
  • 网络atmospheric density;air density
  1. 本文利用RBF公式,计算了地球、金星、火星等类地行星际的大气密度分布及火星水汽的寿命。

    We have also calculated the atmospheric density distributions of the Earth , Venus and Mars .

  2. 通过对资源2号卫星实测GPS数据的分析计算,比较了常用的8种大气密度模型的定轨预报精度,探讨了预报24h应采用的定轨数据长度和大气密度模型。

    Based on analysis and calculation of GPS measurements of ZY-2 satellite , the orbit determination and orbit forecast accuracies of eight commonly used atmospheric density models are compared . The paper also discusses the length of orbit determination data and atmospheric density model for 24-hour orbit forecast .

  3. 用RBF计算了太阳系中木星、土星、天王星、海王星和土卫六的大气密度随高度的分布。

    The atmospheric number density distributions of Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune and Titan upon height are evaluated in this paper .

  4. 本文讨论了一种大气密度标高的计算方法,同时从我国第二颗卫星近地点高度变化的分析测得了四个平均密度标高H值。

    In this paper a method for computing density scale height H is discussed . At the same time , from the analysis of variation in perigee height of the China second satellite , four mean values of density scale height H are determined .

  5. 由卫星阻力测定的大气密度值与MSIS和CIRA1972模式的部分比对

    Comparison of Air Densities from Air Drag upon Artificial Satellites With Models MSIS and CIRA 1972

  6. 这四种大气密度取自Groves模型的四组不同纬度数据,其与标准大气密度指数模型的偏差范围为±67%。

    The four atmosphere density models are gotten from the four groups of different altitude data of Groves model , and their deviation ranges from the exponential model of standard atmosphere density are ± 67 % .

  7. 仿真结果表明,AOTV进入三种“未知的”大气密度模型中,不迫可以完成变轨任务,还可以极大地节省燃料。

    Simulation result shows that AOTV can accomplish orbital transfer and save much fuel in the three " unknown " atmosphere density .

  8. 本文利用我国卫星的阻力资料测定的大气密度值,分别与MSIS和CIRA1972模式进行比对。

    In this paper air densities are determined by using the air drag data of several Chinese satellites and are compared with models MSIS and CIRA 1972 respectively .

  9. 神舟3号(SZ-3)大气密度探测器搭载在SZ-3留轨舱上于2002年3月发射入轨,在轨运行期间获得了轨道舱运行高度范围(330&410km)内的大气密度数据。

    Atmospheric density detector was on board spacecraft SZ-3 launched on March 2002 . At SZ-3 orbit altitude ( 330 & 410 km ) atmospheric density data were collected near half year .

  10. 大气密度分布采用简化的指数模型;

    Exponential model was adopted for the distribution of atmospheric density ;

  11. 大气密度变化对卫星返回轨道参数的影响

    The effects of atmospheric density variance on return trajectory parameters of satellite

  12. 大气密度分层计算时的再入弹道解析解

    Resolution Value of Reentry Vehicle Trajectory under Atmosphere Density Delamination

  13. 大气密度按指数形式而减少。

    The atmospheric density decreases with height according to the exponential formula .

  14. 神舟三号大气密度探测器、大气成分探测器地面校准系统

    Ground calibration system for sz-3 atmospheric density detector and atmospheric composition detector

  15. 大型陨石的撞击则可能偶发的使大气密度及温度增加。

    Large meteor impacts may have occasionally thickened and warmed the atmosphere .

  16. 290公里高度附近大气密度及其变化的测定

    Determination of air density and its variations at heights near 290 km

  17. 神舟3号运行高度上大气密度的变化

    Changes of the atmospheric density at sz-3 orbit altitude

  18. 大气密度对降落伞充气性能的影响

    The Effect of Atmospheric Density on Parachute Inflation Performances

  19. 大气密度模型用于近地卫星定轨预报的比较

    Comparison of Atmospheric Density Models for LEO Satellite Orbit Determination and Orbit Forecast

  20. 激光雷达探测平流层中上部大气密度和温度

    Atmospheric Density and Temperature Measurement with Lidar in the Middle and Upper Stratosphere

  21. 对地球大气密度随高度分布规律的讨论

    Studies of Altitude Distribution of Earth 's Atmosphere Density

  22. 大气密度周日变化的一种分析模型

    An analytical model of daily variation in air density

  23. 固定几何高度上大气密度的计算方法

    Methods of Calculating Atmospheric Density at Fixed Altitude

  24. 气球卫星1990&81B和1990-81C的轨道变化和高层大气密度的测定

    The orbital variations of balloon satellites 1990-81B and 1990-81C and determination of air density

  25. 这样一来,大气密度降低,减少了对卫星的阻力。

    Thus , the atmosphere is less dense and creates less drag on satellites .

  26. 也可提高用于反测地球大气密度的资料的精度。

    It also can raise the dats accuracy to determine the earth air density .

  27. 探测器上配备有一个用于测定(绘)大气密度轮廓的无线电掩星实验装置。

    The probe was equipped with a radio occultation experiment to profile atmospheric density .

  28. 气溶胶所致热晕中的大气密度变化的理论分析

    The theory analysis of atmospheric density change in the thermal blooming due to aerosols

  29. 本文主要分析了气溶胶粒子所致稳态热晕和含时热晕中的大气密度变化问题。

    This paper main studies the atmospheric density change in the thermal blooming due to aerosols .

  30. CIRA1972在160&2000公里高度范围的大气密度的一种分析模型

    An analytical model for air density in the region from 160 to 2000 km of CIRA 1972