
  • 网络Transaction Security
  1. 所有权风险的最小化才能带来交易安全的最大化。

    Only the least risk can bring about the most transaction security .

  2. 保护交易安全和秩序是其核心理念。

    The core idea lies in protecting the transaction security and order .

  3. 基于PKI的网上交易安全中间件的研究与实现

    An Online Exchange Secure Middleware and Its Implementation Based on PKI

  4. PKI应用能满足人们对网络交易安全保障的需求。

    The PKI application can satisfy the demand of network transaction safety control .

  5. 这里详细介绍了SET的基本概念、所使用的主要技术以及运行的过程,同时分析了SET是怎样解决网上交易安全性的。

    This paper introduces the basic concepts of SET , the primary technologies involved and the running procedure , at the same time it analyses how SET implement the security of e - commerce .

  6. 本文提出的B2B电子交易安全解决方案不仅具备SET协议原有的安全性,还具备更适合B2B交易模式的优点。

    This solution not only has the security of SET , but also fits for the mode of B2B transaction more suitably .

  7. 提出并实现了一种针对K-Java手机和个人数字助理(PDA)的无线网络交易安全模型。

    A wireless trade security model for K-Java handset and PDA ( Personal Digital Assistant ) is proposed .

  8. B2C电子商务低成本、购买交易安全、价格优势、方便快捷的特点迎来了迅速扩张,同时也带动了物流的急剧发展。

    The advantages of E-commerce like low cost , purchase security , cheap , convenient ushered in the rapid expansion of e-commerce , and also led to the rapid development of logistics .

  9. 但阿里巴巴集团发言人FlorenceShih说,决定阻止微信相关应用的唯一原因是确保淘宝和天猫购物者的交易安全。

    But Alibaba spokeswoman Florence Shih said that the sole reason behind the decision to block the apps is to ensure secure transactions for shoppers on Taobao and Tmall .

  10. 从保证电子商务交易安全的角度出发,分析了对称密钥加密、公开密钥加密、报文摘要算法、数字签名技术。并对公开密钥的安全基础设施PKI实现方案进行较详细的讨论。

    For the purpose of ensuring safety in electronic commercial trade , a detailed analysis of the techniques for secret key encryption , public key encryption , message digest algorithms and digital signature was given , and a PKI practical plan to build the safe public key infrastructure was discussioned .

  11. 电子商务交易安全及智能卡技术应用

    Security Infrastructure and Application of CPU_Card in Electronic Commerce Payment Transactions

  12. 法定资本制无法单独挑起保护交易安全的担子,资本制度的选择与设计应更多地偏重于公司运营的效率以及自由竞争环境的维护,因此它应是富于弹性的;

    Capital system must focus on protection of efficiency and competition .

  13. 物权变动模式之选择与交易安全

    Selection of the Mode of Property Right Alteration and Security of Transaction

  14. 论夫妻财产制与民事交易安全

    Property system of husband and wife and civil transaction safety

  15. 论物权公示制度与交易安全的保护

    On the System of Property Announcement and the Protection of Safe Exchange

  16. 证券网上交易安全系统设计

    A Design of the Securities On-line Trading Security System

  17. 民商法交易安全论

    Theory of Transaction Security of Civil and Business Law

  18. 信用卡交易安全银行还需做些什么?

    What should banks do for credit card trade ?

  19. 商事严格责任是商事交易安全原则的基本内容之一。

    The strict responsibilities are one of the safety principal in commercial law .

  20. 东北区域市场中长期交易安全校核改进方法

    An Improved Security Correction Method for Medium and Long-term Transaction of Northeast Electricity Market

  21. 从法学角度看隐名投资也是一种法律现象,然而本着以交易安全为基本出发点的投资透明化立法导向,现行立法对隐名投资相关的规定比较粗疏。

    From the legal point of view concealed investment is also a legal phenomenon .

  22. 在线经营主体身份认证&论我国在线交易安全解决方案

    Authentication and Disclosure of Online Business Entities & The foundation of online transaction security

  23. 其次,作者提出了房地产法定公证能够以其实质性审查有力地保证房地产交易安全这一观点。

    First the author explains the main points of the real estate legal notarization .

  24. 建立健全市场信用体系,保障网络交易安全;

    Set up a sound credit system to guarantee the safety of network transaction ;

  25. 网上证券交易安全技术研究

    Study on Safety Technology of Online Security Exchange

  26. 本文主要研究电子商务的交易安全问题。

    The transaction security problem of researching EC is the focus of the paper .

  27. 网络银行风险控管与交易安全之研究

    Transaction Security and Risk Management on Internet Banking

  28. 维护社会秩序和交易安全;

    Maintain social order and trade safety ;

  29. 电子商务交易安全机制的研究

    The Research on EC Trade Security Mechanism

  30. 随着电子商务的飞过发展,交易安全成为制约其发展的关键。

    The security is the largest trouble that blocks the development of the electronic commerce .