
  • 网络George VI;King George VI;Bertie;KingGeorgeVI
  1. 乔治六世死后,伊丽莎白二世继位。

    When George VI died , elizabeth II succeeded to the throne .

  2. 他温和地告诉伊丽莎白,她的父亲乔治六世(kinggeorgevi)已在前一晚去世,享年56岁。

    He gently gave her the news that her father King George VI had died in the night , aged just 56 .

  3. 伊丽莎白王太后出席1937年丈夫乔治六世国王(KingGeorgeVI)和1953年女儿伊丽莎白女王(QueenElizabeth)的加冕礼时,头上佩戴的王冠就镶嵌了光之山钻石。

    The diamond was in the crown worn by the Queen Mother at the coronation of her husband King George VI in 1937 and again at Queen Elizabeth 's coronation in 1953 .

  4. 关于曼纳和公主的谈话,民间有各种传言。有的说,曼纳告诉公主“是意志的力量”。其他版本说,英王乔治六世(GeorgeVI)让曼纳卷起裤管,要看看他的腿是不是钢做的。

    Myths gathered round that conversation . Some said Manna-da had told the princess that " Strength is in the mind . " Others said that the king , George VI , had made him roll up his trousers to see if his legs were made of steel .

  5. 在大家热火朝天地猜测王室宝宝的名字时,王室评论员AlastairBruce表示,孩子可能会在他/她加冕时改变自己的名字。就像当今女王的父亲乔治六世一样,他的本名其实叫做阿尔伯特。

    And amidst the guessing and betting about the baby 's name , Alastair Bruce adds that the child may choose to change their name when they are crowned anyway , as did the Queen 's father , George VI , who was originally called Albert .

  6. 影片中还有一点未透露的是:Logue和国王的友谊一直持续到他们的晚年,1952年乔治六世过世,次年,Logue也去世了。

    And another thing the movie does not tell audiences is that the king and the therapist remained close until the end of their lives . George VI died in 1952 . The following year , his friend Lionel Logue died too .

  7. 就好像历史上的乔治六世和他的弟弟爱德华八世,后者为了傲慢的美国新娘WallisSimpson而不惜退位,这点另他的嫂嫂,也就是后来的伊丽莎白女王很厌恶——现在这样的戏码又上演了。

    It 's as if the painful history of George VI and his brother , Edward VIII - who abdicated for the love of his brash US bride , Wallis Simpson , to the disgust of his sister-in-law , later Queen Elizabeth - is being played out all over again .

  8. 伊利莎白二世继承乔治六世成为英国的最高统治者。

    Elizabeth succeeded George VI as the English sovereign .

  9. 伊丽莎白二世继承她父亲乔治六世国王的王位。

    Queen Elizabeth succeeded her father , King George .

  10. 1940年,在邱吉尔65岁的时候,乔治六世要求他组建政府。

    George VI asked Churchill to form a government in1940at the age of65 .

  11. 伊莉莎白二世继承了乔治六世。

    Elizabeth II succeeded George VI.

  12. 这间书房的装饰品中,有几张国王乔治六世同蒙哥马利的合影,上有国王的签名。

    Among the decorations in this study were several signed snapshots of King George VI together with Montgomery .

  13. 1952年的今天,英国国王乔治六世去世,他的女儿伊丽莎白二世继位。

    1952-Britain 's King George the Sixth died ; he was succeeded by his daughter , Elizabeth the Second .

  14. 女王出生在英国的伦敦,她是乔治六世国王的长女。

    Born in London , England , by Caesarean section , she was the elder daughter of King George VI.

  15. 乔治六世是在位伊丽莎白女王敬爱的父亲,刚刚出生的剑桥乔治王子的曾曾祖父。

    He was the much-loved father of the present Queen and the new Prince George of Cambridge 's great-great grandfather .

  16. 12月11日,温莎夫妇浪迹天涯,乔治六世即位当政。

    On 11 December the Windsors went into their butterfly life of exile , and the reign of George VI began .

  17. 历史上的今天-伊丽莎白二世1952年的今天,英国国王乔治六世去世,他的女儿伊丽莎白二世继位。

    Elizabeth the Second 1952 - Britain 's King George the Sixth died ; he was succeeded by his daughter , Elizabeth the Second .

  18. 在过去的300年中,9名国王中的6位都是这个名字,包括这名婴儿伟大的高曾祖父乔治六世。

    Of the last 300 years , six of nine kings have had that name including the royal baby 's great great grandfather George VI.

  19. 影片《国王的演讲》根据英国国王乔治六世的真实故事改编,追述了这位王室君主克服口吃、最终恢复正常说话能力的一段人生历程。

    Based on the true story of King George VI , The King 's Speech follows the Royal Monarch 's quest to find his voice .

  20. 国王乔治六世去世时,我只有三岁,当您担起重任时也只有26岁。

    I was only three when my grandfather King George VI died . You were only 26 when you were given such a huge responsibility .

  21. 1952年2月6日,英国国王乔治六世于56岁去世,他的女儿伊丽莎白二世宣布就任英国女王。

    On Feb. 6 , 1952 , Britain 's King George VI died at age 56 , and his daughter was proclaimed Queen Elizabeth II .

  22. 在接受《泰晤士报》的采访时他说道:“这件事情其实挺扣人心弦的,对于乔治六世来讲很私密,而且他的保密工作也相当到位。”

    He told The Times : ' I think it 's gripping how personally involved George VI was and how secretive he was about it .

  23. 他曾陪同乔治六世和伊丽莎白女王作了战后王室的第一次南非之行,这多少改变了他平时对君王敬畏的态度。

    He accompanied George VI and Queen Elizabeth on the first postwar royal tour to South Africa , changing his manner little in deference to majesty .

  24. 影片《国王的演讲》围绕英国战时国王乔治六世克服严重口吃的故事展开,领跑本届入围影片。获提名作品或是商业力作,或者好评如潮。

    The film , revolving around wartime monarch King George VI 's struggle to overcome a crippling stammer , led a field packed with commercial and critical hits .

  25. 这张相片被放进相框摆放在旁边的桌子上,旁边还有女王已故双亲(英王乔治六世和王后)的黑白相片。

    A framed print of the photograph is perched on a nearby table , with black and white images of the Queen 's late parents , King George VI and the Queen Mother .

  26. 家庭教师曾经试图让小约翰公爵(即后来的乔治六世)使用他的右手而非左手,同时试图矫正他的口吃。

    tutors struggled to get the young Duke of York ( later George VI ) to start using his right hand instead of his left , along with working on his well-known stutter .

  27. 威尔士亲王是英国历史上在继承人位置上待的最久的人,1952年,他的祖父乔治六世在67年前逝世,这之后他成为第一王位继承人。

    The Prince of Wales is the longest-serving heir apparent in British history , having become first in line to the throne in 1952 upon his grandfather George VI 's death almost 67 years ago .

  28. 女王的母亲及其丈夫乔治六世国王因在二战期间表现坚毅而受到尊崇,部分原因是他们坚决地留在了伦敦。

    The queen mother and her husband , King George VI , have been revered in Britain for their stoicism during World War II , in part because of their resolve to stay in London .

  29. 乔治六世是英国历史上最后一位名为乔治的国王。实际上他的首名叫做艾伯特,家中人都称他为伯蒂。但当他继位后确选用第四个名字乔治作为国王称谓。

    The first name of the last King George - George VI - was actually Albert and he was known to his family as ' Bertie ' but he selected George - his fourth name - to use as Sovereign .

  30. “光之山巨钻”由伊丽莎白王后,也就是现任女王的母亲,在其丈夫乔治六世的加冕仪式上镶嵌在王冠之上的。在2002年她的葬礼上,这顶王冠曾放置在她的棺椁之上。

    The Koh-i-Noor is set in the crown worn by Queen Elizabeth , the mother of the reigning monarch , at the coronation of her husband George VI in 1937 , and was placed on her coffin at her funeral in 2002 .