首页 / 词典 / good


shēng yìng
  • stiff;rigid;dry;arbitrary;untended;brusgue
生硬 [shēng yìng]
  • (1) [stiff]∶不自然;不纯熟

  • 他一一去看刚才做过手术的伤员,用生硬的中国话直接问:好不好?--《截肢和输血》

  • (2) [untender]∶态度和方式上不柔和、不温顺

  • 作风生硬

  • (3) [dry] [美术]∶外形缺乏优美线条和色彩变化不柔和

生硬[shēng yìng]
  1. 他对这部文学作品的生硬翻译近乎刻板

    His rigid translation of this literary work border on literalness

  2. 但仍存在一些较为生硬、命令式的语言表达,个别医学术语表述存在错误。

    But there were still some rigid and commanding expressions , and incorrect-used medical terminology .

  3. 这些服务员态度生硬,服务不周,经理也一样。

    The waiters were rude and unhelpful , the manager ditto .

  4. 他那番欢迎他们的话讲得生硬刻板。

    The speech he made to welcome them was stiff and formal .

  5. 在我们会面时,她跟我说话非常生硬。

    She was very abrupt with me in our meeting .

  6. 她本想道歉,但词语生硬。

    She made a clumsy attempt to apologize .

  7. 他提问时语气生硬。

    His tone was terse as he asked the question .

  8. 他一字一顿,听上去很生硬。

    His voice was harsh as he enunciated each word carefully

  9. 歌词平淡老套,押韵生硬蹩脚。

    The lyrics are banal and the rhymes clumsy .

  10. “我还不太傻,”她生硬地说。

    ' I 'm not altogether a fool , ' she said gruffly .

  11. 他生硬粗暴的态度让他声名狼藉。

    His abrasive manner has won him an unenviable notoriety

  12. 他的行文晦涩而生硬。

    He had a dense , ponderous style .

  13. 他的发言很生硬,有时还打结巴。

    His delivery was stilted and occasionally stumbling .

  14. 医生们说话简短生硬,十分忙碌。

    The doctors are brusque and busy

  15. 他们挨个儿走上前去,勉强地咕哝出几句欢迎词,生硬地鞠躬致礼。

    One by one they came forward , mumbled grudging words of welcome , made awkward obeisances .

  16. 他的态度毫无生硬之处。

    There 's nothing at all stiff about him .

  17. 这条习语用得很生硬。

    This idiom is awkwardly used .

  18. 虽然他生性急躁,而且经常很固执生硬,可是对孩子们却十分温存。

    Though he was quarrelsome by nature and often stubborn and hard , he was always gentle with children .

  19. 与那些优秀的推荐信相比,一封还不错的推荐信则会写:‘该申请者效率高或很聪明,是个理智的科学家等这种明显生硬的赞扬,’但这并没有让申请者从众多申请人中脱颖而出。

    " Compare those excellent letters with a merely good letter : ‘ The candidate was productive , or intelligent , or a solid scientist or something that 's clearly solid praise , ' but nothing that singles out the candidate as exceptional or one of a kind . "

  20. 他会无缘无故大发雷霆,粗暴生硬,简直叫人受不了。

    He flew into rages over nothing , seemed unbearably raw and irritable .

  21. 他的态度似乎很生硬冷淡。

    His manner seemed rather stiff and impersonal .

  22. MyBest–有点生硬。

    My Best – A little stilted .

  23. 他们生硬、敌视、沾满污垢和铁锈的脸庞(b亨利罗斯)

    Their tough , hostile faces , smirched by the grime and rust ( bHenry Roth )

  24. 给Ellen我爱你我-爱-你别那么生硬嘛我爱你我-爱-�

    To Ellen , I love you , I-Love-You , Not hard I love you , I-Love-You

  25. Snort系统是完全由规则驱动的,只是对网络接口数据进行生硬的模式匹配。

    Snort system is absolutely drived by rules , and it just matching the data with the rules .

  26. Thanksforyourconsideration–有点生硬带点屈从,尽管它几乎是寻求排斥,但是在商业邮件中它很有用。

    Thanks for your consideration . - A tad stilted with a note of servility , this can work in the business context , though it 's almost asking for a rejection .

  27. 这种2D矩形和3D几何体的交叉产生一种生硬,奇怪的线&线的一边是粒子,另一边是几何体。

    The intersection of the2D quad with the3D world geometry creates a hard , straight line & on one side of the line is particle , and on the other is world geometry .

  28. 试验用不同质量浓度的IBA、IAA和NAA溶液处理伞房决明的1年生硬枝。

    One-year Hard Twigs of Cassia corymbosa were dealt with 3 kinds of exogenous auxins ( IAA , NAA , IBA ) with different concentration .

  29. 停车场硬朗到几乎生硬的角度似乎与拉皮德斯轻松自在的风格不符,但其开放式结构、倾斜的V形柱却淡淡呼应了幽默的迈阿密现代主义。

    The harsh , almost geological angularity of the parking garage shears through Lapidus 's easy informality , yet with its open structure and its canted and V-shaped columns there is a faint echo of playful MiMo .

  30. 瑞安航空的迈克尔攠利里(MichaelO’Leary)近来开始对客户采取不那么生硬的态度,但这家可能有很长的路要走。

    Ryanair 's Michael O'Leary has recently started taking a less abrasive stance with his customers , but it could be a long road .