
tuī xíng
  • implement;promote;introduce;pursue;carry out;initiate;practice;push;push on;introduction;put into operation
推行 [tuī xíng]
  • (1) [carry out;initiate;put into operation;promote;pursue;push]∶推广实行

  • 推行新政策

  • (2) [push on]∶推动物体向前

  • 村民有弋凫者,善用排枪,置小舟,上覆以席,推行水中,百发百中,佥呼之为雁户。--清. 薛福成文

推行[tuī xíng]
  1. 增强环保意识,推行绿色GDP制度,大力发展循环经济;

    We should enhance the consciousness of environmental protection , carry out " green GDP " system , and develop the circulation economy vigorously ;

  2. 目的:在药剂科推行ISO9001标准质量管理体系。

    OBJECTIVE : To carry out the ISO9001standard quality control system in the department of pharmacy .

  3. 政府正在推行更强硬的手段来反击犯罪。

    The government is introducing tougher measures to combat crime .

  4. 政府正坚定地推行选举改革。

    The government is pushing ahead with its electoral reforms .

  5. 这项规则是为此特意推行的。

    The rule was introduced expressly for this purpose .

  6. 推行改革的努力始于1989年。

    The push for reform started in 1989 .

  7. 政府有了这大多数人的支持,才敢推行激进的新政策。

    With such a majority , the administration was emboldened to introduce radical new policies .

  8. 选举获胜使得这个政党拥有了明确的继续推行改革的权力。

    The election victory gave the party a clear mandate to continue its programme of reform .

  9. 保守派不满布鲁尔推行的这些变革。

    The old guard did not like the changes that Brewer introduced

  10. 她说她会反对在欧洲推行单一货币。

    She says she will resist a single European currency being imposed

  11. 孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。

    The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture .

  12. 如果再度当选,总统将推行减税政策。

    The president will pursue lower taxes if he is re-elected

  13. 政府大力推行改造内城贫民区的计划。

    The government pushed through schemes to rejuvenate the inner cities

  14. 拯救国家的希望在于强制推行民主改革。

    The country 's salvation lies in forcing through democratic reforms

  15. 执政党打算强制推行一个全面的社会主义方案。

    The party in power planned to bulldoze through a full socialist programme

  16. 大多数制造商不得不推行短工时工作制。

    Most manufacturers have had to introduce short-time working .

  17. 最新的进展涉及许多政治冒险政策的推行。

    There is a lot of political brinkmanship involved in this latest development .

  18. 社会主义者推行了相当激进的改革。

    The Socialists introduced fairly radical reforms .

  19. 他准备行使其新近获得的权力,发布总统政令以推行改革。

    He is prepared to use his recently-acquired powers to introduce reform by presidential decree .

  20. 然而,总统推行的强硬路线受到了民主党发布的训令的支持。

    The president 's tough line is , however , buttressed by a democratic mandate .

  21. 他强制性地推行了改革。

    He railroaded the reforms through .

  22. 政府不能故步自封,必须继续大刀阔斧地推行政策改革。

    The government can 't rest on its laurels and must press ahead with major policy changes .

  23. 政府推行了一项颇具争议的法令,根据该法令政府可以征用其所需要的任何土地。

    The government brought in a controversial law under which it could take any land it wanted .

  24. 他表示很感激沙特阿拉伯推行的被他称作稳健而务实的石油政策。

    He expressed his appreciation for what he called Saudi Arabia 's moderate and realistic oil policies .

  25. 政府不得不推行一些艰难的变革,尤其是向市场经济体制的转变。

    The government is having to introduce some difficult changes , particularly in moving over to a market economy .

  26. 他昨天说政府推行这样的措施连“微乎其微的可能性”都没有。

    He said yesterday that there was not ' the faintest possibility ' that the government would bring in such a measure .

  27. 这种先进的操作方法已在各厂推行。

    This advanced method has been introduced in every factory .

  28. 推行项目经理负责制是施工项目管理的内在依据。

    Executing the responsibilities of project manager is the key of project management .

  29. 这项政策必须在不发生社会动荡的情况下推行下去。

    This must be carried out without social upheaval .

  30. 苏联人在这个时候大力推行他们的建议。

    The Soviets pushed their proposal at that juncture .