
  • 网络supervisory authority
  1. 检察机关作为我国专门的法律监督机关,职务犯罪侦查权是检察机关法律监督权的重要组成部分,在维护国家法律的统一正确实施,惩治和预防腐败中起着重要作用。

    Procuratorial organ is a special legal supervisory authority in China . Investigation of the malfeasance is an important power for procuratorial organ in maintaining the unity of the correct implementation of national laws , punishing and preventing corruption .

  2. (二)按照监督机关的规定报告自己的活动情况;

    Report on his own activities as required by the supervising organ ;

  3. 遵守监督机关关于会客的规定;

    Observing the supervising organ 's stipulation on meeting visitors ;

  4. 从我国法律监督机关的称谓看检察权之性质

    The Nature of Procuratorial Power form the Appellation of Legal Supervision Organs

  5. 监督机关的质询听证制度;

    The inquiry and hearing system of supervisory organs ;

  6. 现代公司内部监督机关研究

    The Supervising Organ Studies Inside the Modern Company

  7. 检察机关作为法律监督机关的合理性辨析

    Discussion on the Rationality of Taking the Procuratorial Organ as the Legal Supervision Organ

  8. 人民检察院作为国家法律监督机关,刑事立案监督是宪法和刑事诉讼法赋予它的重要职能。

    It is an important function of constitution and criminal procedure law endows the procuratorial organs .

  9. 监事会是我国股份公司必设的监督机关。

    In China , the supervisory director board is a necessary institution in the public companies .

  10. 中国保监会的成立,取代了中央银行而成为保险业的监督机关。

    China Insurance Supervisory Committee replacing the central bank has become the supervising unit of the insurance sector .

  11. 人民检察院作为法律监督机关,依法对刑事诉讼活动进行法律监督。

    Authorized the power of supervision by law , people 's procuratorate supervise all activities of criminal lawsuits .

  12. 而检察机关作为宪法规定的国家专门法律监督机关,其监督是最有力度也是最行之有效的。

    The state procuratorate is the most loudness and effective mode , because the rights is from Constitution Law .

  13. 检察机关作为宪法规定的法律监督机关,对刑事和解的监督具有合理性、可行性。

    Prosecution as constitutional organs for legal supervision , the supervision of the criminal settlement is reasonable , feasible .

  14. 检察机关作为专门的法律监督机关,民事检察监督是其重要的职能之一。

    As a special prosecution organs for legal supervision , supervision of the Crown one of its important functions .

  15. 天津开发区审计局是综合性的财政经济监督机关。

    The TEDA audit bureau is a comprehensive institution in charge of controlling public finance and monitoring the economy .

  16. 第一百二十九条中华人民共和国人民检察院是国家的法律监督机关。

    Article 129 The people 's procuratorates of the People 's Republic of China are state organs for legal supervision .

  17. 它还期望立法、行政和司法部门监督机关的实质性活动。

    It also expects the legislative , executive , and judicial branches to supervise the substance of what agencies do .

  18. 我国宪法和法律已经确认,检察机关是国家的法律监督机关。

    It has been ensured by the Chinese constitution and laws that the procuratorial organ is the national superior of laws .

  19. 我国检察机关作为国家的法律监督机关必然需要拥有求刑权。

    In order to executing supervision of law , our country 's procuratorial organs have to possess the power to suggesting sentence .

  20. 我国的检察机关作为专门的监督机关,对司法机关的所有刑事活动都需要履行其监督职责。

    Our supervision of prosecutors as special prosecutors , the criminal activities of all the judiciary needs to fulfill its oversight responsibilities .

  21. 监事会是公司的监督机关,对董事会执行公司事务及会计事务实行检查监督。

    The supervisory board is the supervision organ of the company , which performs company 's affairs , and checks the accountant affairs .

  22. 第五章:完善我国上市公司内部辅助监督机关的探讨。

    Chapter four : Discussion on how to improve the board of supervisors , the special supervising organ of the domestic listed companies .

  23. 法律的实施需要由专门的监督机关来实现,在我国检察监督制度是保障法律正确实施的重要手段。

    Law enforcement needs by special supervision organs , procuratorial supervision system in our country is an important means of security law correctly implement .

  24. 检察机关作为法律监督机关,在民事执行方面的监督却存在着空白和漏洞。

    The prosecution as a legal oversight bodies , the civil aspects of the implementation of the supervision but there are gaps and loopholes .

  25. 人民检察院是国家的法律监督机关,依法对行政机关的执法活动进行监督是其重要职责。

    The people 's procuratorate is a unit supervising the state laws and taking the responsibility to supervise the administrative enforcement of the law .

  26. 检察机关作为国家的专门监督机关,承担着对减刑假释进行检察监督的职责。

    As the special supervisory department , the procuratorial organ takes on the office of procuratorial supervision for commutation and parole in our country .

  27. 第三章:我国公司内部监督机关的立法设置现状及未来设置取向。

    Chapter three : The legislation of the supervising organ is set up inside the company of our country and operation current situation and defect .

  28. 我国检察机关是法律监督机关,相应地,检察权就是法律监督权。

    Procuratorate in our country is the organ exercising supervisory power on law , accordingly , the procuratorial power means the supervisory power on law .

  29. 检察机关是我国的法律监督机关,其职能与职责和中立性都其提起民事公益诉讼提供了理论依据。

    Prosecution organs for legal supervision in China , its functions and responsibilities and neutrality are the Civil Public Prosecutions to provide a theoretical basis .

  30. 我国宪法和人民检察院组织法明确规定,检察机关是国家的法律监督机关。

    According to our country 's constitutions and the People 's procuratorial organization law , the procuratorial organizations are the law supervision organizations of our country .