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yǒng gǎn
  • brave;courageous;daring;valiant;gallant;brave person;have nerve
勇敢 [yǒng gǎn]
  • (1) [have nerve;brave;courageous]∶有勇气,有胆量

  • 勇敢精神

  • (2) [brave person]∶勇敢的人

  • 国中勇敢

勇敢[yǒng gǎn]
  1. 她想勇敢,但却鼓不起勇气。

    She tried to be brave , but her courage failed her .

  2. 她不向那几个坏蛋屈服,真是勇敢。

    It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies .

  3. 他敬佩加拿大人,因为他们是勇敢坚定的民族。

    He admired Canadians as a hardy and determined race .

  4. 她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。

    She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead .

  5. 常为家人装出勇敢的样子并不容易。

    It 's not always easy to put on a brave front for the family .

  6. 她勇敢地抑制住了泪水。

    She bravely blinked back her tears .

  7. 他表现得十分勇敢和果断。

    He showed great courage and determination .

  8. 他因表现勇敢而得到嘉奖。

    He was cited for bravery .

  9. 她是一位勇敢的骑手。

    She is a nerveless rider .

  10. 你真勇敢。

    You 're a brave soul .

  11. 她勇敢地承受不幸的遭遇。

    She bore her misfortunes bravely .

  12. 他的勇敢仍然不容置疑。

    His courage remains unquestioned .

  13. 勇敢一些!

    Be brave !

  14. 你勇敢无畏,一定会获得成功。

    You 're brave and courageous . You can make it .

  15. 那是一次让人胆战心惊的经历,而他们表现得非常勇敢。

    It was a very frightening experience and they were very courageous

  16. 格雷格在与癌症进行了勇敢的斗争之后于两年前去世。

    Greg lost his brave battle against cancer two years ago .

  17. 他总是清楚而勇敢地提出自己的观点。

    He always put his point of view with clarity and with courage

  18. 那是一个勇敢的决定,也是一个为所有人赞赏的决定。

    It was a courageous decision , and one that everybody admired .

  19. 有时我表现得不够勇敢。

    Sometimes I am not as brave as I should be

  20. 她一直很敬佩爱尔兰北部人民的坚忍和勇敢。

    She never ceased to admire the stoical courage of those in Northern Ireland

  21. 在与绝症进行了一番勇敢但却徒劳的抗争之后,他还是去世了。

    He died after a brave but unavailing fight against a terminal illness .

  22. 我们必须证明我们有多么勇敢无畏。

    We have to prove how gritty we are .

  23. 路易斯在人们眼里是一个智慧、勇敢、品德高尚的顾家男人。

    Louis was shown as an intelligent , courageous and virtuous family man .

  24. 戴维的勇敢依然让我敬佩。

    I am still awed by David 's courage

  25. 我们勇敢反抗了西方强权,这是一种精神上的胜利。

    We stood up to the West , and that 's a moral victory .

  26. 迈克尔对外界和家人都表现出一副勇敢的样子。

    Michael kept up a brave front both to the world and in his home

  27. 阿姆里塔成了一个勇敢无畏的叛逆者。

    Amrita becomes a bold , daring rebel

  28. 这名勇敢的女生坚持不放弃生命近两个月的精神令医生感到震惊。

    The plucky schoolgirl amazed doctors by hanging on to life for nearly two months .

  29. 她是个非常勇敢的女孩,认识她的人都敬佩她的勇气。

    She was a very brave girl and everyone who knew her admired her spirit .

  30. 他勇敢地面对苦难。

    He bore his sufferings manfully .