
dú lì jī ɡòu
  • Independent institutions;independent agency
  1. NOAA上周二公布了全球气候报告,这也使得它成为第三所得出类似结果的独立机构,另外两所是NASA和日本气象协会,它们各自使用的方法略有差异。

    With the release on last Tuesday of its global climate report , NOAA is the third independent agency - along with NASA and the Japan Meteorological Association - to reach similar findings , each using slightly different methods .

  2. 华盛顿豪锐(howrey)律师事务所合伙人约翰塔拉戴(johntaladay)表示,中国商务部的反垄断部门不像美国和欧盟那样是一个独立机构,因此“不能免受政治压力”。

    John taladay , partner in the Washington practice of howrey , said the anti-trust unit within MOFCOM was not an independent agency like in the US and the European Union , and was therefore " not immune to political pressure " .

  3. 已成立了一个独立机构调查这件事。

    An independent body has been set up to investigate the affair .

  4. 由一个独立机构介入,在劳资之间进行调解。

    An independent body was brought in to mediate between staff and management .

  5. 一家独立机构——奥运会筹建局(theOlympicDeliveryAuthority,ODA)负责建造比赛场馆。

    A separate body , the Olympic Delivery Authority ( ODA ) , is in charge of building the venue

  6. 1975年,一家名为美国医师助理认证委员会(NationalCommissiononCertificationofPhysicianAssistants)的独立机构成立,对这个职业的认证进行监督。

    In 1975 , an independent organization called the National Commission on certification of physician assistants was founded to oversee certification for the profession .

  7. 独立机构“预算责任办公室”(officeforbudgetresponsibility)预测,今年英国经济将略微收缩,未来4年增长率也将低于今年3月的预测。

    The independent office for budget responsibility predicted the UK economy would shrink slightly this year and grow less over the next four years than it had forecast in March .

  8. 与现实形成鲜明对比的是,独立机构预算责任办公室(OfficeforBudgetResponsibility)曾在2010年大选后预测,今明年两年的经济增速都将接近于3%。

    Contrast all this with the post-election forecast from the independent Office for Budget Responsibility , which suggested that growth would be running close to 3 per cent both this year and next .

  9. 独立机构预测今年印度国内生产总值(gdp)增速将低于6%,而过去3年,印度保持着9%的平均增长速度。

    Independent projections suggest growth in gross domestic product this year will fall below 6 per cent , after averaging 9 per cent in the last three years .

  10. 他建议将美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)作为榜样。该机构利用科学家和独立机构来决定哪些药品可允许上市。

    He suggests as a model the US Food and Drug Administration , which involves scientists and independent bodies deciding what drugs are permissible .

  11. 这样的评估结果不算出人意料:包括彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstitute)与咨询机构牛津经济研究院(OxfordEconomics)在内,许多受尊敬的独立机构一段时间以来就一再表达了类似的看法。

    The assessment was not a surprise : respected independent outfits such as the Peterson Institute and the consultancy Oxford Economics have been saying similar for a while .

  12. 德国数据保护专员彼得夏尔(peterschaar)呼吁,应由独立机构对谷歌的做法进行“详细调查”。

    Peter Schaar , the German Commissioner for data protection , called for a " detailed probe " by independent authorities into the practice by Google .

  13. 这个决定还有可能令基金会与阿姆斯特丹的安妮·弗兰克之家博物馆(AnneFrankHousemuseum)产生冲突。该博物馆是一个独立机构,多年来就档案的所有权和商标等法律问题与基金会争吵不断。

    The decision has also set the foundation on a possible collision course with the Anne Frank House museum in Amsterdam , a separate entity that for years has sparred with the Anne Frank foundation over legal questions , such as ownership of archives and trademark issues .

  14. 苹果公司同意独立机构&公平劳动协会对其进行调查。

    Apple had agreed to the probe by the independent Fair Labor Association .

  15. 例句:他建议在银行内部成立一个专门打击洗钱的独立机构。

    Ex : He recommends creating a separate function inside banks devoted to fighting laundering .

  16. 不过,未来或许恰恰属于灵活的独立机构和自由职业者,而不是大公司。

    Yet the future might just belong to agile indies and freelancers , not giant corporations .

  17. 它强调独立机构、竞争和企业家精神在推动经济繁荣方面的重要性。

    It emphasises the importance of independent institutions , competition and entrepreneurship as factors driving prosperity .

  18. 目前正需要一个与食品及药品管理局类似的独立机构来评估所有关于克隆的研究。

    An independent body similar to the FDA is now required to assess all the research on cloning .

  19. 欺诈咨询小组是一个独立机构的志愿者来自公共和私营部门。

    The Fraud Advisory Panel is an independent body of volunteers drawn from the public and private sectors .

  20. 但是,一部分人反对是基于独立机构——国会预算办公室作出的成本估算。

    But some objections are based on cost s from an independent agency , the Congressional Budget Office .

  21. 用框图将机构分解为基本结构和独立机构,是分析机构的第一步。

    Use box to analyze mechanism into elemental structure or independent mechanism is the first step of analysis mechanism .

  22. 焊接和试验在生产主管,以及第三方独立机构人员的督导下实施。

    The performance of welding and test will be supervised by the Production Supervisor and the independent organization personnel .

  23. 这些资金应该通过由欧盟官员监管的独立机构支出,直接向小企业贷款。

    The money should be spent via an independent agency supervised by EU officials that lends directly to small businesses .

  24. 这就要求地方政府为老年人提供住宿,并监督独立机构经营的养老院。

    This required local governments to provide residential accommodation for older people and supervise care homes run by independent organizations .

  25. 同时,根据美国的司法实践,当体育权利受到不利影响的时候,司法机构或其他独立机构享有审查的权力。

    According to American practice , the judiciary or other independent organs can judge the dissension when sports right is disturbed .

  26. 依据现行办法,这些司法部内的调查要报告给总检察长,而不是独立机构。

    Under current practice , those investigations at the justice are reported up to Attorney General , not to independent agency .

  27. 国外立法例中的刑事申诉筛选机制有三种类型:司法机关型、独立机构型和民间团体型。

    Foreign legislative screening mechanism has three types : type of judicial organs , of independent agencies and of non-governmental organizations .

  28. 然而,欧洲央行理事会是一家独立机构,即便是德国央行,也必须尊重该机构的独立性。

    However , the board of the ECB is an independent authority whose independence has to be respected even by the Bundesbank .

  29. 附体试片的焊接工作应在生产主管和独立机构人员的监督下实施。

    The welding on the test coupons shall be performed under the supervision of the Production Supervisor and the independent organization personnel .

  30. 主要研究结果为由独立机构评估确定的症状性静脉或动脉血栓栓塞事件。

    The primary study outcome was the composite of symptomatic venous or arterial thromboembolic events , as assessed by an independent adjudication committee .