
  • 网络arcturus;Arcturians;arcturian
  1. 当大角星终于到标记着XI(DEC)的位置时,我们颤抖着从被褥下溜出来。

    When finally Arcturus had reached the position marked XI ( DEC ), we slid , shivering , out from under the sheets .

  2. 甚至天狼星、猎户星、昴宿星团和大角星的振动也从未下跌到如此之低。

    Even Sirius , Orion , the Pleiades and Arcturus never fell so low in vibration .

  3. 而红族人则是天狼星人、昴宿星人、猎户座人和大角星人DNA的混合。

    The red nation peoples were a composite of Sirian , Pleiadian , Orion and Arcturian DNA .

  4. 1984年2月14日大角星色球活动的CaⅡH,K线观测

    Chromospheric Activity of Arcturus Observed at Call H and K Lines on February 14 , 1984

  5. 那是大角星人所造,并由“一的法则”的祭司科学家所管理。

    It was of Arcturian construct and managed by the Priest Scientist of the Law of One .

  6. 大角星人知道另一种系统,构建在氢或氢基之上。

    The Arcturians know yet another type of system that is founded upon hydrogen or is hydrogen-based .

  7. 他们能与昴宿星团,大角星,仙女座和天狼星等先进空间的弟兄们维持次元间心灵感应的接触。

    They sustained higher dimensional-telepathic contact with the advanced space brethren from the Pleiades , Arcturus , Andromeda and Sirius .

  8. 地球上的黑暗来源主要有4个:昴宿星、狼星、户星和大角星。

    The darkness upon Earth has come from four main sources , the Pleiades , Sirius , Orion and Arcturus .

  9. 你们所谓的太阳光盘,实际上是天狼星昴宿星大角星的水晶设备,最初是用来平衡和稳定的行星的能量。

    That which you term Sun Discs are in truth Crystalline devices of Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian origin used to balance and stabilize planetary energies .

  10. 上面看到的流星靠近地平线是明亮的大角星和星场,包括星座牧夫座和北冕座。

    Seen above the meteor near the horizon is bright star Arcturus and a star field that includes the constellations Bootes and Corona Borealis .

  11. 分析认为我们观测到的是大角星的一次以天计的短时标色球剧烈活动,它伴随着物质的向外抛射,也引起星周物质的向外运动。

    Our conclusion is that we happened to observe an intensive short time-scale activity of the chromosphere of Arcturus characterized by mass outflow and outward motions of circumstellar matter .