
yīn niǔ tè rén
  • Inuit
  1. 北美洲的因纽特人过去被称为爱斯基摩人。

    The Inuit people of North America used to be called Eskimos .

  2. 因纽特人的孩子从不上学,他们的一切都是从他们的父母那里学到的。

    Inuit children never went to school , and they learnt everything from their parents .

  3. 为了在雪地上移动,因纽特人脚上穿着特制的雪鞋。

    To move over the snow , Inuit people wore special snowshoes on their feet .

  4. 65岁的因纽特人马里亚诺·塔加利克向我们讲述了她过去的生活点滴。

    Mariano Tagalik , a 65-year-old Inuit , told us a little about her past life .

  5. 如今,许多因纽特人乘坐雪地摩托,这些机器可以在短时间内长途行驶。

    Today many Inuits ride snowmobiles These machines can travel long distances in a short time .

  6. 因纽特人过去冬天住在冰屋里,但如今,他们中的许多人都住在小城镇的房子里。

    The Inuit people used to live in igloos in winter , but today , many of them live in houses in small towns .

  7. 他们如今被称作意为“人民”的因纽特人而不是爱斯基摩人。他们的生活在这30年间有了很多改变。

    They are now named Inuits which means " the people " instead of Eskimos Their lives have changed a lot in 30 years .

  8. 生活不再像以前那么艰难了,但是许多年长的因纽特人讨厌现代生活,想回到过去。

    Life is not as hard as it used to be , but many of the older Inuits hate modern life and want to go back to the old days .

  9. 渥太华大学(UniversityofOttawa)的心脏病专家乔治·福多尔(GeorgeFodor)博士列举了这一研究中的诸多破绽,并断定因纽特人中的心脏病率被大大低估了。

    seal and whale blubber . Dr. George Fodor , a cardiologist at the University of Ottawa , outlined flaws in much of this early research , and he concluded that the rate of heart disease among the Inuit was vastly underestimated .

  10. 新当选的格陵兰总理KuupikKleist代表着由因纽特人支配的政党,他承诺格陵兰会扮演丹麦“平等伙伴”的角色,格陵兰之前是丹麦的殖民地。

    The newly elected prime minister of Greenland , Kuupik Kleist , who represents an Inuit-dominated party , promised that his country would act as an " equal partner " with Denmark , the old colonial power .

  11. 因纽特人将猎得的动物剥皮,获取它们的皮毛。

    Inuit skin the animals they hunt to use their fur .

  12. 阿拉斯加与加拿大北部的因纽特人就是一个例子。

    An example is the Inuit people of Alaska and northern Canada .

  13. 他们按因纽特人的传统设计制造雪橇

    They built sleds based on a traditional Inuit design .

  14. 一个因纽特人从巴芬岛的努纳武特地区,加拿大。

    An Inuit from Baffin Island in Nunavut , Canada .

  15. 因纽特人传统体育对增强适应性的作用

    The functions of traditional sports of the Inuit for enhancing their adaptability

  16. 不论猎捕到公角鲸或母角鲸,因纽特人绝不浪费丝毫可用之物。

    Whether they catch a male or female narwhal , the Inuit waste nothing .

  17. 岛上居住的因纽特人的生计基本上来源于海边的贸易点。

    However , the Inuit peoples who inhabit the island generally live at coastal trading posts .

  18. 在北魁北克的因纽特人患经典型卡波济肉瘤西罗莫司治疗肾移植患者的卡波济肉瘤

    Classic Kaposi 's sarcoma in the Inuit of northern Sirolimus for Kaposi 's sarcoma in renal-transplant recipients

  19. 大卫·伊卡克拉鲁是加拿大北边克莱德河村的因纽特人

    David Iqaqrialu is an Inuit from the village of Clyde River in the Canadian Far North .

  20. 因纽特人的语言保护意识也经历了无意识、觉醒和自觉自主阶段。

    The protection consciousness about Inuit language experiences the stage from unconsciousness , awakening and consciousness and independent stage .

  21. 因纽特人及其他生活在酷寒环境之中的人们,需要适应一种极端的生活方式。

    Inuits and other populations who live in intensely cold environments have adapted to an extreme way of life .

  22. 根据古老的因纽特人眼镜设计而成,每一副都是手工制作,结实牢固。

    Based on ancient Inuit eyewear , each pair of slanties is handcrafted and engineered to be sturdy and reliable .

  23. 是的。他是去给深受文盲之苦的因纽特人教书。

    Yeah , well , he 's going there to teach the Inuit population , who suffer from high illiteracy .

  24. 通常情况下,因纽特人要得到水,必须从冰山上凿下冰块,或者生一堆火。

    For the Inuit to get water they normally have to chip blocks off an iceberg or light a fire .

  25. 美洲因纽特人用动物皮毛制成的皮制大衣或保暖防水衣。

    A name given to both a parka and a warm waterproof coat made by the Inuit natives from animal skins .

  26. 美国本土人口,如美洲印度人和因纽特人组成了1.5%的人口。

    Indigenous peoples in the United States , such as American Indians and Inuit , make up about 1.5 % of the population .

  27. 当冰降低之时,如此有用的天数给因纽特人有效的追猎动物如海豹和海象。

    As ice declines , so does the number of days available for Inuit to hunt for animals such as seals and walrus .

  28. 捕猎海豹在加拿大是一项传统行业,原住民和因纽特人从事该行业已经有几百年历史;

    In Canada , the seal hunt is a traditional industry , existing for hundreds of years , used by Aboriginals and Innuit .

  29. 加拿大北部的因纽特人过去通常是用狗群拉着他们的行李从一个拉到另一个地方去。

    The Inuit people of northern Canada used to travel around from place to place with teams of dogs that pulled their baggage .

  30. 加拿大土著民族包括印第安人、因纽特人和梅蒂人,他们世代居住在北美大陆上。

    Native Canadian ethnic groups include : the Indians , the Inuits and the Metis who live generation after generation on the North American continent .