
  • 网络spectrum auction
  1. 昨日结束的4G频谱拍卖与上月结束的3G移动通信频谱拍卖,让印度政府净赚了230亿美元。

    The spectrum auction , which closed yesterday , and an earlier sale of third generation mobile spectrum that ended last month have netted India 's exchequer $ 23bn .

  2. 如果僵局持续下去,印度将遭遇欧洲频谱拍卖后(曾导致行业彻底崩溃)相同的局面。

    If this deadlock is allowed to continue , India would be confronted with the same situation as Europe in the post - spectrum auction , which led to the complete collapse of the industry .

  3. 美国联邦通信委员会(U.S.FederalCommunicationsCommission)启动了六年来第一次大规模无线频谱拍卖。

    The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has kicked off its first major auction of wireless airwaves in six years .

  4. 希思说,升级现有网络结构,以及明年政府3G频谱拍卖使得网络容量增加的措施,都不是长期的解决办法。

    Dr Heath said that upgrades to existing infrastructure , and the opening up of more capacity when the Government auctions off the3G spectrum next year , will not provide a long-term solution .

  5. 印度最高法院裁定2008年的频谱拍卖为“武断的且违反了宪法”,命令监管机构通过拍卖,在4个月内重新分配这些牌照。

    The court , which declared a spectrum sale in 2008 " arbitrary and unconstitutional " , ordered the regulator to reallocate the licences by auction in four months .

  6. 它为之前的频谱拍卖做出了一些界定,此前的拍卖以不透明的先到先得的方式进行,如今已成为一项腐败调查的对象。

    It draws some sort   of line under the previous spectrum sale , conducted on a murky   first-come , first-served basis and now the subject of a corruption probe .

  7. 加拿大话费高昂,全球最贵,且缺乏创新,民众对此抱怨连连,对此,2008年,加政府利用频谱拍卖方式来产生新玩家。

    Amid complaints about high call rates ( among the rich world 's priciest ) and a lack of innovation , the government used a spectrum auction in 2008 to create a raft of new players .

  8. 另外一大好处是:一旦类比式播放系统停用,它目前所占用的主要无线频谱就会被拍卖出去。

    Another bonus : Once analog broadcasting ends , the prime radio spectrum it now uses will be auctioned off .