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chěng qiáng
  • bravado;flaunt one's superiority;display sham courage
逞强 [chěng qiáng]
  • [flaunt ones superiority;display sham courage] 炫耀自己本领高强;要强

  • 休得逞强

逞强[chěng qiáng]
  1. 我补充一句,他有时表现得过分逞强。

    As a footnote , I should add that there was one point on which his bravado was more than justified .

  2. 她好在朋友和同学面前逞强。

    She is fond of flaunting her superiority before her friends and schoolmates .

  3. 你突然间就逞强了,是吧?

    We suddenly got a burst of courage , did we ?

  4. 尽力做到最好,但不要逞强。

    Try you best , but no flaunting your superiority .

  5. 俄无奈告诉自己,逞强并非是俄抛却。

    Russia but tell yourself and opposed Russian not away .

  6. 如果我是你就决不逞强,米奇。

    Wouldn 't play tough guy if I were you , mitch .

  7. 他典型的瞎逞强做法这次终于搬起石头砸了自己的脚。

    His typical bravado backfired in this case .

  8. 我知道她是不幸的,尽管她嘴上逞强。

    I know she 's unhappy , all her brave talk to the contrary .

  9. 我承认我没那么坚强只是一而再的逞强。

    I admit I didn 't so strong only strengthened themselves again and again .

  10. 无法将视线移开逞强的你。

    I can 't remove my eyes from you , you look so morgue .

  11. 你不要太逞强了!

    You do not strut about too !

  12. 可不可以有一个人,可以看穿我的逞强,可以保护我的脆弱。阅读全文»。

    Can a person that can see through me to be brave , to protect my fragile .

  13. 他好逞强一似乎他一直在试图证明些什么。

    He 's so aggressive & it 's as if he 's always trying to prove something .

  14. 这一下,轮到国民公会代表逞强,主教低声下气了。

    It was the conventionary 's turn to be arrogant , and the bishop 's to be humble .

  15. 嘴里说不出的寂寞是最寂寞的,因为她还要跟自己的自尊心逞强。

    The most lonely person is the person who does not reveal her loneliness as she wants to keep her self-respect .

  16. 你不要逞强了还是好好躺着回答几个问题吧

    You 're a little too weak to play tough guy.Why don 't you just sit back , answer a few questions .

  17. 中国现在对北韩的逞强行为越来越没耐心了。

    China ( I believe ) is becoming less patient with North Korea 's callous disregard to admit or atone for its aggressive behavior .

  18. 他逞强想要游过那条河水,所以到了半路就需要别人救回来。

    In trying to swim across that river he bit off more than he could chew and had to be rescued when only halfway across .

  19. 7有些无赖的匪徒聚集跟从他、逞强攻击所罗门的儿子罗波安、那时罗波安还幼弱、不能抵挡他们。

    Some worthless scoundrels gathered around him and opposed Rehoboam son of Solomon when he was young and indecisive and not strong enough to resist them .

  20. 然而,如果你还不熟悉手倒立、头倒立和下腰,不要逞强,不要自己尝试这些姿势。

    But if you 're new to handstands , headstands and Gumby-like back bends , don 't pretend that you 're in Cirque du Soleil and attempt these poses on your own .

  21. 太阳代表自我,木星则是扩张和超越,两者在一起构成对个人和世界的关注,虽然有时两人可能会有些过分逞强。

    The Sun is about Self and Jupiter is about expansion and excess , together providing a personal and outward focus on themselves and the world , although sometimes they can overexert themselves .

  22. 如男性新陈代谢速率高,爱逞强,生活方式不太良好,争强好胜,爱冒险,火气大,酗酒等等。

    For example , the male have fast metabolism , love to parade their ability , do not have a good life style , love to compete with others , like to take a risk , have bad temper and smoke .

  23. 想坐坐不起来周围的人都喊不要动开始还逞强说没事儿别急紧接着变成天啊我动不了了

    I want to sit up , but I couldn ' t.And they 're like don 't move , don 't move.In my cheeky way , I was like don 't worry , I can . I was like oh , man , I can 't move

  24. 我问出了什么问题,赖爷翻译说,这家人担心“小男孩有好斗逞强的问题。小男孩不听话,举止不良,注意力不集中。家里每个人都被小男孩搞得很累。还有,小男孩有时会头晕。”

    I asked what the problem was and Ketut translated that the family was concerned about " problems with very aggressive this boy . This boy not take orders . Bad behave . Not pay attention . Everyone in house tired from the boy . Also , sometimes this boy too dizzy . "