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duān duān zhèng zhèng
  • straight;regular
端端正正[duān duān zhèng zhèng]
  1. 这家副食店在墙上端端正正挂着一张服务公约。

    There hangs straight on the wall of this grocery a service pledge .

  2. 孩子们,现在我要你们都尽量地、端端正正地坐起来。

    Now , children , I want you all to sit up just as straight .

  3. 她替新儿穿束好了,叫他端端正正的坐着。

    After dressing up Xin-er , she got him to sit up properly .

  4. 他的帽子刷过了,他的假发很整齐,他的颈巾端端正正。

    His hat was brushed ; his wig was trim ; his neckcloth was perfectly tied .

  5. 你不需要端端正正地坐在那里冥想,只需要做十次深呼吸就可以帮助你放松了。

    It doesn 't need to be serious meditation & just 10 deep breaths to help you relax .

  6. 然而,有趣的在于,人们若是站的端端正正,其实同他们稍稍向右倾斜相比,没什么太大的区别——不过这也有可能是因为实验人员都是右撇子呢!

    Interestingly , the difference between when people were leaning right versus standing upright wasn 't significant - perhaps because all the participants were right-handed .

  7. 但是,使完整的科学端端正正地从个别思想家的脑海里一下子涌现,看来并不是造化的计划。

    It does not , however , appear to be the plan of nature that complete sciences should spring already perfected from the brain of individual thinkers .

  8. 我们11名董事全部到场,一律穿着最好的衣服,领带打得端端正正,头发梳得一丝不苟,准备回答各种尖锐的问题。

    It was more or less the same story . There we all were , 11 directors , in our best clothes with ties straight and hair combed , ready to answer tricky questions .

  9. 就好象《伊索寓言》中的猫变的女子一样,她坐在餐桌底一头,坐得端端正正地,可是有一只小鼠在她面前跑过的时候,她就不如此了。

    Like as it was with Aesop 's damsel , turned from a cat to a woman ; who sat very demurely , at the board 's end , till a mouse ran before her .

  10. 我们把他端端正正地缝裹在吊床里,头脚处放了两块各三十六磅重的铅块,就在艾尔及里奥岛外把他海葬了。

    We performed the usual burial service , and he is at his rest , sewn up in his hammock with a thirty-six pound shot at his head and his heels , off El Giglio island .

  11. 她那奶酪色的脖颈圆圆的,细细的,从紧身上衣的黑绸圆领中端端正正地伸出来,但由于脑后那把戴着网套的丰盈秀发颇为浓重,便常常显得略后向仰。

    Her neck , rising from the black taffeta sheath of her basque , was creamy-skinned , rounded and slender , and it seemed always tilted slightly backward by the weight of her hair in its net at the back of her head .