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líng li
  • clever;smart;quick;witted;bright;quick-witted;just;clear;readily;light and handy;with alacrity
伶俐 [líng lì]
  • (1) [clever; bright; quick; witted]∶机灵;灵活

  • 聪明伶俐的人

  • (2) [light and handy]∶轻盈;轻巧

  • 伶俐身材

  • (3) [with alacrity;readily]∶爽快;干脆

  • 说话伶俐

  • (4) [just;clear]∶正当;清楚;干净

  • 做了些不伶俐的勾当

伶俐[líng li]
  1. 你真伶俐,解出了这道数学题。

    It 's clever of you to work out the maths problem .

  2. 而且他们说她伶俐。

    And they called her clever .

  3. 她敏捷的才思和伶俐的口齿

    her sharp wit and quick tongue

  4. 这孩子从(自,打)小儿就伶俐。

    He has been a bright kid since his early childhood .

  5. 但他知道,盲目的热情可能使伶俐的头脑发昏。

    However , he realized the air of empty-headed heartiness might also mask a shrewd mind .

  6. 安妮·海瑟薇的“精灵头”看起来伶俐可爱,她身穿布满闪钻的雪白色Chanel礼服走上红毯。

    Anne walked her cute pixie cut down the red carpet in a snow white Chanel gown encrusted in glittering crystals .

  7. 人们还会继续去听他的演讲,不是为了崇拜舌齿伶俐,也不是身体灵活,而是因为RamDass真正地知道”和那个唯一结合“是什么感觉。

    People continued to attend his lectures not to admire glibness or agility but because Ram Dass actually seemed to know what " merging with the One " felt like .

  8. 伶俐的知更鸟栖息树丛,唱得甜蜜。

    Sweet Robin sits on the bush , singing so rarely .

  9. 她很甜蜜,很伶俐,很有头脑。

    She was sweet , she was witty , she was intelligent .

  10. 宾馆侍者安静伶俐高效地来回忙碌着。

    The bellhops moved silently and instantly and efficiently .

  11. 最好的马儿要人驯,最伶俐的孩子要人训。

    The best horse needs breaking , and the aptest child needs teaching .

  12. 哦,伶俐的小宋韵,难道你也要参加比赛吗?

    Oh , cute little sung-wan , even you 've joined the competition ?

  13. 人们认为熊猫,考拉熊是如斯伶俐和智慧。

    People usually think pandas ; koala bears are so cute and smart .

  14. 温柔娇媚、伶俐可爱的服饰都很适合你。

    You 'll be in a super soft , feminine mode this summer .

  15. 热情善良与伶俐。

    Kind , intelligent , loving and hot ;

  16. 她很有魅力,既伶俐又稳重。

    She has charm , wit and poise .

  17. 她们漂亮、伶俐,全都效力于查理。

    They 're beautiful , they 're brilliant , and they work for charlie .

  18. 他一头灰发,谈吐乖巧伶俐,举止小心翼翼。

    He was a grey-haired man , with a plausible voice and careful manners .

  19. 不太伶俐或在文化上有成见的人。

    Not very intelligent or interested in culture .

  20. 现在地板上有小鸡,伶俐的黄的小鸡。

    And now there are chicks here on the floor , cute yellow chicks .

  21. 然而他还是骗过了他们,因为他非常地伶俐。

    but he made fools of them still , for he is astonishingly cunning .

  22. 她很伶俐,但她的话我一句也不信。

    She 's very slick , but I don 't believe a word she says .

  23. 我虽然佩服他的勇气,但我认为他这样做是不伶俐的。

    Much as I admire his courage , I don 't think he acted wisely .

  24. 你的口齿是不是不够伶俐?

    Is Your Mouth A Little Weak ?

  25. “看她多伶俐!”红脸萨姆的妻子俯身在柜台上说。

    " Ain 't she cute ?" red sam 's wife said leaning over the counter .

  26. 玛丽是位聪慧伶俐的女孩子。

    Mary is a smart girl .

  27. 猴子天生善于模仿人们的动作,他们都表现出自己是很伶俐的学生;

    Being naturally great mimics of men 's actions , they showed themselves most apt pupils ;

  28. 他象个坐在高脚椅里的伶俐孩子那样快活地前后摇晃起来。

    He began rocking back and forth happily like a handsome child in a high chair .

  29. 尽管良多人都知道海枯石烂一向都是我们的最“伶俐”的选择。

    Even though staying in love is our " smartest " choice all the way around !

  30. 爷爷,我要告诉您的话很多很多,您不是说我口龄伶俐吗?

    What impresses me most is that grandpa imitated birdsong to amuse me when I was crying .