
  • 网络large-scale test;large-scale experiment;large scale experiment
  1. 据业内人士称,中国已悄然开始建设基于其自主研发的第三代(G)动电话标准的大规模试验网络。

    China has quietly begun building large-scale trial networks based on its home-grown third-generation ( 3 G ) mobile telephone standard , say industry participants .

  2. 下一步,科学家们希望在大规模试验中验证已得到的数据,并且验证这两种蛋白质是否能被用于预测AD的进程。

    The next step : The scientists hope to verify the data in a larger trial and see whether the two proteins can be used to predict how Alzheimer 's disease progresses .

  3. 在四个大洲对夫妇进行的大规模试验表明交叉感染的风险会降低96%。

    A large-scale trial of couples across four continents gave a reduction of96 % in cross infections .

  4. 把低硒浓度作为心血管疾病的一个危险因子还需要开展大规模试验的证据来确立。

    Evidence from large ongoing trials is needed to establish low selenium concentrations as a cardiovascular disease risk factor .

  5. 相关人员正计划在四川的黄龙自然保护区和九寨沟景区对该方案进行大规模试验,这两个地方都是热门的旅游景点。

    Large-scale experiments with the solution are being planned in the Huanglong Nature Preserve and Jiuzhaigou National Park , both popular tourist destinations in Sichuan Province .

  6. 要对上述效果做出可信的判断,需要进行涉及数万人的大规模试验。目前这些研究还在进行当中,预计将于2017年完成。

    Judging those effects will require larger trials involving tens of thousands of people ; such studies are underway and are expected to be completed by 2017 .

  7. 虽然参与人数过少,结果让人看到了很大希望,本文作者呼吁进行大规模试验。

    Although the number of men in the study was small , the results nonetheless are promising enough for the authors to call for larger trials to be done .

  8. 这些因素包括进一步开展大规模试验的需要,数个国家对该产品的正式批准,和其普通的现成喷雾液类型相对较短的货架寿命。

    These include a need for further large-scale trials , official approval of the product in several countries , and a relatively short shelf-life in its normal ready-to-spray liquid form .

  9. 由信息产业部组织的大规模试验验证了无线时代多样化业务应用的可行性,试验结果表明移动流媒体业务是能大大提高用户通信体验的优秀业务之一。

    Many large-scale experiments have been made by the Ministry of Information Industry showed that various kind of services is feasible in wireless age , and mobile video streaming service is an excellent one to boost end-user satisfactory .

  10. 通过三年在不同地区,不同气候条件下的大规模试验,使六个中产变高产基点亩产达到350&400斤,比前三年平均亩产提高75.1%;

    Through large-scale three years tests in different climatic conditions and regions , yield reaches 350 to 400 jin per mu in the six middle-yield localities , the yield increase was 75.1 percent more than the average yield of the last three years .

  11. 但它们往往是公用事业单位或准公用事业单位,事实上,我们不希望有很多有创意的人对我们的饮用水进行大规模试验:我们希望它们是安全的。如果你喜欢冒险,合适的公司有很多。跳槽到那些公司吧。

    But they tended to be utilities or near-utilities , and the fact is that we don 't want a lot of creative people carrying out large-scale experiments on our drinking water : we want them to be safe . If you like taking risks , there are plenty of workplaces where this is regarded as appropriate . Move there .

  12. 虽然仍需更大规模的试验,但发布在《柳叶刀传染病》期刊上的研究结果显示,这款新形抗生素似乎与目前常用的治疗方法一样有效。

    Much larger trials are needed but the results reported in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal show the new antibiotic appears to be as effective as current treatments .

  13. 开展p53基因治疗非小细胞肺癌的大规模临床试验目前条件也不成熟。

    In addition , the opportunity for large scale clinical trials of NSCLC p53 gene therapy has not been mature yet .

  14. 华盛顿消息--首例hiv(导致艾滋病的病毒)基因治疗新试验让研究人员大受鼓舞并决定开展一个更大规模的试验。

    Washington & the first test of a potential new gene therapy for hiv_the virus that causes aids_was encouraging enough for researchers to launch a more extensive trial .

  15. 2.4m风洞大规模测压试验技术及应用

    Test technique and application of large-scale pressure measurement in the 2.4m × 2.4m transonic wind tunnel

  16. 目前,随着中国移动于5月份在国内6个城市组织大规模TD-LTE试验网预商用测试,当今通信网正在逐步向第四代移动通信演进。

    Now , with the China Mobile organized a large-scale testing of TD-LTE pre-commercial network in six cities of China in May , the communication networks are gradually evolving to 4G mobile communications .

  17. 通过大规模临床试验和动物实验研究证实,血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)具有减缓心室重构的作用,但ACEI治疗心力衰竭所出现的醛固酮逃逸现象,表明了ACEI治疗的局限性。

    Clinical trials and animal experiments suggested that ACEI reduced the post-MI cardiac remodeling , but the phenomenon of Aldosterone escape caused by ACEI during the treatment of heart failure have showed the limited effect of ACEI .

  18. Mukamal说,试验的结果大概一年后才会出来,到时候根据结果我们再决定是否有可能进行更大规模的试验。

    Results of the pilot project should be available in about a year , Mukamal said , and those results will help determine whether a longer , larger trial is possible .

  19. 他对这方法进行过大规模的试验。

    He 's made trial of this method in large .

  20. 中药大规模临床试验及其管理与质量控制

    Administration and quality control of large-scale clinical trials of traditional Chinese medicine

  21. 在13个省进行大规模田间试验的结果表明,所研制的疫苗性能良好,安全有效。

    The results showed that vaccines were safe and efficient .

  22. 大规模人体试验最早将于明年开始。

    Large-scale human trials won 't start until next year at the earliest .

  23. 据报道,去年9月,中国在西部进行了一次大规模导弹试验。

    In September there were reports of a large-scale missile test in western China .

  24. 1954年尼普林博士准备就他的理论进行大规模的试验。

    By 1954 , Dr. Knipling was ready for a full-scale test of his theory .

  25. 行为干预,似乎具有应用前景,但尚缺乏大规模对照试验的支持。

    Behavioral interventions , although promising , have not been evaluated in large-scale controlled trials .

  26. 并且回顾了一个以评价各种治疗方法为目的的大规模临床试验。

    An extensive review of the clinical trials that have evaluated each treatment is also presented .

  27. 世卫组织的使用建议将取决于这项大规模临床试验的最后结果。

    A WHO recommendation for use will depend on the final results from the large clinical trial .

  28. 目前,这种男性避孕措施正在中国及欧洲各国进行大规模地试验。

    Large-scale trials of male hormone-based contraceptives are being conducted in China and Europe , according to the scientists .

  29. 对替代药品进行大规模临床试验是困难的,因为它们并不具备专利药品那样的收益。

    Testing alternative medicines on a large scale is difficult because they don 't generate the revenue of patented drugs .

  30. 但受具体操作和费用等因素影响,针对较大群体的大规模随机试验并未进行。

    But larger , randomized trials open to the larger community hadn 't been done , for logistical and cost reasons .