
  • 网络Normal Science
  1. 图书馆学的常规科学阶段则是从1807年德国M.施莱廷格提出图书馆学概念和1808年提出图书馆整理理论开始的。

    The period of normal science of library science starts with the presentation of " the concept of library science " in 1807 and " the arrangement theory of libraries " in 1808 .

  2. 从托马斯·库恩的科学观看常规科学中的争论

    Controversies in normal science from scientific outlook of Thomas Kuhn

  3. 库恩把科学分为常规科学和科学革命两个交替的阶段。

    Kuhn classified science into two alternate stages : normal science and scientific revolutions .

  4. 凡是具备这两个特点的科学成就,此后我就称之为“范式”。这是一个同“常规科学”密切有关的术语。

    Achievements that share these two characteristics I shall henceforth refer to as'paradigms ' , a term that relates closely to'normal science ' .

  5. 学术运动对于常规科学的负面影响&兼谈民俗学家在非遗保护运动中的学术担当

    The Negative Effects of Academic Campaign on the Regular Science & A Concurrent Comment on the Academic Action of Experts on Folklore in the Protection of Non-material Culture Heritage

  6. 因为如同科学革命时期一样,在常规科学时期,意义的变化、技术的变化、新的解题方式的发明和新的判断标准都会出现。

    Because as the stage of scientific revolutions , in the stage of normal science , meaning chang , technique change , the invention of problem-solutions and new judgment criterion could also exist .

  7. 为深刻把握托马斯-库恩的科学观,运用逻辑分析和史实论证方法,对常规科学中的争论进行分析。

    In order to deeply grasp the idea of scientific outlook of Thomas Kuhn , the paper , with the help of logic analysis and the historical evidence , analyzes controversies in normal science .

  8. 大量交叉科技、边缘科技、横向科技、综合科技的产生标志着一个崭新的超常规科学技术时代的到来。

    Science and technology intersects in large quantities , edge science and technology , lateral science and technology and comprehensive science and technology produce sign the arrival of the conventional era of science and technology .

  9. 因此,从范式的角度看,经历了几十年的发展,技术经济学目前还未进入库恩所说的常规科学时期。

    Therefore , from the angle of paradigm , technological economics has not entered the stage which called normal science by Kuhn , in other words , technological economics has not been a mature discipline .

  10. 1962年,他在《科学革命的结构》一书中提出了一种与传统截然不同的动态的科学发展模式:前科学→常规科学→反常和危机→科学革命→新的常规科学。

    In 1962 , In his " Structure of Scientific Revolutions ", he presents a dynamic pattern of scientific development which is very different from the traditional pattern : the former Science → normal science → crisises and abnormals → scientific revolution → new normal science .

  11. 他们认为,《科学》杂志是为数不多的极富声望的杂志,这种声望令刊登于该杂志的论文具有这样的优势:“某些论文为能发表,也许可以不遵守常规的科学标准。”

    As they point out , science is one of a handful of journals whose high reputation is such that the rewards of appearing there mean that " some may not adhere to the usual scientific standards in order to achieve publication . "

  12. 重视化学常规考试的科学化。

    Making more scientific on the normal chemistry tests .

  13. 通过计算机实例模拟配料计算,它比常规配料计算更科学,具有方便、快速、准确等优点,并能带来明显的经济效益。

    Through computer , s example imitating feeding computing , it is more scientific , convenient , faster , more accurate compared with normal feeding computing , it can also bring significant economic result .

  14. 想要从主观上提高合唱指挥者综合能力,合唱指挥必先考察自我水平如何,走出一些常规误区,通过科学的方法树立正确的观念,避免基础性、概念性的错误。

    To improve the comprehensive ability of choral conductor subjectively , the choral conductor must first examine self-level , correct some general misunderstanding , establish a correct concept by scientific method and avoid some basic and conceptual errors .