- frequency dispersion

The result shows that Fe_xNi_ ( 100-x ) fibre possesses high permeability and excellent frequency dispersion .
In the Rayleigh wave test , extracting the reliable and accurate frequency dispersion curve is the base of the inversion work .
The dispersive curves of Love wave in ridge or canyon topography are given .
Love wave propagation in magneto-electro-elastic multilayered structures
Dispersion characteristic of the π _ g wave in southeastern China
The dispersion of Love wave is found to vary along with the local topography as well as the frequency .
Variation of Q value before and after the 1999 xiuyan , Liaoning province , m5.4 earthquake deduced from P wave dispersion analysis
The range of Love wave speed , the dispersion and attenuation of Love waves are discussed . The displacements are presented .
Generalized Rayleigh Wave for Measuring Initial Stress in Layered Piezoelectric Structure
FDTD Simulation of Ground Penetrating Radar Signal in 3-Dimensional Dispersive Medium
At the same time , dispersion relation on oceanic internal wave : obtained under the non-traditional approximation when the buoyancy frequency N is constant .
New Methods of Planar Location of Acoustic Emission Source Based on the Dispersive Characteristics of Lamb Wave
The dispersion and dissipation errors of upwind-biased finite difference schemes are assessed and compared by means of a Fourier analysis of the difference schemes .
The propagation characteristics of Lamb waves in the elastic plate are analyzed theoretically and their dispersion equations are presented .
So rock resistivity dispersion has a bearing on the variation of the parameters of Archie equation . Algorithm for the All-Time Apparent Resistivity of LOTEM Method
F-K dispersion analysis of Love guided waves in three layered symmetry model
The dispersion relation of the nonlinear KdV equation is drawn under the two layers model .
To investigate the SAW properties of the ZnO multi layer structure approximatively , the theoretic frequency dispersion curves of SAW for ZnO material on different substrates are studied .
To study propagation characteristic of radar wave in a dispersive medium , frequency - dependent flux density D was introduced , and electromagnetic field E and flux density D were norma - lized .
Dispersive Characteristics of Surface Acoustic Waves for Measuring Mechanical Properties of Low-k Dielectrics Used in ULSI
The dispersive characteristics of three typical cases of two-layered structure in ULSI interconnect are investigated .
Both methods suppress the observed numerical dispersion and the perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary reflection effect .
Choosing narrowband Lamb waves as the research objects , the dispersive curves of Lamb waves used in active structural health monitoring were mainly discussed in this thesis .
The asymptotic expression of dispersion equation of cylindrical Love waves as well radius r 1 →∞ consistently tends to the dispersion equation in the horizontal half space case , and cut off frequency tends to zero .
Dispersion and excitation of cylindrical Love waves are investigated by numerical calculation . It is discovered that the lowest order cylindrical Love waves have cut off frequency , which differs from Love waves in half space with horizontally double layered elastic media .
The stability of the schemes I and IV are obtained by employing linearized stability method . Both the numerical dissipation and the numerical dispersion for scheme I , II and III are analyzed by Fourier method .
Based on a two and half layer ocean model the long Rossby wave dispersion relation and the corresponding baroclinic instability criterion are derived .
The results indicate that elastic wave velocities VP , VS and Youngs modulus E of sandstones are all decreased and then increased with temperature , and they display strong dispersion effect with frequency .
Because of the no complete flexibility of the earth 's surface medium , the Rayleigh Wave velocity that spread in it changes with frequency . This kind of phenomenon is called the dispersion phenomenon of the Rayleigh Wave .
Second , it used the faultless steel plate to stimulate Lamb wave of single pattern in ideal condition , collected signal through the signal acquisition system , and saved these data .