
dì yī
  • first;opening;to start with;primary;at the head;to begin with;1st;firstly;first of all;in the first place;primarily;most important;foremost;first and foremost
第一 [dì yī]
  • (1) [the first (1st);firstly;primarily;at the head;in the first place]∶排在最前的

  • 排名第一

  • (2) [first;most important]∶首要的,最重要的

  • 质量第一

第一[dì yī]
  1. 那是她第一次独立生活。

    It was the first time that she had lived independently .

  2. 第一年的课程简直太容易了。

    The first year of the course was an absolute doddle .

  3. 他在星期六的比赛中打进了他在本赛季的第一个球。

    He scored his first goal of the season on Saturday .

  4. 她的第一部小说堪称经典之作。

    Her first novel has all the makings of a classic .

  5. 只有五匹马参加第一场比赛。

    There are only five horses running in the first race .

  6. 她出第一部书就得到了相当的成功。

    She achieved some measure of success with her first book .

  7. 自第一个孩子出生后他们的婚姻便开始走下坡路了。

    Their marriage went downhill after the first child was born .

  8. 新委员会本周举行第一次全会。

    The new committee holds its first plenary session this week .

  9. 把光标置于第一个单词的左边。

    Place the cursor to the left of the first word .

  10. 那一刻她第一次感到一阵焦虑。

    At that moment she felt the first twitch of anxiety .

  11. 琼斯是球队入第一球的发动者。

    Jones was the architect of the team 's first goal .

  12. 他讲的第一个笑话博得了当晚最开怀的笑声。

    His first joke got the biggest laugh of the night .

  13. 大多数运动我都喜欢,而网球是我的第一爱好。

    I like most sports but tennis is my first love .

  14. 她的第二任丈夫与第一任截然不同。

    Her second husband was the exact opposite of her first .

  15. 马克得扶养他第一次婚姻生的两个孩子。

    Mark has two children to support from his first marriage .

  16. 第一轮比赛的抽签结果是意大利队对西班牙队。

    Italy has been drawn against Spain in the first round .

  17. 等到钟敲第一下时就是9点整。

    At the first stroke it will be 9 o'clock exactly .

  18. 这首歌在他们第一张专辑中本来是用来凑时间的。

    The song was originally a filler on their first album .

  19. 计划的第一部分已顺利完成。

    The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished .

  20. 《星球大战》的第一部前传让影迷期待了多年。

    Fans waited for years for the first Star Wars prequel .

  21. 这可是我第一次听说这件事!

    This is the first I 've heard of it !

  22. 我真不指望第一次就能合格。

    I 'm not really expecting to pass first time .

  23. 这番话打响了争论的第一炮。

    This statement was the opening shot in the argument .

  24. 以第一次开展橄榄球运动的拉格比学校命名。

    Named after Rugby school , where the game was first played .

  25. 他们的第一张专辑定名为《海洋行》。

    Their first album was titled ‘ Ocean Drive ’ .

  26. 他的第一位音乐老师是他一生中对他影响非常大的人。

    His first music teacher was a major influence in his life .

  27. 我们采用第一方案还是第二方案?

    Shall we go for plan A or plan B ?

  28. 我已经忘了第一天上学的情景。

    I don 't remember my first day at school .

  29. 在工程学领域上,这所大学位居本国第一。

    The university is ranked number one in the country for engineering .

  30. 在第一个路口向右拐,然后再在第二个路口向左拐。

    Take the first right , then the second left .