
  1. 演绎推理心理学研究的新进展

    The Progress of Deductive Reasoning

  2. 文献表明,到目前为止,还没有一个全面的、精确的和统一的研究人类推理心理学理论,而心智逻辑理论和心智模型理论是近20年来发展最快的两个主流理论。

    Literature showed , up to now , there is not a complete , precise and united theory of human reasoning . Mental Logic Theory and Mental Model Theory are the two main approaches to study human reasoning in the late 20 years .

  3. 命题推理的心理学研究综述

    The Psychological Research on Propositional Reasoning : Review and Comments

  4. 范畴三段论推理是心理学推理研究中的重要领域。

    Syllogistic reasoning is an important research field of reasoning in psychological study .

  5. 文本阅读的推理研究是阅读心理学领域的一个非常重要的内容,其研究成果不仅能够揭示人类阅读的认知过程,而且对其他领域的作用也越来越明显。

    The research on inference in discourse comprehension is one of the most important aspect in reading psychology . Its result can not only reveal the process of human reading , but also promote the research of other fields .

  6. MontyHallDilemma(MHD)作为一个经典的概率推理难题,自提出以来就受到研究者们的极大关注,心理学对MHD问题的研究可称为是推理心理学的新的热点之一。

    Monty Hall Dilemma ( MHD ) is a classical example of probability reasoning . Since this extremely hard problem was proposed , it has drawn more and more psychologists ' attention . The MHD is one of the new hot topics in the reasoning psychology .