
  • 网络Traffic safety education
  1. 论交通安全教育

    The Traffic Safety Education

  2. 我们希望通过三家合作,践行这一交通安全教育新倡议,进一步减少交通事故的发生。

    By carrying out a new traffic safety education initiative together with Komeda and KDDI , we hope to further reduce traffic accidents .

  3. 论对儿童和小学生的交通安全教育

    On the Education of Traffic Safety to Children and School Pupils

  4. 论道路交通安全教育权

    On the Right of Safety Education in Road Traffic

  5. 结论加强交通安全教育是减少胸部创伤的重要环节。

    Conclusions To enhance the education of traffic safety knowledge is the important link of reducing thoracic trauma .

  6. 教育行政部门、学校应当将道路交通安全教育纳入法制教育的内容。

    The administrative departments of education and the schools shall incorporate the education of road traffic safety into legal education .

  7. 结论应加强对全民,特别是青壮年的交通安全教育,提高人群的交通安全意识。

    Conclusion We should enhance the public education of traffic safety especially young people to improve the public consciousness of traffic safety .

  8. 落实“道路交通安全教育权”是提高公民交通安全意识的重要手段。

    Carrying out the right of safety education in road traffic is a vital measure to improve citizens ' awareness of traffic safety .

  9. 90%的中学生认为交通安全教育很重要,70%认为交通安全教育是减少交通违章行为的最有效措施。

    90 % admitted road safety education was very essential , and 70 % believed it was the most effective measure for RTA prevention .

  10. 如果我们加强交通安全教育,更多的人遵守交通规则,我相信总有一天交通事故是可以避免的。

    If we reinforce the traffic security education and more people comply with traffic regulations , I believe one day traffic accidents can be avoided .

  11. 明年,宝马将继续大力推广儿童交通安全教育,寻求在商业发展与社会贡献相结合的长期和谐发展。

    And BMW will keep popularizing the program and seeking a long-term and harmonious combination of business development and social contribution in the next year .

  12. 道路交通安全教育权是公民和国家、交通管理部门及其它单位共同的权利与义务。

    The right of safety education in road traffic is both a privilege and an obligation for the citizen , the state , traffic management division and other units .

  13. 交通安全教育干预应及早进行,探索新的更有效的教育干预方法是未来重要的研究方向。

    Road safety education should be carried out in the early stage of childhood , and to explore new and effective intervention methods is a priority of this field in the future .

  14. 另对酒后驾驶行为采用现场定量和定性访谈收集相关数据,从交通安全教育、交通管理、交通心理学、交通法规处罚等方面,探讨与酒后驾驶有关的主观和客观影响因素。

    At the same time , we used qualitative and quantitative researching methods to collect relating data , sum up subjective and external influence factors from traffic security education , traffic management , traffic psychology and traffic rules and other aspects , and then make a conclusion .

  15. 我国交通安全宣传教育的问题分析与建议

    Analysis and Suggestion on The Propaganda and Education of Traffic Safety

  16. 我国道路交通安全宣传教育体系的构建

    Construction of Propaganda and Education System on Chinese Road Safety

  17. 关于加强道路交通安全宣传教育的思考

    Thinking on strengthening the propaganda and education of traffic safety

  18. 社会化交通安全宣传教育网络研究

    A research on the traffic safety control and the traffic safety education network in China

  19. 通过各种有效途径,全方位进行宣传教育,不断提高道路交通安全宣传教育的实际效果;

    The actual effects of the propaganda and education of traffic safety should be improved by various effective ways ;

  20. 梅赛德斯-奔驰在社会公益事业方面的努力能够和上海市有关部门的交通安全宣传教育活动有机结合,公司为此深感荣幸。

    It is an honor that Mercedes-Benz has the chance to join efforts with competent traffic authorities in Shanghai for this public education campaign .

  21. 中国奥的斯电梯集团还一直积极参与社会公益活动,主要包括交通工具安全知识教育、奥的斯特奥会志愿者项目、慈善募捐等形式。

    Otis China also actively takes part in social charity activities , including public safety knowledge education , Otis Special Olympics Volunteer Program and charity donations etc.

  22. 结论:开展健康调查和防癌普查、防治高血压、进行交通和生产安全教育、爱护环境减少大气污染及不吸烟等,将有利于降低疾病的死亡率。

    Conclusion : It is helpful for reducing mortality by developing general health survey and education , carrying on education of traffic safety and production safety , prevention and care of hypertension , protection of environment reducing air pollution and no smoking .

  23. 浅析交通民警执勤安全防护教育和训练

    On the Analysis of Security Education and Training for Traffic Police on Duty

  24. 主观因素如交通参与者、交通管理和交通安全宣传教育等对农村公路交通安全的影响较大,而客观因素诸如车辆、道路、环境等影响亦不容小觑。

    And the subjective factors have a great influence on the traffic safety of the rural highway , which include the traffic participants , the management , the publicity and education factors etc. While the factors such as vehicle , road , environment belongs to the objective factors .

  25. 道路交通规范问题已成为当前交通规范安全宣传教育工作中的重要课题。

    Road traffic safety norms has become the current traffic safety education of the important issues .

  26. 作为交通管理工作的三大支柱之一的交通规范安全宣传教育,毫无疑问地面临着巨大的挑战。

    Traffic management as one of the three pillars of publicity and education of traffic safety norms , there is no doubt faced with enormous challenges .

  27. 加强交通管理,严禁违规行车;加强道路交通法规和安全教育,提高驾乘人员和行人安全意识等是降低交通事故的主要措施。

    Conclusion : The main strategies for reducing traffic accidents should include improving construction and design of urban roads , enhancing traffic managements , prohibiting driving against traffic rules , carrying out education on traffic safety and emphasizing safety consciousness .

  28. 新形势下道路交通安全工作面临机遇与挑战,必须着力加强道路交通安全宣传教育,用创新的理念进一步加大道路交通安全宣传教育的力度;

    Traffic safety work is faced with opportunities and challenges under new conditions . Propaganda and education of traffic safety must be further strengthened with creative ideas ;

  29. 目的了解重庆市小学生道路交通安全知识及行为状况,为有针对性地开展小学生道路交通安全教育提供依据。

    Objective To study the pupils knowledge and behaviors of road traffic safety in Chongqing , and to provide guidance for the education on traffic safety .

  30. 因而应谨慎采用机动车交通信号灯倒计时装置,并应辅以绿灯间隔时间调整、交通安全宣传教育和明确交通规则等措施。

    So , the timing signal should be set cautiously with the aid of other measures such as adjusting the interval duration , propaganda of traffic safety and rules .