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huì àn
  • dark and gloomy;dark;gloomy;opaque
晦暗 [huì àn]
  • [dark ;gloomy] 昏暗无光的;部分或全部黑暗的

晦暗[huì àn]
  1. 邮票是晦暗的深蓝色。

    The stamp was a dull blue colour .

  2. 天气极其恶劣。寒风凛冽,天色晦暗,能见度极低。

    The weather was at its worst ; bitterly cold , with leaden skies that gave minimum visibility .

  3. 紧凑型荧光灯如果简单地安装在白炽灯的固定装置中,就会出现褪色、雾化和晦暗的视觉效果。

    A CFL cannot be simply installed in an incandescent fixture and then expected to produce a visual appearance that is more than washed out , foggy , and dim .

  4. 隐含着正面含义的单词,像鸟类和鲜花,自然让我们感到快乐;而比较晦暗的单词,像peril(危险),给人一种不那么积极正面的感受。

    Words with positive connotations , like birds and flowers , naturally make us happy , while darker words , like peril , instill less positive feelings .

  5. 请看柏林,在这里,布兰登堡门(BrandenburgGate)一带的建筑物弹痕累累,石块和廊柱晦暗无光,让我们永远不忘记我们具有共同的人性。

    Look at Berlin , where the bullet holes in the buildings and the somber stones and pillars near the Brandenburg Gate insist that we never forget our common humanity .

  6. 根据Wolfers先生的观点,因数据缺乏,故在过去,收入与幸福间的关系晦暗不明。

    According to Mr Wolfers , the correlation was unclear in the past because of a paucity of data .

  7. 我喜欢阴沉、乖戾、晦暗的词。比如skulk(躲躲闪闪),glower(怒目而视),scabby(卑劣的),churl(吝啬鬼)。

    I like sullen , crabbed , scowling words , such as skulk , glower , scabby , churl .

  8. 片中,毛克利不时受伤流血,所处环境晦暗险恶,还有邪恶的大反派–老虎谢利·可汗(伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(IdrisElba)配音)。

    Mowgli is regularlystreaked with blood , his surroundings are murky and sinister , and Shere Khan ( Idris Elba ) the tiger is a far more menacing antagonist .

  9. 这薛西斯的帝国里,最晦暗一面所带来的惨况

    coughed forth from the darkest corner of Xerxes ' empire .

  10. 天色晦暗,细雨蒙蒙。

    The sky was murky and a thin drizzle was falling .

  11. 那幅画因没有着色而显得晦暗。

    The absence of color in that drawing makes it dull .

  12. 晦暗,晦暗我的光,更晦暗我的欲望。

    Dark , dark my light , and darker my desire .

  13. 他的脸上有皱纹,与其说脏,还不如说晦暗。

    His face was rugged , and grimed rather than dirty .

  14. 从晦暗的大地冲破黎明,高唱着圣歌在天府门庭。

    From sullen earth , sings hymns at heaven 's gate ;

  15. 自然干燥得到的大蒜微胶囊产品包埋率最高,但是,产品外观色泽晦暗;

    Microcapsule of highest embedded rate can be gained by natural desiccation .

  16. 霍桑《好男儿布朗》中晦暗、神秘意象的双重解读

    Double Interpretation of the Ambiguous and Mysterious Images in YOUNG GOODMAN BROWN

  17. 此外,该公司股份的确切所有权也晦暗不明。

    And the precise ownership of the company 's shares are murky .

  18. 过去几年这间屋子一直太晦暗了。

    It 's been so dark and gloomy the past few years .

  19. 从晦暗到明亮:育伦古人精神力量中的审美维度

    From Dull to Brilliant : The Aesthetics of Spiritual Power among the Yolngu

  20. 伯莎望着窗外晦暗的天色。

    Bertha was looking out of the window at the bleakness of the day .

  21. 他知道,在晦暗乏味的冬天我总是情绪低落。

    He knew how the darkness and dreariness of winter always got me down .

  22. 你的爱情,不过是泡沫里最晦暗的那一小圈。

    Your love , but the most gloomy of a bubble that small circle .

  23. 这些废钢颜色晦暗,而不锈钢却银光闪闪。

    The scrap is so dull look while stainless steel is so shiny and silvery .

  24. 因薄雾而造成的晦暗状态。

    Cloudiness resulting from haze or mist .

  25. 我凝视着他,发现他的眼睛看去晦暗呆滞。

    I looked steadfastly at him , and perceived that this eyes looked dull and glazed .

  26. 容器里的水熠熠生辉,大海里的水却晦暗莫测。

    The water in a vessel is sparkling ; the water in the sea is dark .

  27. 馆里阴冷、晦暗,沿四面墙都是明亮的玻璃窗。

    It was cool and dark in there , with lit windows all along the walls .

  28. 她的身体日见失掉意义,成为沉闷而晦暗,现在只是一个无意义的物质了。

    Her body was going meaningless , going dull and opaque , so much insignificant substance .

  29. 天空的色彩时刻变幻着,将光明和晦暗投射在大地上。

    The heavens change every moment , and reflect their glory or gloom on the plains beneath .

  30. 晦暗填补了内心,对我们的所有忽视,让我用笑声回应。

    Darkness fills my heart and I 'm laughing loud on all that 's passed us by .