
  • 网络End-To-End;end to end;peer to peer;Peer-to-Peer
  1. 使用这个ARM工具可以对端对端事务进行深入的监控。

    Enabling this ARM instrumentation allows deeper monitoring of end-to-end transaction monitoring .

  2. IBMWorkplaceWebContentManagement为互联网、内部网、外部网和门户站点提供端对端的Web内容管理。

    IBM Workplace Web Content Management delivers end-to-end Web content management for Internet , intranet , extranet , and portal sites .

  3. 报表服务器web服务对按需运行的报表执行端对端处理。

    The report server web service performs end-to-end processing for reports that run on demand .

  4. 基于IP技术的端对端通信网络安全模型分析设计

    Design of Peer-To-Peer Communication Network Security Model based on IP Technology

  5. Web服务通信是以SOAP协议为基础,在端对端之间进行通信。

    Web Services communication is based on SOAP which transports from end to end .

  6. 它通过端对端的安全性来提供主动的保护以防止专用网络与Internet的攻击。

    It protects communication by securing peer-to-peer safety so that attack from the Internet and specialized websites can be prevented .

  7. 本文主要用吞吐量,端对端延迟来衡量TCP的性能。

    Throughput and end to end delay are used as main performance metric in the discussion .

  8. 本文涉及通过面向QoS的网络提供多媒体IP分组(数据包)端对端QoS保证。

    This thesis is concerned with delivering the packets with the end-to-end QoS guarantee by the QoS oriented IP networks .

  9. 本产品不但安装灵活,而且可以生成高质量的图像,使得更适用于点对点应用偶或作为理想的端对端企业型IP解决方案。

    Flexible deployment options and excellent image quality make the camera ideal for point-to-point applications or as a component in end-to-end enterprise IP solutions .

  10. 通常,WCF应用程序可以通过指定正确的绑定使用Windows端对端网络。

    As usual , WCF applications can use Windows peer-to-peer networking by specifying the correct binding .

  11. VoIP网络中的端对端音频测试

    End-to-End Audio Measurement on the VoIP Network

  12. NAT设备阻碍了对等网络端对端的通信。

    NAT devices hinder the communication of p2p network .

  13. 当PPP定义端对端关系的时候,发现固有的是客户-伺候器关系。

    While PPP defines a peer-to-peer relationship , discovery is inherently a client-server relationship .

  14. 基于UDP的端对端通讯的原理及实现

    UDP based implementation of peer to peer communication

  15. IPSec协议良好的体系结构及解决端对端通信的能力使其已经成为开发VPN的事实标准。

    The better ability to solve end-to-end communicating of IPSec makes IPSec the factual criterion to develop VPN .

  16. 当Web服务有Soap的中介体参与时,它需要的是端对端的消息安全,而传统的安全技术只能用来保护点时点的Web服务安全。

    When Soap intermediaries taking part in Web Services , it needs end to end security , whereas traditional secure technology can only provide Web Services point to point security .

  17. 甚至更有可能的是,这种元数据和RationalAssetManager的复杂的查询能力结合,能够给组织提供端对端的SOA资产生命周期管理能力。

    Even more important , this metadata , in combination with Rational Asset Manager 's sophisticated search capabilities , provides organizations with end-to-end SOA asset lifecycle management capability .

  18. 针对adhoc网络端对端的可靠数据传输,提出了基于多路径路由的多路数据传输模式,重点研究了数据分割和在多路径上的数据分布问题。

    Aimed at the dependable end-to-end data transmitting in Ad hoc network , this article bring forward a multiplex forwarding mode based on multi-path routing .

  19. 基于ADSL的端对端宽带业务结构

    ADSL-based End-to-end Broadband Service Structure

  20. DWR是一种面向JavaWeb应用程序的端对端工具箱,它简化了应用程序服务器端和客户端的创建。

    DWR is an end-to-end toolkit for Java Web applications , and makes it easy to create both the server and client sides of the application .

  21. 但是,许多互联网协议和网络应用要求是端对端网络通信,并且随着通信要求的提高,这些通信要求用TCP连接方式。

    However , many Internet protocols and network applications need p2p network communication requirements , and with the improvement of communication requirements , which require TCP way communication link .

  22. 文中给出了骨干网(OBS)分别采用单向预留和双向预留协议时,WLANoverOBS系统中端对端时延的分析模型。

    End-to-end delay for the WLAN over OBS using one-way protocol and two-way protocol in the backbone is modeled and analyzed .

  23. 这种方式允许监控一个特定类型的事务,比如调用一个Servlet的事务;或者监控一个独立的端对端的事务。

    This behavior allows for monitoring a specific type of transaction , such as transactions that invoke a Servlet ; or monitoring a single transaction end-to-end .

  24. 基于之上的讨论,论文对端对端拥塞控制技术进行讨论,并着重介绍TFRC协议。

    On the basis of this discussion , this article introduce TFRC agreement emphatically .

  25. 确认模式端对端LLC操作中,通过缓冲和重传机制确保LLC层数据的完整性。

    Supplementing the LLC layer in maintaining data integrity for acknowledged peer-to-peer LLC operation by buffering and retransmission of N PDUs .

  26. 分段连接机制作为应用最广的一种性能优化方案,可以改善TCP端对端的性能,而在此机制中,卫星链路部分采用何种传输协议直接决定性能改善的效果。

    The splitting TCP mechanism , which is widely applied , can improve the end-to-end performance of TCP . How to choose transport protocol for satellite link determines the performance of whole mechanism .

  27. 能支持功能强大的移动台脱网直通(DMO)方式,可实现鉴权、空中接口加密和端对端加密;

    The TETRA system also supports powerful DMO mode and enables authentication , air interface encryption and end-to-end encryption .

  28. 该方法通过适当扩展SIP协议,借助STUN协议以及RTP中继实现端对端的SIP信令和媒体流的建立,完成通信连接的建立与维持。

    It extends SIP and uses STUN and RTP relay to perform the connection of SIP signal and media , and then establish the communication and maintain it .

  29. 2011年,谷歌曾推出名为“谷歌钱包”的近场通讯支付产品,但最终又在去年底,谷歌用AndroidPay取代了谷歌钱包系统,并将谷歌钱包转化为一个类似于Venmo的端对端的转账应用。

    It launched a near-field communications payments product called Google Wallet back in 2011 , but ended up replacing that system with Android Pay late last year , and pivoting Wallet to a peer-to-peer money sending app ( like Venmo ) .

  30. 传输层TCP协议作为面向连接、可靠有序、端对端通信的基础,其安全性极其重要,针对其设计漏洞的攻击行为,给网络安全带来严重危害。

    TCP , which secures connection-oriented , reliable , sequential and end-to-end communication , is one of the most important protocols in transmission layer . However , Attacks on the vulnerabilities of TCP have been endangering the security of network .