- monitor;supervise;control

[supervise;control] 监督考察;监督检举
The image monitoring and control system for oil tank based on D-TAG digital hard disk kinescope consists of three parts of front-end image acquisition , center image processing and memory , and supervise and control in network .
Have to manage , supervise and evaluate the works of underlings .
The new rules have been embraced by government watchdog organizations .
The nurse monitored the patient 's condition carefully .
A white censor was standing over me .
Set censorial division , vet division , management division , division handling card , division 5 section office .
The trial regulation on military supervision1 work , which took effect on Feb 1 , was introduced to establish an authoritative2 and efficient military supervision system with complete coverage3 under a unified4 command .
The main administrators7 of lower governments and public schools can be held accountable through having talks , name and shame , administrative punishment , or being handed over to law enforcement authorities and supervisory commissions , it said .
In an article published by the Communist Party of China 's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection2 on its website on Monday , the top discipline watchdog pointed3 out , that because of loose supervision4 , the officials managing some State-owned enterprises regard the companies as such " monk flesh " .
A Regional Patrol Monitoring System with Analogue GIS Interface
A Door Control and Patrol Monitor System Using Contactless IC Card Based on CAN Bus
Part III Current status and problem analysis of disciplinary inspection work & team of J company .
Design and realization of system of mobile monitoring mine resource based on 3S technology
The research publishes heterogeneous spatial data , maps and functions as Web Services and solves the sharing and interoperability problems of current systems . It also has certain significance for research on SIS .
At first , achievement of political awareness & integrity responsibility system in recent 5 years of J Company is analyzed in this paper .
Alternative methods of ADR monitoring are therefore needed and include hospital-based voluntary reporting system and intensive monitoring of hospitalized patients .
Based on the technology of RFID and contactless IC card positioning and wireless local network , a design of an abstemious intelligent warehouse is given . A Door Control and Patrol Monitor System Using Contactless IC Card Based on CAN Bus
Prosecutors , working with the Federal Bureau of investigation and the SEC , have announced criminal charges against former hedge fund traders , company insiders and consultants at an expert network firm .
The Hong Kong project EIA system has been well established and operated with the enactment of the EIA ordinance in 1997 to formalize 15 years ' of experience on EIA and environmental monitoring and audit .
A recent approach attempts the use of a computerized medical record system to monitor ADRs in our general medical wards . The feasibility of involving pharmacists in initiating ADR reports is being considered .
One kind of scheme in a door control patrol monitor system using contactless IC card based on CAN bus is presented here , laying emphasis on design of a door control patrol device . And the system 's feature , main function and application perspectives are expounded .
With the application of judgement criteria for causality of adverse drug reactions ( ADRs ) established by Chinese Center for Monitoring ADRs , 38 published case reports of ADRs caused by Tripterygium wilfordii were reviewed .
Method : Take 84 cases of acute myocardiac infarct patients as subjects , who were diagnosed correctly by continual ECG supervision , myocardial zymogram , other lab tests or coronary arteriography , analyse the dynamic changes of the routine 12 lead ECG ST-T.
This paper describes the implementing measures to strengthen the supervision of adverse drug reactions ( ADRs ) with respect to the organization , range of ADRs report , method of supervision , collection and feedback of data , main contents of report chart and evaluation of cause-and-effect of ADRs .
This will help you monitor the mats for short circuits .
Obligations of Airline Internal Supervision Department and Construction of Supervision Forms
Hong Kong has an intensive surveillance system for human influenza .
Suggestion to Raise the Efficiency of Safety Inspection in Coal Mines
Scientific supervision system is the important means of effective supervision .
Build government affairs information system to promote safety supervision work