区的一种蕨类。

    Widely distributed fern of tropical southern hemisphere having leathery pinnatifid fronds .

  27. 圆规星座位于南半球在苍蝇座和南三角座附近的一个星座。

    A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Musca and Triangulum australe .

  28. 而当南半球朝向太阳时。

    But when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun .

  29. 南半球上哪个城市最大?

    What is the largest city in the southern hemisphere ?

  30. 有芳香叶的产于的南半球一个灌木或乔木属。

    Shrubs and trees of southern hemisphere having aromatic foliage .