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huì sè
  • obscure;hard to understand;verbiage;unclear in meaning
晦涩 [huì sè]
  • [hard to understand;obscure] 文辞等隐晦,不流畅,不易懂

  • 现代的社论是措辞既复杂又晦涩的杰作

晦涩[huì sè]
  1. 作品继承的传统小说写法,使作品的意蕴含蓄朦胧而不晦涩;

    The author inherited traditional writing method to make the novel implicit , not hard to understand .

  2. 废名的小说向有晦涩之名,原因之一是其作品中存在着大量的黄梅方言成分。

    One of the reasons why Fei Ming 's works are hard to understand is that there are a lot of HuangMei dialect .

  3. 她的诗随处可见晦涩的文学典故。

    Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusion .

  4. 他过去常作些极其乏味、晦涩难懂而且令人非常厌烦的演讲。

    He used to make extremely dull , turgid and frankly boring speeches

  5. 它那戏剧性的微妙之处常被含糊处理到了晦涩的地步。

    Its dramatic nuances were often generalised to the point of opacity .

  6. 《弃我而去》这首歌非常伤感,听起来很晦涩。

    ' Rid Of Me ' is harrowing , uneasy listening

  7. 父亲的这段笔记更加晦涩难懂。

    My father 's notes are more cryptic here .

  8. 他的散文文笔有力、内容庞杂,有时几近晦涩。

    His prose is vigorous and dense , occasionally to the point of obscurity .

  9. 这首诗再怎么晦涩,至少有一点是清楚的。

    Whatever its obscurities , the poem was clear on at least one count .

  10. 他的行文晦涩而生硬。

    He had a dense , ponderous style .

  11. 他的文章很晦涩,而且往往篇幅冗长。

    His writing is difficult and often verbose .

  12. 晦涩的法律法规有悖于法治和议会民主。

    Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy .

  13. 这些合同的语言晦涩难懂。

    The contracts are written in obscure language

  14. 他的书出了名的晦涩难懂。

    His books are notoriously impenetrable .

  15. 他的文章含混晦涩,让人看后不知所云。

    His writing is so diffuse and obscure that it is difficult to make out what it is he is trying to say .

  16. 这会让人以为是一本内容晦涩而详尽的大部头自传。但正好相反,这本书简短明了。

    This would lead one to expect a fat , dense and detailed autobiography . The reverse is true . The book is short and spare .

  17. 措辞晦涩,致使人误解本意。

    The wording is so ambiguous that it leads to misinterpretations .

  18. 他的话很晦涩难懂。

    His words were quite opaque .

  19. 另一方面,圣经又限制了清教时期的作品,使它们显得晦涩沉闷

    In other ways the Bible limited Puritan writing , blurring and deadening the pages .

  20. “书呆子解释”即用过分智力的、详尽的方式解释某事,特别是当主题比较晦涩或科技含量很高时。

    Nerdsplaining means explaining in an overly intellectual , obsessively1 detailed2 way , particularly when the topic is obscure or highly technical .

  21. 经典的C语言方式进行面向对象编程的一种方式就是使用晦涩的指针,比如句柄。

    The classic C language approach to object oriented programming is the usage of opaque pointers , i.e. , handles .

  22. 输出结果可能有些晦涩难懂,但是如果您有一个快速的Internet链接,卷屏的速度应该相当快。

    The output will look rather unintelligible , and should scroll by relatively quickly if you have a fast Internet connection .

  23. GIS可以将晦涩抽象的数据表格变为清晰简明的彩色地图,帮助专业人员进行决策;

    GIS may turn the obscure and abstract data forms into distinct and concise colorful maps . It helps specialists make strategic decisions .

  24. 10年前,世界银行(worldbank)的官员还会解释诸如“适应性腐败”和“职能缺失性腐败”等概念之间的晦涩区别,他们的解释在听者耳朵里似乎还有点道理。

    Ten years ago , World Bank officials would make arcane distinctions between concepts such as " adaptive corruption " and " dysfunctional corruption " that to their audience seemed to border on rationalisation .

  25. 对于一些晦涩的长篇幅诗作,洛克伍德发现她的Twitter粉丝有着出人意料的耐心。

    Lockwood has found that her Twitter fans have surprising patience with some of her longer and less accessible poems .

  26. 但是这就跟工具一样,顽固分子也可能会编写晦涩的Python代码。

    As is this case with any tool , however , a determined user can write Python code that is obtuse .

  27. 在血凝指标中,燥红质患者的PT显著小于迟冷质和晦涩质患者。

    In the blood coagulation index , dry and heat constitution in patients with PT was significantly less than slow and cold constitution and obscure quality of patients .

  28. 如果异常被JS解释器抛出,异常消息因为JS的简化通常晦涩难懂。

    If an exception is thrown by the JS interpreter , the message will typically be extremely cryptic due to the nature of JS minification .

  29. 顺便提一下,如果过了一会儿您只收到晦涩的消息“Scratchboxisnotproperlysetup!”,那么可能需要启动它。

    By the way , if you come back to this after a while only to get the cryptic message that " Scratchbox is not properly set up !," you probably need to start it .

  30. 肯辛顿宫周二发布的一份措辞晦涩的声明巧妙地回避了这个问题,表示不会邀请任何政界人士参加5月19日在温莎城堡举行的婚礼,甚至包括英国首相特丽莎·梅(TheresaMay)。

    Neatly sidestepping the issue , Kensington Palace released an opaque statement Tuesday saying that no politicians would be invited to the May 19 wedding at Windsor Castle , not even Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain .
