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dà hán
  • Great Cold;Major Cold;very cold
大寒 [dà hán]
  • (1) [very cold]∶特别寒冷

  • (2) [Great cold]∶农历二十四个节气之一

大寒[dà hán]
  1. 小寒、大寒表示冬天寒冷的程度,大寒是一年中最冷的时候。

    The Slight Cold and Great Cold indicate the degree of coldness in winter , with the Great Cold being the coldest day of the season .

  2. 大寒:一年中最冷的时候。

    Big Chill : the coldest time of the year .

  3. 夏冰,张胜康,唐大寒目的探索成年糖尿病患者热能需要量较准确的计算方法。

    Objective To search a proper method for calculating the energy requirement in the patients with diabetes .

  4. 贝利是一名经验丰富的电影摄影师,曾拍摄《大寒》、《土拨鼠之日》等电影。

    Bailey is a veteran cinematographer who shot such films as " The Big Chill " and " Groundhog Day . "

  5. 即自立春至大寒共二十四个节气,以表征一年中天文、季节、气候与农业生产的关系。它是中国古代独特的创造。

    It shows the relationship between universe , season , climate and agriculture , which is unique creation by Chinese ancestors .

  6. 俗话说,冬至过去到小寒,过了小寒是大寒,过了大寒就过年。

    As a saying goes , The Winter Solstice is past and the Slight Cold , the Great Cold and the New Year come to us one by one .