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zāo gāo
  • too bad;how terrible;what bad luck;mal-
糟糕 [zāo gāo]
  • [terrible] 指事情或情况不好

  • 事实比他想象的更要糟糕

糟糕[zāo gāo]
  1. 阿珍:真糟糕!这跟我们的钱遭窃有关系吗?

    Jane : How terrible ! Is this related to the missing money ?

  2. 她告诉你我有多糟糕了吗?

    Did she tell you how terrible I was ?

  3. 我有一种极糟糕的预感:他会尾随我。

    I had a nasty feeling that he would follow me .

  4. 我们在迈阿密一套糟糕透顶的公寓里住了一星期。

    We spent a week in a gruesome apartment in Miami .

  5. 他丢了工作,过得很糟糕。

    He had lost his job and was living in squalor .

  6. 糟糕,我可能把钱包给丢了!

    Oh dear ! I think I 've lost my purse !

  7. 他们对待雇员的方式糟糕透了。

    It 's dreadful the way they treat their staff .

  8. 他无疑是最糟糕的电视演员!

    He has to be the worst actor on TV !

  9. 这支球队的表现并不像最终比分所显示的那样糟糕。

    The team did not play as badly as the scoreline suggests .

  10. 一些老师因为表现糟糕而受到严厉批评。

    Some of the teachers were rapped for poor performance .

  11. 看到如此糟糕的生活环境他觉得很气愤。

    He was disgusted to see such awful living conditions .

  12. 那天晚上的活动一开始挺糟糕,因为演讲者没有来。

    The evening started badly when the speaker failed to turn up .

  13. 我的装潢工作做得实在是糟糕。

    I 've made a real botch of the decorating .

  14. 最糟糕的是没有能力改变任何事情。

    The worst part is being helpless to change anything .

  15. 那是她一生中最糟糕的经历。

    It was the worst experience of her life .

  16. 他们生活在最糟糕的环境里。

    They were living in the most deplorable conditions .

  17. 她最近的一部电影很糟糕。

    Her latest movie is a bunch of crap .

  18. 天气这样糟糕还开车,真是疯了。

    It 's sheer lunacy driving in such weather .

  19. 他或许是一位好父亲,但却是个很糟糕的丈夫。

    He may be a good father but he 's a terrible husband .

  20. 糟糕的饮食终将导致疾病。

    A poor diet will ultimately lead to illness .

  21. 她最近的一部电影很糟糕。

    Her latest film is a load of crap .

  22. 还有另一种更糟糕的可能。

    There is another , more sinister , possibility .

  23. 最糟糕的是必须在雨中等待三个小时。

    The worst part was having to wait three hours in the rain .

  24. 接着,更糟糕的是,他的父母亲来了。

    And then , to make matters worse , his parents turned up .

  25. 他即使在情况最糟糕的时候也总是很乐观。

    He was always optimistic , even when things were at their worst .

  26. 糟糕透了,不是吗?

    It 's awful , isn 't it ?

  27. 他的歌曲大多糟糕透顶。

    Most of his songs are pretty crummy .

  28. 今晚的电视节目简直糟糕透顶。

    There 's absolute rubbish on television tonight .

  29. 尼柯莱的英语糟糕透了。

    Nikolai 's English was much the worst .

  30. 我到过糟糕得多的地方。

    I 've been to far worse places .