
  • 网络independence square;Merdeka square;Dataran Merdeka;Plaza de la Independencia
  1. 美国参议员约翰•麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)也投入俄罗斯和西方之间的地缘政治角力,他在基辅独立广场向人群发表演讲。

    John McCain , US senator , also weighed into the geopolitical tussle between Moscow and the west , addressing the crowds in Independence Square , Kiev .

  2. 周日,大约30000名乌克兰反对党支持者聚集在基辅独立广场。

    About 30000 Ukrainian opposition supporters rallied in Kiev 's independence square Sunday .

  3. 据NPR新闻的艾米莉·哈里斯从基辅带来的报道,俄罗斯称独立广场仍然是行动的中心,人们来到这里反思。

    NPR 's Emily Harris is in Kiev . Russia reports Independent Square is still a center of action , and now reflection .

  4. 在总统维克多•亚努科维奇(ViktorYanukovich)的领导下,乌克兰政府的这些特点变得更为糟糕,在基辅独立广场爆发抗议后,亚努科维奇在上月遭到驱逐。

    These features of Ukraine 's regime grew worse under President Viktor Yanukovich , ejected last month after the protests in Kiev 's Maidan Square .

  5. 古晋的独立广场和毗邻的独立皇宫酒店。

    Kuching 's Merdeka Palace Hotel & Suites and the adjoining Padang Merdeka .

  6. 他们在所有街道建立了路障通往独立广场。

    They have built barricades across all the streets leading into Independence Square .

  7. 一个制造了独立广场运动的社会,表现出了了不起的自我组织的能力。

    A society that produced the Maidan movement shows an impressive capacity for self-organisation .

  8. 演讲者和歌手基本上每天都会登上独立广场设立的舞台。

    Speakers and singers still come to the stage on Independence Square most of everyday .

  9. 我当时是在独立广场,反对派将这里变成了开始的地方。

    I in Independence Square which has been the setup point for the opposition movement .

  10. 独立广场上充满快乐,笑声,人群舞动,跳舞庆祝。

    This square , Independence Square , is filled with happy , smiling , jumping , dancing people .

  11. 这曾经是位于独立广场中心巨大的圣诞树的一部分。

    This used to be part of the giant Christmas Tree standing in the center of Independence Square .

  12. 人们对奥巴马总统在加纳独立广场对成千上万加纳人发表的演说充满了的期待。

    There had been high expectations for President Obama addressing thousands of Ghanians at the nation 's Independence Square .

  13. 警方在火光和爆炸声中冲击独立广场时,数以万计的抗议者留在广场周边的街道。

    Tens of thousands of protesters remained on the streets surrounding the square as the police moved in amid fires and explosions .

  14. 奥巴马总统周六参观海岸角城堡之后计划在独立广场向数千名迦纳人发表讲话。

    After the president 's tour of Cape Coast Castle Saturday he was scheduled to address thousands of Ghanians at Independence Square .

  15. 在独立广场,数以千计的总理支持者聆听着鼓舞人心的演讲和音乐。

    In Independence Square several thousand of the prime minister 's supporters gathered to listen to rousing speeches and blaring live music .

  16. 但是,一些反政府示威者不满反对派领导人的决定,今天他们占据基辅独立广场要求就这份协议做出解释。

    However , some anti-government protesters booed opposition leaders to take the stage today in Kiev Independence Square to explain the deal .

  17. 一名女性和小女儿一起前往独立广场,这是自去年爆发抗议以来她第一次来这里。

    Another woman , there with her young daughter , was visiting the square for the first time since the protests began last year .

  18. 仅仅两周半以前,许多示威者在基辅独立广场被杀,乌克兰前总统被迫下台。

    It has been just two and a half weeks since scores of demonstrators were killed around Kiev 's Independence Square , and Ukraine 's former president was forced from office .

  19. 上周三,当警方袭击抗议们在独立广场的营地,牧师们允许一部分教堂作为紧急诊所使用。

    And last Wednesday , when the police attacked the protest camp in Independence Square , the priests allowed one side of the church to be used as an emergency clinic .

  20. 这已经不是第一次,早在2004年乌克兰人就曾经占领独立广场,里面充满了试图推翻他们不相信总统大选结果的人们。

    This is not the first time , Ukrainians have occupied Independence Square , back in 2004 , it was filled with people trying to overturn a presidential election result they didn 't trust .

  21. 我的办公室正好在独立广场,因此我偶尔会为去独立钟的游客带路,一路上给他讲一些费城的历史。

    My office happens to be on Independence Square and now and then I have occasion to direct a tourist to the Liberty Bell or fill him in on a little of the history of Philadelphia .

  22. 一年前,我在独立(Maidan)广场上参加革命,但不是为了如此深切的经济痛苦。

    I was here on Maidan [ Square ] a year ago taking part in the revolution , but not for such deep economic pain .