
tuī dònɡ lì
  • impetus;impulse;motive (or driving) force;propulsion;moving force;moving spirit
  1. 他的那些文章是促进变革的主要推动力。

    His articles provided the main impetus for change .

  2. 这一决定会给东伦敦的经济复苏带来新的推动力。

    This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London

  3. 减税将给经济带来迫切需要的推动力。

    The tax cuts will give a much needed boost to the economy .

  4. 高等教育的发展对变革应该是一个强大的推动力。

    The expansion of higher education should be a powerful force for change .

  5. 顾客消费是夏季经济增长的强大推动力。

    Consumer spending was the driving force behind the economic growth in the summer

  6. 这场变革背后的推动力是一个众所周知的新事物——因特网。

    The driving force behind much of this change was a ( n ) innovation popularly known as the Internet .

  7. 朗菲尔德小姐补充道:"有一种保持连接的推动力,如果你下线,你会错过一些东西,你能不在乎你关注的那些东西吗,所有这些大量地聚集在一起,形成了一种很大的推动力。"

    Miss Longfield added : " Then there is this push to connect — if you go offline , will you miss something , will you miss out , will you show that you don 't care about those people you are following , all of those come together in a huge way at once ."

  8. 在86岁的时候,她仍然是一个巨大的推动力。

    At the age of 86 , she 's still a great driving force .

  9. 3D电视就是在这种推动力的作用下,技术不断进步、产品不断更新。

    Under this impetus , 3D TV ' stechnology is continuously improved and the products are continuously updated .

  10. Internet上的保密通信和数字产品版权保护方面的强烈需求,已成为信息隐藏技术研究的强大推动力。

    The intense demand of secure communication and copyright protection of digital products in the Internet has accelerated the development of information hiding techniques .

  11. ps级脉冲光纤放大器和压缩器关于第一推动力及多级推动力的问题

    Ps fiber amplifier and gratings compressor On the First Impetus and Multilevel Impetus

  12. 在这个系统中,主要的推动力是瘦素(leptin),这是脂肪细胞分泌的一种激素。

    The key driver of this system is leptin , a hormone secreted by fat cells .

  13. 多媒体短信被业界公认为GPRS和3G市场启动与发展的关键推动力,MMS的开通。

    Also MMS is generally regarded as the impetus to market starting and developing of GPRS and 3G .

  14. 他提到了来自于摩根大通(JPMORGAN)等客户的有益推动力,摩根大通是一家美国银行。

    He cited the helpful impetus from customers such as JP Morgan , the US bank .

  15. 其中,P2P的应用是互联网持续发展的主要推动力,其优势是采用分布式技术带来的可扩展性、健壮性和容错性。

    P2P technology is one of the main driving force for the sustainable development of the Internet for its high scalability , robustness and fault tolerance by using distributed scheme .

  16. 对于低pH值脱硫剂,其对SO2化学反应吸收过程的推动力一定,烟气速度的变化不会对脱硫效率造成明显影响。

    To the low pH value sorbents , the changing of gas velocity has no significant effect on desulfurization efficiency because of the certain driving force of chemical sorption to SO2 .

  17. GDD和外包每一个都是独立的推动力,在这些趋势中扮演他们自己的角色。

    SOA , GDD , and outsourcing are each independent forces with their own role in these trends .

  18. 但我国政府在履行入世承诺的同时,尚需借助WTO之推动力,主动转变政府职能,力求经济体制和行政体制改革两相提升。

    However , while performing its duties , Chinese government should also apply the WTO regulations to change its function so as to achieve success both in its economic system reform as well as in its administrative system reform .

  19. 由广东省第三产业对全省GDP增长的贡献及第三产业各主要行业对GDP增长贡献大小可以看出,随着工业化的发展,第三产业将成为国民经济的主要推动力。

    The paper analyses the contribution of the tertiary industry to the growth of GDP in Guangdong Province . With the development of industrialization , the tertiary industry will become the main driving force for national economy .

  20. 根据1980年到1998年的统计数据,建立了回归模型来衡量建设推动力对中国GDP增长中的影响。

    Based on the statistical data ( 1980 to 1998 ), regression models are developed to show the construction drive to the Chinese GDP growth during the implementation of the national economy reform since beginning of 1980s .

  21. 从基本假设、吸附平衡、传质模型、控制方程等方面分析了变压吸附过程的数学模型的构成。从传质模型来区分,PSA数学模型主要有平衡模型、线性推动力模型和孔扩散模型。

    This paper analyses the aspects of the assumptions , equilibrium relations , mass transfer models , the control equations , and boundary and initial conditions for a PSA mathematical model .

  22. 在你需要合作的时候,感激之情就是一股巨大的推动力,moncler。

    Gratitude is a wonderful motivator when you need cooperation .

  23. 全球化是经济增长的强大推动力,为提高APEC大家庭的人民生活水平和社会福利带来了希望。

    Globalization , which is the strong power of the economic increase , will bring the hope of improving the life level and the social profit for APEC 's people .

  24. 其测试计算方法简单,避免了直接采用混合推动力(PC)指标没有考虑阻力损失,不便使用的局限性。

    Because the water head loss had not been considered in the indicator called push capacity ( PC ), it is not convenient if the PC was used directly , now the problem can be avoided by using the indicator water head lifting .

  25. 其共同之处在于蒸腾作用与光合作用都需要太阳能作为推动力,而且CO2和水蒸汽输送途径大部分相同但方向相反;

    The identity between the transpiration and the photosynthesis is that they all use solar energy as the driving force . What 's more , the transport ways of CO 2 and steam are the same but the directions are opposite .

  26. 结果表明,主客体之间形成了1:1或1:2的超分子配合物;这些超分子配合物中的主要识别推动力是静电相互作用、π-πstacking作用、氢键等。

    The results show that the host compounds form 1:1 or 1:2 supramolecular complexes with the guestes . The experimental results indicate that the molecular recognition is mainly due to electrostatic force , n-n stacking and hydrogen bond .

  27. 港口经济是区域经济发展的重要推动力,文章用SWOT模型分析了广西港口经济发展存在的优势和劣势,面临的机会和威胁,并据此提出相应的对策建议。

    The port economy is the important motivation of economic development in district . The article analyzed the port of Guangxi strength , weakness , opportunity and threat of the economic development with the model of SWOT , and put forward the homologous counterplan suggestion .

  28. 指出:JR曲线稳定性评定图法是根据推动力曲线与阻力曲线的相切条件确定失效点的,理论清晰,可以作为各种评估方法的理论依据。

    It is point to that J_R curve stability assessment diagram method is based on the tendency condition between driven and resistance curves to determine the instability point , so may be considered to be theoretical basis of all assessment methods .

  29. 由于ECIS过程的主要推动力是电极电位,离子交换基体无需化学再生,消除了由化学再生过程产生的大量二次污染物。

    Because the main driving force is the electrode potential in the ECIS process , chemical regeneration of the ion exchange substrate is not necessary . Secondary waste created by chemical regenerants is eliminated .

  30. 这或许是一大推动力;WorldatWork的一项最新调查发现,领薪员工今年通过升职平均获得的加薪幅度高达8.7%,高管通过升职获得的平均加薪更是达到了10.2%。

    That would be a big boost ; a new worldatwork survey found the average promotional raise for salaried workers was 8.7 % this year , while executives averaged 10.2 % .