首页 / 词典 / good


chōng shí
  • enrich;substantial;rich;flesh out;replenish;reinforce;amplify
充实 [chōng shí]
  • (1) [substantial]∶内容充足不虚

  • 内容充实

  • (2) [rich]∶富足

  • 百姓充实

  • (1) [enrich]∶使内容丰富

  • 我们的语言从许多来源得到充实

  • (2) [replenish]∶使充足

  • 充实库存

充实[chōng shí]
  1. 因此,如果没有充实的工程计划,则唯一可靠的用户信息安全来源是WebSphereApplicationServer基础设施。

    Thus , without substantial engineering efforts , the only reliable secure source of user information is the WebSphere Application Server infrastructure .

  2. 为XLPE电缆实现安全、准确、实时的查出隐患和故障提供了充实的理论依据和实现方法。

    XLPE cables to achieve a safe , accurate , real-time to detect hidden dangers and failure to provide a substantial theoretical basis and implementation .

  3. 我总是相信生活要尽量充实。

    I 've always believed in living life to the full .

  4. 通过例证使干巴巴的论点充实起来。

    Examples were used to flesh out the skeleton of the argument .

  5. 她认为人应当尽量活得充实。

    She believes in living life to the max.

  6. 她写的东西立意极深,内容特别充实。

    Her writings have extraordinary depth and solidity .

  7. 这个评论需要进一步充实。

    That comment needs some amplification .

  8. 过去10年是他一生中最快乐、最充实的时期。

    The past 10 years have been the happiest and most fulfilling of his life

  9. 你不管做什么都会成功,并且会过着非常充实有趣的生活。

    You will be successful in whatever you do and you will have a very full and interesting life .

  10. 彩票收入用于发展体育和娱乐产业,同时还用来充实国库。

    The proceeds from the lottery go towards sports and recreation , as well as swelling the coffers of the government

  11. 这是一次试图使至今还只是框架的计划充实起来的尝试。

    This is an attempt to put flesh on what has been a very bare skeleton plan up to now .

  12. 先搭好架子,再充实内容。

    First make an outline , and then fill in the content .

  13. 音乐能充实你的人生。

    Music can enrich your whole life .

  14. 那所学校师资力量很充实。

    The school has a strong faculty .

  15. 这是个相当好的故事,但还要充实一下我们才能发表。

    It 's quite a good story but it needs beefing up a bit before we can publish it .

  16. 全心全意投身工作,你的生活就会充实和快乐。

    If you set your whole mind and heart on your work , your life will be full and happy .

  17. 你通常从筹集那些最坚定的投资者开始,来渐渐向那些摇摆不定的人迈进,他们的兴趣会随着这轮投资的充实而逐渐增加。

    You usually start collecting money from the most committed investors and work your way out toward the ambivalent ones , whose interest increases as the round fills up .

  18. 所以,尝试用其他工作来充实你的时间。

    So , try filling up your time with other work .

  19. 她以大量的例证来充实自己的理论。

    She supports her theory with copious evidences .

  20. 充实和丰富世界观理论是完善哲学方法的有效途径

    Substantiating and enriching the world outlook theory is an effective way of perfecting philosophical method .

  21. 最难的部分往往是想一些小事来充实你一天的时间。

    The hardest part can often be thinking of small things to do in order to fill your time during the day .

  22. 许多人都意识到这样一个选择,是继续在薪水丰厚却让自己感觉悲惨的职场道路上走下去,还是做一些赚钱不多却让自己心灵充实的事情——后者被称为protirement。

    For many , that realisation leaves a straight choice between continuing in a career that pays well but makes them miserable " protirement " .

  23. 香奈儿·米勒令人惊叹的回忆录被《人物》杂志评为年度最佳书籍。这是一个充满创伤和超越的故事,闪耀着克服苦难、过上充实而美好生活所需的勇气。

    Chanel Miller 's breathtaking memoir and transcendence , shining with the courage required to move through suffering and live a full and beautiful life .

  24. 员工们利用闭馆为动物们提供了一次新的充实自己的机会,其中就包括企鹅漫游。

    Instead , staff are using the empty aquarium as an opportunity to provide enrichment to the animals in new ways - including penguin tours .

  25. 让我们回去充实match子例程

    Let 's go back and flesh out the match subroutine

  26. EVA在其发展过程中不断充实,产生了与其相关的一系列指标。

    With the development of EVA , a series of index associate with it were introduced .

  27. 方法用ISO9000族质量体系标准的原理和方法进行充实和补充。

    Methods The systemic integrated nursing system was supplemented by using of the principle and method of ISO9000 .

  28. 6S管理可以充实企业文化,可以推进企业文化。

    6S management can fulfill and develop the enterprise culture .

  29. 并以概率积分法为例,赋予地表移动参数g,tgβ,S,b以明确的力学涵义和公式,从而充实了地表移动预计方法的内容。

    Using the probability integration method , the author gave the parameters of surface movement q , tg β, S , and b clear mechanical definitions . Thus improved the method of predicting surface movement .

  30. 现代汉语中连A带B格式的出现频率很高,该格式构成复杂、形式简练、表义丰富,在语言长期发展过程中不断得到充实和创新。

    In modern Chinese , the form of " lian A dai B " appears with great frequency , complex constitution , succinct form and rich semantic representation . It has been enriched and innovated in the process of language development .