
  • 网络Driving without a license;driving without license;drive without license
  1. 交强险免责条款因重点概念不明确,即第三者、财产损失、精神抚慰金、无证驾驶、医保用药的范围不明晰,导致适用混乱。

    Because of key concept vehicle exoneration clause is not clear , namely a third party , property damage , spirit of his compensation , driving without license , the scope of medical insurance is unclear , causing confusion .

  2. 调查人群中有4351人过去30天有驾车经历,分别有13.2%、11.4%和16.9%的机动车驾驶员报告过去30天有酒后驾车、疲劳驾驶和无证驾驶的经历。

    There were 13.2 % , 11.4 % and 16.9 % auto-drivers reported ever having drunken driving , tired driving or driving without license .

  3. 在白宫网站的WethePeople请愿页面,民众要求遣返他回加拿大。请愿书生效的当天也就是1月23日,比伯又在迈阿密被捕,罪名是酒驾、拒捕和无证驾驶。

    The We the People petition calling for his return to Canada was created on January 23 , the same day Bieber was arrested in Miami on charges of driving under the influence , resisting arrest and driving with an expired license .

  4. 我们无证驾驶是非法的。

    It is illegal for us to drive without a license .

  5. 他上星期因无证驾驶而被逮捕。

    He was copped for driving without a licence last week .

  6. 可是如果你无证驾驶会被罚款的。

    But , you 'll be fined if you drive without a license .

  7. 无证驾驶的司机所引起的致命撞车率是有证驾驶者的五倍。

    Unlicensed drivers are five times more likely to be in a fatal crash than licensed ones .

  8. 因此,无证驾驶行为的违法性不是交通事故人身损害责任承担的根本。

    Therefore , a driver of the illegality is no personal responsibility for damage to the traffic accident .

  9. 无证驾驶导致的交通事故人身损害,人民法院在判决保险公司对交强险承担赔付责任的判例中极不统一。

    A driving personal injury caused by traffic accidents , people in the insurance company to pay the insurance industry in the program .

  10. 保险公司对无证驾驶所造成的人身损害向受害人承担了合同给付义务后不能向投保人行使追偿权。

    The insurance company for driving without a license by the physical damage to the victim was charged with the contract shall be under an obligation not to the applicant right of recourse against .

  11. 但罪犯蒂莫西·麦克维运气太好了,爆炸发生90分钟后,他因无证驾驶被逼停,警察搜查出他藏匿的武器并将其拘捕。

    By sheer dumb luck , the bomber , Timothy McVeigh , was pulled over 90 minutes later for driving without a license and arrested for carrying a concealed weapon . But luck nearly swung back in McVeigh 's favor .