
  1. 通过电加热方式,将置于坐盆内的药液加热恒温,达到长时间熏洗患部的目的;

    The medicine liquid in the sitting basin is heated to constant temperature in an electrical heating mode so as to achieve the goal of fumigating and washing affected parts for a long time .

  2. 待稍温后,坐入盆中浸浴15分钟。

    You just temperature , which sit axle soak for15 minutes .

  3. 塔里木河近在咫尺,干涸的河道也呈现在眼前,罗布人坐进卡盆在海子里划着,张网捕鱼,现在也只是一种表演了。

    Luobu man rowing his canoe on the lake , spreading his net out to catch fish & this is now merely for show .

  4. 在拉玛生命中大多数时间里,她都只能坐在塑料盆里被家人端来端去。拉玛的兄弟法哈德每天带她去卡诺城里乞讨。

    For much of her life Rahma 's family would carry her in her bowl , with her brother Fahad taking her into Kano each day to beg for handouts .

  5. 本实用新型坐浴盆增大了盆体的容量和盆沿的宽度,加强了盆体支撑的稳定性。

    The capacity of the hip bath tub and the width of the tube edge are increased , and the supporting stability of the tub body is strengthened .