
  • 网络Channel One;Ch1;first channel
  1. 他说:我在第一频道电视台工作时去了10个国家。

    " I went to 10 different countries for Channel One News ," he says .

  2. 江苏城市频道:城市第一频道

    Jiangsu City Channel : the First Channel of Cities

  3. 如果哪首歌一定会火,那么第一频道肯定会播出。

    If something 's a sure-fire hit then Radio One will play it .

  4. 该剧是根据英国于1965年至1975年在BBC第一频道播出的情景喜剧《最爱》(TillDeathDoUsPart)改编而来。

    The show was based on a British sitcom called Till Death Do Us Part , which aired from 1965-1975 on BBC1 .

  5. 《飞天大盗》《飞天大盗》由Kudos影视公司(KudosFilmandTelevision)制作,在BBC第一频道播出。

    Hustle is the British TV drama made by Kudos Film and Television and broadcast on BBC One in the UK .

  6. BBC英国广播公司电台第一频道访问了25000人有关如何看待自己体型的问题,受访者的年龄大部分在17岁到34岁之间。

    BBC Radio 1 's Newsbeat asked 25000 people , mostly aged 17 to 34 , how they felt about their bodies .

  7. 英国版《斯特普托和儿子》于1962年至1974年在BBC第一频道播出,并于1972年上映电影改编版,1973年还拍摄了续集。

    Steptoe and Son ran from 1962-1974 on BBC1 , and actually inspired a movie adaptation in 1972 and a sequel in 1973 .

  8. ESC指出,无论第一频道是否决定禁播这首歌曲,他们似乎都将受到抨击。

    Radio 1 's chart show was likely to be criticised whatever decision was taken over airing the song , the ESC noted .

  9. 第一频道剪辑了这首51秒歌曲中的7秒来播放,在此之前有一个新闻采访解释了这首歌之所以播放的理由。随之而来的是对英国国家广播电视台新上任的总裁托尼·霍尔(TonyHall)的采访。

    Radio 1 elected to play just 7 seconds of the 51-second song , preceding it with a Newsbeat story explaining the context , following an intervention by then newly arrived BBC director general Tony Hall .

  10. 英国广播公司信托基金拒绝将这首《叮咚!女巫已死》从第一频道移除。

    The BBC Trust has rejected a complaint about Radio 1 's decision to cut down Ding Dong !

  11. 当第二个频道开始吸引大量观众的时候,第一频道的管理人员决定采用相同的办法超过对方,以更受欢迎的节目回敬对方。

    When a second television channel began to attract large audiences , controllers of the first channel decided to play the same game and fought back with more popular programmes .

  12. 作为强势媒介又具有中央电视台第一频道这样地位的《半边天》栏目,比其它的女性媒介有着更重要的政治地位,更具有研究的价值。

    The program " Half the Sky ", a powerful medium in an advantageous position of CCTV 1 , holds a more critical political status than other women media and thus is of more value for academic research .

  13. FMIBOCDAB系统第一邻频道干扰研究

    Research on First Adjacent Channel Interference in FM IBOC DAB

  14. 打开同声传译的收音机,普通话占据了第一个频道。

    On radio receivers delivering simultaneous translation , Mandarin occupied channel one .

  15. 针对带内同频道数字音频广播系统中存在的第一临频道干扰问题,该文提出了一种基于互补结构的卷积编码构造方法。

    This paper proposes a class of convolutional codes based on complementary structure to cancel the First-Adjacent Channel ( FAC ) interference in FM In-band On-channel Digital Audio Broadcasting ( FM IBOC DAB ) system .

  16. 普通话台于三月成立,为香港第一个普通话频道。

    Putonghua Channel was set up in March , the first Putonghua broadcasts in Hong Kong .

  17. 这也是该奖项被第一次授予基本频道(广告狂人是在AMC频道播放,区别于HBO等金牌频道)的电视节目。

    It was the first time the award had gone to a show on basic cable ( it is shown on the AMC channel ) as opposed to a premium network , such as HBO .

  18. 我们一起创立了阳光媒体,在大中华地区的第一个卫星纪录片频道。

    We co-founded Sun TV , which was the first satellite documentary channel for the greater China area .