
  • 网络Qiao's Grand Courtyard;Qiao Family Courtyard;courtyard of family qiao;Résidence de la famille Qiao
  1. 本文将乔家大院的建筑风格与美学理论结合起来,对乔家大院的建筑风格进行美学阐释。

    This article will use aesthetic theory to explain the architectural style of Courtyard of Family Qiao .

  2. 乔家大院原名“在中堂”,位于山西省祁县乔家堡,是清代晋商代表人物乔致庸的宅院。

    " Qiao 's Grand Courtyard " was originally named " Central Courtyard " . It is located at Qiao Family Castle in Qi County , Shanxi Province .

  3. 艺术经纬:对对对,我去看过,而且乔家大院很大。

    Editor : Right , I have gone to see it and it is large .

  4. 光芒的背后:电视剧《乔家大院》中的男权意识

    The Back of Success : Consciousness of Men 's Rights in TV Play Qiao Family Courtyard

  5. 乔家大院木雕骑马雀替装饰具有典型的清代民居木雕雕刻装饰风格特点。

    The sparrow brace decorations in the Qiao courtyard are typical woodcarvings of the Qing dynasty .

  6. 论传统民宅建筑中的伦理文化&以乔家大院为例

    On the Ethical Culture in the Traditional Dwelling House & to Take the Example of The Compound of Qiao 's Family

  7. 在山西境内选取艺术形态上独具代表性的晋商民居乔家大院实地勘测调查,与安徽最具代表性的历史文化名村宏村进行分析对比。

    Unique representation of Merchants houses , Qiao Family Courtyard in Shanxi Province select art form field survey investigated , analyzed and compared with the history and culture of Anhui , most representative of the village Hong cun .

  8. 我们设计师所要做的是要在继承的基础上进行发扬和创新。乔家大院木雕骑马雀替装饰具有典型的清代民居木雕雕刻装饰风格特点。

    What our designers have to do is enhancing and bringing forth new ideas into traditional courtyard on the base of inheriting it . The sparrow brace decorations in the Qiao courtyard are typical woodcarvings of the Qing dynasty .

  9. 但相比五台山、平遥古城、大同云冈石窟、乔家大院等山西的其他景区,目前晋祠的旅游业发展仍旧逊色,旅游形象也没有得到显著提升。

    But compared to the ancient city of Pingyao , Yungang Grottoes of Datong , Mount of Wutai , Qiao Family Courtyard of Qixian and other scenic spots of Shanxi province , the current tourism development of Jinci is still inferior to them .