
zuò chán
  • sit in meditation
坐禅 [zuò chán]
  • [sit in meditation] 僧尼闭目端坐,凝志静修

  • 高台坐禅

坐禅[zuò chán]
  1. 这时候,怀让认真地对他说:“你学坐禅是为了成佛,其实,成佛靠的是心灵的颖悟,根本不是坐着能解决的。”

    Ma Zu hummed and hawed but couldn 't answer . At this moment , Huai Rang said to him seriously : " You learn to sit in meditation in order to become a Buddha . In fact , it relies on wisdom and comprehension of the mind to become one , not at all on sitting .

  2. 起初抹茶是在坐禅前饮用的,来帮助清醒头脑。

    It was originally drunk before meditation to help with mental awareness and clarity .

  3. 研究者发现,坐禅者确实比对照组有优势。

    Researchers discovered that the Zen meditators did have an edge over the control group .

  4. 2007年,柏林禅寺生活禅第十五届夏令营营员在法师的带领下体会坐禅。

    Participants of the15th Summer Camp of Life Chan in2007 in still-sitting meditation led by a monk .

  5. 他戴著眼镜,于是我叫他拿掉眼镜然后闭著眼睛坐禅。

    He was wearing glasses so I made him take his glasses off and do sitting meditation with eyes closed .

  6. 禅窟是为坐禅而设,其作为石窟形制的一种,地域及时代特征突出。

    As one of grotto shape and structure , monk caves are aiming for zen and are outstanding in region and the times .

  7. 释永信出身于一个虔诚的佛教家庭,他于1981年在少林寺出家后学会了将武术与坐禅合二为一。

    When he moved to the temple from a devoutly Buddhist family in1981 , Yongxin learned to add kung fu moves to his meditation .

  8. 如果家中有面空墙,我们可以进行坐禅,面对空墙会相对容易。

    If you have a white wall , that 's when we did Zen meditation , it 's easier if you 're just facing a wall .

  9. 我要再强调一次,佛陀没有教我们闭著眼睛坐禅,因为这样做不会有什麽结果。

    I would like to emphasize once more that the Buddha didn 't teach to sit with the eyes closed because doing so yields no results .

  10. 要离欲,人就得忘身、服务于他人,以及坐禅,最重要的还是在生活中不眷恋世俗之物。

    To be free of desire one must forget oneself and serve others , meditate , and above all live with-out passionate attachments to worldly things .

  11. 为了避免自己在坐禅时再睡着,达摩于是把自己的睫毛剪掉,并扔到离坐禅冥想处不远的灌木。

    In order to avoid falling asleep again , Daruma cut off both his eyelids and threw them into the bushes not far from his meditation site .

  12. 禅宗是主张坐禅的,而少林却将武术化进了禅的境界,一张一弛,文武独步天下!

    Zen meditation are advocated , and the Shaolin martial arts , however , and into the realm of Zen , a Yichi , Wenwu anywhere the world !

  13. 虽然他的学生当中没人得带状疱疹,但查克透露,太极在喜欢坐禅的老年人当中很流行。

    Although none of his students are trying to ward off shingles , Chuck said the exercise is popular among his older people who prefer tai chi 's meditation aspects .

  14. 这个行为是可以理解的,并且应该得到赞赏,这所小学的校长用心良苦给学生们传授自己20年的坐禅冥想经验。

    It is understandable , and should be appreciated , that the principal of the elementary school introduced his 20-year experience of zazen meditation to his students with the best of intentions .

  15. 再举个真实的例子:有位警察来看我,他想学禅修,他说他坐禅七年但心还是不能平静。

    Another example is a true story : A policeman came to see me and told me he wanted to do meditation , he said he had been doing it for7 years but the mind didn 't get peaceful .

  16. 因此,试着维持这股住于身内之感、浴于气中之感、被气全面包围之感,不仅在这段坐禅时间里,而且随着你度过整日。

    So try to maintain this sense of inhabiting your body , being bathed in the breath , being surrounded by the breath on all sides , not only while you 're sitting here but also as you go through the day .

  17. 中国南部的广东省佛山市的一所小学试点计划,最近学生用坐禅冥想代替它的午睡习惯,最近由于父母的投诉,在尝试只有两天结束后。

    The pilot plan of an elementary school in Foshan , South China 's Guangdong province to replace its customary afternoon nap for students with zazen meditation was recently ended after being tried for only two days , due to the complaints of parents .

  18. 假设我们家里有黄金又在蚊帐内闭眼坐禅,如果我们闭著眼睛而入了定,这时小偷来拿走黄金我们就不能知道或看到。

    Suppose we 're sitting with the eyes closed in a mosquito net and we have gold at home ; if we 're absorbed having the eyes closed , a thief will cone and take away the gold and we don 't know or see it .