
jiān chá jī ɡuān
  • supervisory department;supervisory body
  1. 特邀监察员和兼职监察员根据监察机关的授权进行工作。

    The specially-invited and part-time supervisors carry out the work according to the supervisory department 's authorization .

  2. 对监察机关以及其他行政机关作出的行政处分决定不服的;

    Being not satisfied with the administrative sanction made by the supervisory department and other administrative organization ;

  3. 针对下级政府及公办学校的责任人,主要采取约谈、通报批评、组织处理、移交监察机关或司法机关等问责方式。

    The main administrators7 of lower governments and public schools can be held accountable through having talks , name and shame , administrative punishment , or being handed over to law enforcement authorities and supervisory commissions , it said .

  4. 他们设立原子能委员会作为监察机关。

    They established the Atomic Energy Commission to act as a watchdog .

  5. 进一步完善纪检监察机关的双重领导体制,强化专门职能机构的监督。

    The double leading system should be improved through enhancing the special supervision .

  6. 第五,地方主义对行政监察机关工作干扰太大;

    Localism interferes the work of administrative superintendence .

  7. 拒绝就监察机关所提问题作出解释和说明的;

    Refusal to offer an explanation on the questions raised by the supervisory organ ;

  8. (五)律、政法规规定由监察机关履行的其他职责。

    Fulfil other functions required of supervisory organs as stipulated by laws and administrative rules .

  9. 在监察机关与政府官员之间建立了监督博弈模型,并依此确定监察机关对政府官员的监管力度。

    Subsequently , a Game model for supervising the behavior of the advisory organ and the officials involved .

  10. 监察机关应当受理举报并依法调查处理;

    The supervisory organ shall accept the tipoff and investigate and deal with the violation according to law .

  11. 行政监察机关通过行使这一权力,维护了国家行政纪律的威严,为建立廉洁高效的政府提供有力保障。

    The Administration Supervision department maintains the stateliness of administrative discipline and ensures building a disinterested and efficient government .

  12. 党章草案规定了党的监察机关的任务和监察委员会的上下级之间的关系。

    The draft defines the tasks of the control organs and the relationship between higher and lower control commissions .

  13. 建立建设项目安全监察机关和施工单位之间的安全管理博弈模型。

    This article sets up a safe management game strategy model between a project safety supervision department and a construction company .

  14. 各级纪检监察机关要加强对招商引资有关奖励的监督。

    The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs of all levels shall intensify the supervision on the rewards to the investment attractors .

  15. 法律、行政法规规定由监察机关受理的其他申诉,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定办理。

    Other appeal cases prescribed by the law and administrative rules shall be handled in accordance with related laws and administrative regulations .

  16. 接受移送的单位或者机关应当将处理结果告知监察机关。

    The unit or organ that accepts the matter transferred shall notify the said supervisory organ of how the matter is handled .

  17. 在明初作为地方固定的监察机关,按察使司对于澄清吏治起到了很大的作用。

    In the early Ming Dynasty as a local fixed supervisory agency , it played a significant role in restraining corruption in local .

  18. 国务院监察机关作出的重要监察决定和提出的重要监察建议,应当报经国务院同意。

    Major supervisory decisions and recommendations made by the supervisory organ under the State Council shall be submitted to the State Council for consent .

  19. 重庆监察机关近日称,在对犯罪嫌疑人的抓捕过程中,发现其家中有老人、小孩及病人在场的,可暂不进行搜查和抓捕。

    The Chongqing Procuratorate Department has recently said that police should stop searching or arresting suspects when children or senior citizens are on the scene .

  20. 对市监察机关作出的监察建议或对区监察机关的监察建议回复有异议的;

    Having dissent from the supervisory proposal made by the municipal supervisory department or the reply to the supervisory proposal made by the district supervisory department ;

  21. 监察机关对控告、检举重大违法违纪行为的有功人员可以给予奖励。

    A supervisory organ may reward persons who have rendered meritorious services in charging or informing against serious violations of laws or rules of administrative discipline .

  22. 监察机关对派出的监察机构和监察人员实行统一管理,对派出的监察人员实行交流制度。

    The supervisory organ shall uniformly administer the supervisory bodies and supervisors dispatched by it and adopt a system of exchange of the supervisors dispatched by it .

  23. 对监察机关作出的有关复查、复审等决定不服或者对监察建议及其回复有异议的;

    Being not satisfied with the decision made by the supervisory department on reexamination , or retrial , or having dissent from the supervisory opinion and reply ;

  24. 为了完成这些任务,党的各级委员会必须保证各级监察机关有足够的干部力量,并且经常对于它的工作给以坚强的支持。

    To this end , the party committees at different levels must ensure that the control commissions are adequately staffed and must give them constant and vigorous support .

  25. 监察机关工作人员在执行公务时持有上列授权文件之一的,有关单位或者人员应当给予协助。

    If the public servant of supervisory department holds one of the authorized documents listed above when performing official duty , relevant unit or individual shall give assistance .

  26. 在中央与地方的分权体制中,由于地方利益的影响,行政监察机关难以履行法律所赋予的职责;

    The administrative supervision organizations have difficulties in performing their duties required by law due to influence of local interest under the power division system of central and local government ;

  27. 县级和乡镇纪检监察机关处于纪检监察系统的基础地位,在纪检监察组织体系中起着承上启下的重要作用,是沟通上下、协调左右的关键环节。

    County and township discipline inspection organs at the foundation of the discipline inspection and supervision system , which plays an important role in connecting link and key to communication .

  28. 监察机关依法提出的监察建议,有关部门无正当理由的,应当采纳。

    A supervisory recommendation made by a supervisory organ in accordance with law shall be adopted by the departments concerned , unless they have justifiable reasons not to do so .

  29. 党的各级监察机关的建立和健全,对于反对党内不良倾向的斗争,具有重大的意义。

    To set up and strengthen the control organs of the Party at different levels is a matter of great importance for the struggle against unhealthy tendencies within the Party .

  30. 重要检查事项的立项,应当报本级人民政府和上一级监察机关备案。

    The set-up of cases on important matters for inspection should be reported to people 's governments at the corresponding levels and supervisory organs at the higher level for the record .