
jiān hù rén
  • guardian;custodian;curator;chaperon;tutor;caretaker;guarder
监护人 [jiān hù rén]
  • [tutor;curator;guardian] 负有监护责任的人

监护人[jiān hù rén]
  1. 在没有遗嘱的情况下,由法庭指定监护人。

    In the absence of a will the courts decide who the guardian is .

  2. 这些孤儿的叔父成为他们的监护人。

    Their uncle was declared guardian to the orphans .

  3. 即使你有监护人陪同,也不允许在房间里招待男性。

    You weren 't allowed to entertain men in your rooms even with a chaperone

  4. 责令他的监护人加以管教。

    The guardian is to be ordered to subject him to discipline .

  5. 这张表格须由孩子的家长或监护人签字。

    The form must be signed by the child 's parents or guardian .

  6. 这女孩的父母双亡后,舅父和舅母成了她的监护人。

    After the girl 's parents died , she was made a ward of her uncle and aunt .

  7. 指定一位监护人或管理人来监管债务人的财产免受损失。

    A custodian or trustee is appointed to oversee the debtor 's property to protect it from loss .

  8. 他也许会丢掉他当监护人的职位吧。

    He might lose his job as keeper .

  9. 不足部分,由监护人适当赔偿,但单位担任监护人的除外。

    Shortfalls in such expenses shall be appropriately compensated for by the guardian unless the guardian is a unit .

  10. 第十七条无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的精神病人,由下列人员担任监护人:

    Article 17 A person from the following categories shall act as guardian for a mentally ill person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct :

  11. 银行要确保大学生借贷人有第二还款来源,并未获取具备还款能力的第二还款来源(父母、监护人或其他管理人等)表示同意其贷款行为并愿意代为还款的书面担保材料。

    Banks should make sure college students have a second source of debt repayment or other superiors ) that they approve the loan and are willing to pay it for the borrowers .

  12. 未成年人的父母已经死亡或者没有监护能力的,由下列人员中有监护能力的人担任监护人:

    If the parents of a minor are dead or lack the competence , a person from the following categories who has the competence to be a guardian shall act as his guardian :

  13. 国家助学贷款是指贷款人向借款人发放的由中央财政或地方财政贴息,用于借款人本人或其直系亲属、法定被监护人在国内高等学校就读全日制本、专科或研究生所需学杂费和生活费用的助学贷款。

    State educational loans refer to educational loans granted by the lender to borrowers that are given fiscal interest discounts by the central financial authorities or local financial sector undergraduate , professional or graduate courses .

  14. 对担任监护人有争议的,由精神病人的所在单位或者住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会在近亲属中指定。

    In case of a dispute over guardianship , the unit to which the mentally ill person belongs or the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of his residence shall appoint a guardian from among his near relatives .

  15. 对担任监护人有争议的,由未成年人的父、母的所在单位或者未成年人住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会在近亲属中指定。

    In case of a dispute over guardianship , the units of the minor 's parents or the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of his residence shall appoint a guardian from among the minor 's near relatives .

  16. 没有第一款规定的监护人的,由精神病人的所在单位或者住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会或者民政部门担任监护人。

    If none of the persons listed in the first paragraph of this article is available to be the guardian , the unit to which the mentally ill person belongs , the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of his residence or the civil affairs department shall act as his guardian .

  17. 没有第一款、第二款规定的监护人的,由未成年人的父、母的所在单位或者未成年人住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会或者民政部门担任监护人。

    If none of the persons listed in the first two paragraphs of this article is available to be the guardian , the units of the minor 's parents , the neighbourhood or village committee in the place of the minor 's residence or the civil affairs department shall act as his guardian .

  18. 监护人说NICE的建议会允许孕妇服用一小杯葡萄酒或者半品脱的啤酒。

    The NICE guidelines would permit a small glass of wine or half a pint of beer , the Guardian says .

  19. 词汇精讲:由监护人或法院保护的人(尤指儿童)Eg.Sheinvestedthemoneyonbehalfofherward.她代表受她监护的人投资。Eg.Thechildwasmadeawardofcourt.那个孩子由法院监护。Exp.bethepropertyofsb为某人之财物;

    Exp. person , esp a child , who is under the care of a guardian or the protection of a lawcourt

  20. n.被监护者他双亲过世后,法院让他的姑妈当监护人。……

    ward After his parent 's death , the court made him a ward of him aunt .......

  21. 在电影《公民凯恩》(CitizenKane)中,查尔斯·福斯特·凯恩(CharlesFosterKane)的顾问和法定监护人沃尔特·帕克斯·撒切尔(WalterParksThatcher)告诉他,他的报纸正在大幅亏损。

    In " Citizen Kane , " Charles Foster Kane is notified by his adviser and legal guardian Walter Parks Thatcher that he is losing a great deal of money on his newspapers .

  22. 此外,同样有人关注到,在去年,由于全民医疗服务体系(NHS)实施定量供应监护人举措,痴呆病人被拒绝给予延缓他们病程的药物。

    There hae also been concerns in the last year that dementia patients could be denied drugs to slow down their progression , because of a moe by NHS rationing watchdogs .

  23. 当您使用或继续使用PBG时,即表示您的家长(或监护人)已阅读、了解并同意接受本约定书之所有内容及其后修改变更。

    When you continued to use the PBG , that means your parent ( guidance ) have read , understood and agreed to accepted the whole service regulation and its revision .

  24. 结果住院痴呆患者监护人SCL-90总分及因子分比正常对照组和老年非痴呆患者护理组评分高,但较门诊痴呆组评分低,均有显著差异(P<0.01~0.05)。

    Results It showed that SCL-90 scores were much higher in the guardian of the senile dementia in hospital than those guardians of healthy controls and nursing patient . But were lower than those guardian of out-patient ( P < 0.01 ~ 0.05 );

  25. 相反,如果她的监护人阻止她这样做(这种事时常发生),就很难算作多元文化行为,因为这是想以(姑且称作)复数的单一文化(pluralmonocultural)形式使各种文化保持分离。

    In contrast , the attempt by her guardians to stop her doing this ( a common enough occurrence ) is hardly a multicultural move , since it wants to keep the cultures separate in ( what can be called ) a plural monocultural form .

  26. 但她的女儿、法庭指定监护人弗朗索瓦丝·贝当古-梅耶斯(Fran?oiseBettencourt-Meyers)在西南部城市波尔多的法庭上表示:“巴尼耶的策略不只是为了分裂和征服。而是为了破坏和征服。他想破坏我们的家族。是精心设计的毁灭。”

    But her daughter and court-appointed guardian , Fran ? oise Bettencourt-Meyers , told the court in the southwestern city of Bordeaux : " The strategy of Mr. Banier was not just to divide and conquer . It was to break and conquer . To break our family . It was programmed destruction . "

  27. 法定监护人应该维护这个孩子的利益。

    The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child .

  28. 比你跟你的监护人待家里好玩多了。

    You 'd better stay in the shop with your guardian .

  29. 没有选择了,我现在是你的法定监护人。

    No more options . I 'm now officially your guardian .

  30. 你证明了自己是个非常称职的监护人。

    You have proven yourself to be an exceptionally capable guardian .