
  • 网络EDIFACT;exchange rule
  1. 再通过合适的结点交换规则对带宽迭代优化,最终实现渐进式带宽优化的算法。

    And then by means of a suitable exchange rule to make iterative optimization on the bandwidth , and finally realized the algorithm of gradually advanced optimization of bandwidth .

  2. 我们发现:在前资本主义社会里,存在着一种礼物交换规则,它如同资本主义社会所存在的商品交易规则一样,是维系该社会的稳定和获得一定程度的经济增长的基础。

    We find there was a gift exchange rule , as the commodity trade rule does the important effect in a capitalistic society , which is the underlying power to maintain a stable society and get some increase .

  3. 中国加入WTO后,也必然要遵守国际交换规则。

    After the entry into the WTO , international rules of exchange must be observed .

  4. 基于MDA的数据仓库抽取元数据交换规则

    Mapping Rules of DW Metadata Exchange Based on MDA

  5. 基于逻辑数据模型的异构数据交换规则研究

    Heterogeneous Data Exchang Rules Based on Logic Data Model

  6. 对于转发消息路径和反向消息路径来说,消息交换规则是相同的。

    The rules for the exchange of messages remain the same for both forward and reverse message paths .

  7. 为了节省计算资源,提出了双网格并行计算方法,通过对粗细网格的并行计算大大提高了格子Boltzmann的计算效率,解决了粗细网格流场数据交换的规则。

    In order to save the computing resources , the article presents two grid parallel computing method , through the thick grid parallel computing greatly improve the computational efficiency of Boltzmann grid , solve the grid degree of flow field data exchange rules .

  8. 机械制图用计算机信息交换制图规则中的若干问题探讨

    Study on Several Problems for General Rules of Drawings in Mechanical Drawing

  9. 批式电子数据交换安全规则(保密性)

    Security rules for batch EDI ( Confidentiality )

  10. 基于开关交换的不规则拓扑网络互连就提供了布线的灵活性、可测量性和递增可扩充性,而这些特性正是分布式系统所需要的环境。

    Switch-based interconnects with irregular topology allow the wiring flexibility , scalability , and expansion capability required in this environment .

  11. 而使用OWL能够更加容易地根据语法推断出事实,因此OWL在交换模型和基于规则的系统中非常有用。

    With OWL , you are able to more easily deduce knowledge programmatically , making OWL useful for exchanging models and using them in rule-based systems .

  12. 同时,研究如何安排存贮系统的存贮结构,数据交换的具体通信规则,系统功能的扩展。

    The arrangement and organization of the memory , the communication of data exchange and the expand of system function is researched .

  13. 更为不幸的是,作家们无法理解,译者们不能互通有无的部分是由于他们不熟悉礼物交换的不成文规则。

    Even more unfortunately , writers found it difficult to understand that failure of translators to reciprocate was in part due to their unfamiliarity with the unwritten rules of gift-exchange .

  14. 协议是在计算机网络和分布系统中两个或多个主体(Principals)为相互交换信息而规定的一组信息交换规则和约定。

    Protocol is a group of rules and promises that two principals or multi-principals exchange messages each other in the computer network and a distributing system .