
nèi mù xiāo xi
  • inside information;dope;skinny
  1. 能够打击对冲基金和华尔街嚣张的内幕消息舞弊行为,美国证交会(sec)和司法部(doj)肯定长舒了一口气。

    The sense of relief at the securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of justice that they can crack down on blatant abuses of inside information at hedge funds and on Wall Street must be profound .

  2. 供认向拉贾拉贾那纳姆(rajrajaratnam)及其他人提供内幕消息的对冲基金分析师达尼埃尔基耶西(daniellechiesi),让她的律师告诉法院,她“受到了一种不健康、不正常的想要取悦他人的欲望驱使”。

    Danielle chiesi , the hedge fund analyst who has admitted to passing on inside information to Raj Rajaratnam and others , got her lawyers to tell the court she was " motivated by an unhealthy and abnormal desire to please " .

  3. 我得知有关他新女友的最新内幕消息。

    I got the inside scoop on his new girlfriend .

  4. 斯隆利用外交内幕消息发了财。

    Sloane used inside diplomatic information to make himself rich

  5. 她经常打电话向记者们提供大把内幕消息。

    She was constantly on the phone , ladling out inside details to reporters .

  6. 您想了解的所有主要内幕消息都来自GMA。

    All the great insider details you want to know from GMA .

  7. 他们声称自己从属于“匿名者”,核心成员有五到六个人,他们向人们提供自己在Twitter上最新捕获的内幕消息。

    They claim to be affiliated tothe group , a collective with a core of five or six people , and keep people updated about their latest scoopson a Twitter account .

  8. 当她带着《娱乐周刊》的AdamB.Vary参观《生活大爆炸》的衣橱时,奎格利给了我们关于佩妮、艾米和伯纳黛特的鲜明风格的内幕消息。

    Quigley gave us the inside scoop on the signature styles of Penny , Amy and Bernadette when she took EW 's own Adam B. Vary on a guided tour of the Big Bang wardrobe closet .

  9. 内幕消息:到达第103楼Ritz-Carlton酒店大堂的升降机据称是香港最快的,每秒可移动9米。

    Insider tip : The elevator ride to the Ritz-Carlton 's lobby on the103rd floor is said to be the fastest in Hong Kong , traveling nine meters per second .

  10. 他们有许多关于这方面的内幕消息。

    They have a good deal of dope on this subject .

  11. 他们怎么总能搞到内幕消息?

    How can they always manage to get inside stories ?

  12. 艾莉尔:我知道你会告诉我内幕消息。

    Ariel : I know you 'll give me the inside scoop .

  13. 他们能得到内幕消息,绝密消息;

    They can acquire more information which is confidential .

  14. 利用并购内幕消息进行投机的状况分析

    Analysis of the Speculative Situation Using the Inside Information of M & A

  15. 在没有内幕消息可提供后,他切断了与这位英特尔内部人士的联系。

    He cut ties with the Intel insider because his sources dried up .

  16. 比如从政府那边得到些内幕消息。

    Like a little advance notice from the governor .

  17. 这一切都鲜明展示出泄露的内幕消息是怎样在金融市场传播的。

    All of this has shown graphically how leaks spread within financial markets .

  18. 为什么不利用一下这种内幕消息呢?

    Why shouldn 't such inside information be rewarded ?

  19. 我意外的是你发现内幕消息。

    I was surprised you found that confidential information !

  20. 难道只有当他自己是内部人时,他才会相信内幕消息?

    Does he trust in inside knowledge only when the insider is himself ?

  21. 我得到了他们计划的内幕消息。

    I have inside information of their plans .

  22. 内幕消息与事实相关的消息,尤指具有秘密性质的消息

    Factual information , especially of a private nature

  23. 对于可能存在的内幕消息泄露,高盛知道哪些情况?

    What does Goldman know about possible leaks of inside information ? Why , when Mr.

  24. 你很熟悉内幕消息。

    You are much in the know .

  25. 内幕消息未向公众披露,有关公司活动的重要信息。

    Insider information material information about a company 's activities that has not been disclosed to the public .

  26. 但是这些深层信息通常都是应该保密的内幕消息,检察官如是说道。

    All too often the insights given were inside information that should have remained confidential , prosecutors say .

  27. 她声称自己被解雇是因为她知道整起庞氏骗局的内幕消息,

    Well , she 's claiming she was fired because she had insider information about the ponzi scandal ,

  28. 综合分析后,本文得出基金经理的证券选择能力是依据对市场公共信息的分析得到的,并没有证据表明基金经理凭借内幕消息而获得超额收益。

    After integrated analysis , the text infers that managers obtain securities selection ability by analyzing market common information .

  29. 她向他提供内幕消息,并不是为了给自己赚钱,而仅仅是为了取悦对方。

    She passed him insider information , not to make a profit herself , but simply to please him .

  30. 为了内幕消息不择手段,包括侵犯我们员工的个人隐私。

    He 'd do anything to get an inside scoop , including violate our employees ' right to privacy .