
  • 网络Rotterdam School of Management;Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University;rsm;RSM Erasmus University
  1. 本文作者马克·格雷芬(MarkGreeven)、杨盛赟、岳韬、埃里克·范埃克(EricvanHeck)和芭芭拉·克鲁格(BarbaraKrug)是伊拉斯谟大学(ErasmusUniversity)鹿特丹管理学院(RotterdamSchoolofManagement)的教师译者:倪卫国

    Mark Greeven , Shengyun Yang , Tao Yue , Eric van Heck and Barbara Krug The writers are faculty members at the Rotterdam School of Management , Erasmus University

  2. 在伊拉斯谟大学(ErasmusUniversity)鹿特丹管理学院(RotterdamSchoolofManagement),硕士课程已不再使用纸质课本,而是改用电子案例研究和该院图书馆中已付版权费的文章来教学。

    At Erasmus University 's Rotterdam School of Management , use of books on the masters courses has been replaced with digital case studies and articles are available through the school 's university library , which pays for the copyrights .

  3. 鹿特丹管理学院可持续发展、管理和气候变化教授盖尔怀特曼(GailWhiteman)表示,女性对可持续发展这个课题非常感兴趣。

    Gail Whiteman , professor of sustainability , management and climate change at RSM , says that women are very interested in sustainability as a topic .

  4. 它们都不是法国学校,而除了鹿特丹管理学院外,其它13所学校的排名都下降了。

    None of these is French and , with the exception of Rotterdam School of Management , all have lost ground .

  5. 伊拉兹马斯大学的鹿特丹管理学院和莱顿大学的中国系已经宣布了一个新的“中国经济和商业”管理项目。

    The Rotterdam School of Management , Erasmus University , and the Chinese Department of Leiden University have announced a new Masters program in Chinese Economy and Business .

  6. 在盖斯·凡·侯文林根带领下,鹿特丹管理学院的科学家们创造五种实验模型来测试物理距离和办公室行为之间的关系。

    Scientists at the Rotterdam School of Management , led by Gijs van Houwelingen , created five experimental simulations to test the relationship between physical distance and office conduct .