
  • 网络coordinate time
  1. 光速不变原理对应坐标时定义,而相对性原理对应原时定义,Lorentz因子正是这两个时间定义之间的转换因子。

    The principle of constancy of the speed of light corresponds with the definition of coordinate time . The principle of relativity corresponds with the definition of proper time . The Lorentz factor is the transformation factor between the two definitions of time .

  2. 在广义相对论框架下,研究了基本时空参考系BCRS和GCRS的定义及转换方法,给出了坐标时参考系和空间坐标参考系的定义。

    In the framework of general relativity , the definitions and transform methods about basic space time reference are studied , definitions of coordinate time reference and space coordinate reference are presented . 3 .

  3. 当我看到图片,而我得猜哪个是x那个是y坐标时。

    I hate it when I look at graphs and I have to guess what the x-and y-axes are .

  4. 其次,求实际廓线坐标时,通过对AutoCAD进行二次开发,文中提出了一种新的方法,省去了复杂的数学计算过程。

    For the calculation of the actual profile coordinates , the paper presents a new method based on the development to AutoCAD .

  5. 结果表明,以x/W(z)和y/W(z)作为坐标时,T值的变化规律与z无关。

    The results showed the variational rule of T to be independent of z while choosing x / W ( z ) and y / W ( z ) as coordinates .

  6. 所以GPS外业工作者在只需求坐标时常常不重视天线高的量取工作,甚至不量天线高,GPS内业工作者在计算坐标时常常不输入天线高。

    So family property worker pay attention to high quantity of aerial fetch and work often at demand coordinate only outside the GPS , do not even measure the aerial high , Family property workers in GPS do not often input the high of aerial when calculate coordinates .

  7. 三角剖分计算量大,实现起来费时,在计算当前三角形内像素点对应原图像素点坐标时,本文运用了一种基于改进的Bresenham坐标变换算法。

    For the problem that the calculation of triangulation is time-consuming , an improved algorithm based on Bresenham coordinate transformation is applied when calculating the pixel coordinate in the original image which is corresponding to the pixel in the current triangle .

  8. 如果某个地址总是被解析为某个坐标时,需要编写该代码。

    This code is written as if an address is always resolved to a coordinate .

  9. 在采用迪卡儿直角坐标时,力和位移分解中的问题是不明显的。

    The problems involved in the resolution of forces and displacements are not evident while we use orthogonal cartesian axes .

  10. 针对视觉伺服方法在获取有曲率突变的焊缝的坐标时存在的问题,提出了可行的解决方案。

    Aiming at solving the existed problem when acquiring the coordinates of the seam with curvature discontinuity , a feasible solution was put forward .

  11. 在使用弹道积分方法求取弹丸飞行弹道坐标时,起始发射条件的准确性至关重要。

    When using the ballistic trajectory integral method to obtain the ballistic coordinate , the preci - sion of initiative shoot condition is vital .

  12. 指出在采用点光源测头测量物面测点坐标时,因光束方向相对于机床坐标系的安装偏角而引起的测量误差问题。

    When point light source probe is used to digitize tilted surface , measurement error occurs for there is assembly angular error between beam 's direction and machine tool 's coordinate system .

  13. 对应坐标时定义的速度不能超过光速,但对应原时定义的运动真速度没有极限。

    The speed defined in correspondence with the definition of coordinate time cannot exceed the speed of light . The true speed of motion defined in correspondence with the definition of proper time is without limit .

  14. 这有点奇怪,但当你把它转换到极坐标时,在原点也会发生一样的事。

    It 's a bit strange , but it 's a bit the same thing as when you switch to polar r = 0 coordinates at the origin , r is zero but theta can be anything .

  15. 讨论了振动控制中采用试验模态分析技术实现模态滤波器,以获取模态坐标时传感器的优化配置问题。

    The problem of optimal sensor placement is discussed when the sensor outputs are used to extract the modal coordinates by means of Modal Filters ( MF ) implemented on the basis of the experimental modal analysis theory .

  16. 研究了空间数据处理中常用的坐标时系统及它们之间的关系,分析了各种坐标时的定义及其转换方法,研究并比较了各种坐标时转换方法的精度及其适用范围。

    The commonly used coordinate time system and their relations are studied , their definitions and transformations are analyzed , and transformation precision and scope of application among various coordinate time is compared and studied as well . 5 .

  17. 在计算缓和曲线加桩的对应中桩的平面坐标时,文献[1]计算简单,但理论上不够完善;文献[2]理论严密,但计算复杂。

    When plane coordinates of the central peg corresponding to arbitrary point are computed , literature [ 1 ] is simple in account and unperfect in theory , and literature [ 2 ] is complex in account and perfect in theory .

  18. 文中阐述了在大范围GPS坐标转换时,应采用三维坐标转换模型。

    The paper illustrates that the three-dimensional coordinate transformation model should be used when the GPS coordinate transformation is made in large scope .

  19. 循环再利用Deming循环介绍了基于三相坐标系时,双馈电机及其循环变流器的数学模型。

    The paper introduced the mathematical model of the double-fed motor and cycloconverter using three-phase coordinate system .

  20. 进行坐标转换时,由基准转换确定的转换模型和参考站不是WGS-84基准下的正确坐标所致的GPS计算误差,必将对基准转换产生影响。

    During conversion , the conversion models determined by datum transformation and errors from the GPS computation by incorrect coordinates of the reference station under WGS-84 datum will surely have influence on datum transformation .

  21. 基于对法矩阵的数值检验,GEDEX实验的单源观测资料可用于定轨和解算地球定向参数(EOP),但用于地面VLBI站坐标测定时,地面站坐标与钟参数强相关。

    Numerical investigations on normal matrix show that a single source observation data can be used to determine the orbit of VSOP satellite and EOP , but it is difficult to estimate the positions of ground VLBI stations due to their strong correlation with clock parameters .

  22. 直角坐标采样时的圆柱度误差数学模型

    Mathematical Models of Cylindricality Error with Sampling Points in Rectangular Spatial Coordinates

  23. 球坐标下时谐电偶极子的二阶矢量位

    The Second_order Vector Potential Due to an Arbitrary Current Dipole in Spherical Coordinates

  24. 椭圆偏振态在不同坐标系时的位相差

    Phase Difference of Ellipse Polarized Light in Different Frames

  25. 直角坐标采样时端面圆跳动误差的新测量法

    A new Measurement technique of the End Circular Run-out Error in the Rectangular coordinates

  26. 在进行互通式立交&匝道坐标计算时,由于某些线路的特殊连接,会给计算工作带来意想不到的麻烦。

    Some special links of certain lines will cause difficulties in computation of coordinates for traffic interchange ramp .

  27. 在绘画反应坐标图时,较通行的是把自由能画在纵轴上。

    In depicting reaction coordinates it is more customary to plot the free energy on the vertical axis .

  28. 直角坐标采样时同轴度误差的最小二乘及最小区域评定法与仿真分析

    The least square evaluation and the minimum zone evaluation of the coaxial error and simulation analysis in the rectangular coordinates

  29. 通过对结构坐标匹配时的阈值进行设置,该算法还可以对输出纹理的随机度进行控制。

    By the means of setting threshold value for structural coordinate matching , the algorithm offers the control on output texture randomness .

  30. 结果表明,耦合图法仅适用于折线折点不在坐标原点时的情况。

    The result indicates that the coupling chart method is only applicable when the inflexion does not locate at the coordinate origin .