
dú shēng zǐ
  • only son;only child;singleton
独生子 [dú shēng zǐ]
  • [only son;singleton] 唯一的男孩

独生子[dú shēng zǐ]
  1. 他们失去了独生子,他是患猩红热死的。

    They have lost their only son through scarlet fever .

  2. 那对年轻的父母惯坏了他们的独生子。

    The young parents spoiled their only son .

  3. 我是独生子。

    I 'm an only child .

  4. 我是独生子,因此没有在大家庭里生活的经历。

    I was an only child , and so had no experience of large families

  5. C:·没有,我是独生子。

    C :· No , I 'm a singleton .

  6. 非独生子大学生表达的心理健康服务需求显著(P(0.05)高于独生子女。

    Students of non-only child mental health service needs expressed by a significant ( p0.05 ) higher than the an-only child .

  7. 而有些说法则简直是疯言疯语了:Cork市有人散发传单,说欧盟将引入中国式的独生子政策。

    Some claims are , frankly , mad : a leaflet given out in Cork claims that Lisbon would let the EU bring in a Chinese-style one-child policy .

  8. 我是个独生子,成长过程中感非常孤单。

    I was an only child and very lonely growing up .

  9. 可以,因为我喜欢做你的独生子。

    We are , because I enjoy being an only child .

  10. 他把所有的财力都花在了独生子的教育上了。

    He spent all his resources on educating his only son .

  11. 他们将他们的小独生子泰德一块儿带了来。

    And they brought their son , ted , with them .

  12. 不,告诉爹地,你做独生子很开心

    No. Tell Daddy you 're happy being an only child .

  13. 你知道的,我是独生子。

    As you know , I was the only child .

  14. 那对年轻夫妇对他们的独生子过度溺爱。

    The young couple lavish too much care on their only child .

  15. 我是山缪阿苏卡总统的独生子。

    I 'm the oniy son of President samuei azuka .

  16. 他是一个穷人的独生子。

    He is the only son of a poor man .

  17. 不会是想错过你的独生子的婚礼吧?

    You wouldn 't miss your only SORs wedding now would you ?

  18. 他是独生子,是父母的宠儿。

    As an only child he is the idol of his parents .

  19. 这个独生子继承了家产。

    The only child acceded to the family estate .

  20. 她对她的独生子过度溺爱。

    She lavished much care on her only child .

  21. 结论独生子犯罪者存在明显的心理问题,应引起重视。

    Conclusions Criminal adolescences from the single child families obviously existed psychological problems .

  22. 他喋喋不休地谈论他的独生子。

    His talk ran endlessly on his only son .

  23. 他的独生子像他一样,也是一个音乐家。

    His only son is a musician like himself .

  24. 他为独生子娶了个有钱的女子。

    He married his son to a rich lady .

  25. 我是独生子,所以我母亲对我一向过于溺爱。

    I was an only child and my mother had always over-protected me .

  26. 他罪有应得。他本来就不该宠他的独生子。

    He shouldn 't have spoiled his only son .

  27. 她是一个独生子。我也是。

    Nancy : She 's an only child .

  28. 他家有三口人,他是独生子。

    There are three people in his family and he is the only child .

  29. 那笔钱留给了独生子。

    The money fell to the only son .

  30. 他的财产留传给他的独生子。

    His property fell to his only son .