
  • 网络Ineffective labor;socially useless labour
  1. 无效劳动合同具有自己独特的制度功能与价值取向。

    Invalid labor contracts have their particular institution function and value orientation .

  2. 完善无效劳动合同制度的法律思考

    The Consideration on Completing the System of Invalid Labor Contract

  3. 其核心是消除一切无效劳动和浪费。

    The core point is to remove all the useless working and muda .

  4. 我国无效劳动合同制度的立法原则

    Legislative Principle of Invalid Labor Contract in Our Country

  5. 无效劳动合同制度研究

    Study of the System of the Invalid Labour Contract

  6. 减少了许多无效劳动,学生写作能力的培养和写作水平的提高快。

    The students ' skill is fostering and the level of their writing is improving .

  7. 论无效劳动合同之确认

    On Confirmation of Invalid Labor Contracts

  8. 事实劳动关系的本质为无效劳动关系,其本身只有用语上的意义。

    The essence of factual work relation is ineffective work relation and only has phraseological meaning .

  9. 略论无效劳动合同

    On The Invalid Labor Contract

  10. 因此,这个关口把住了,就能有效地避免无效劳动合同的出现,防止劳动合同争议的发生,稳定劳动关系。

    So we must avoid the null labor contract and prevent the dispute of the labor contract .

  11. 无效劳动合同是指所订立的劳动合同不符合法定条件,不能发生当事人预期的法律后果的劳动合同。

    Invalid labour contract is a contract which falls short of legal terms so as to fall flat legal effect .

  12. 这不应该理解为,不大搞模型而只考察数据就是无效劳动。

    This should not be interpreted in the sense that looking at date without much modeling is an illegitimate activity .

  13. 无效劳动合同的产生原因很多,但其确认只能由法定的机关进行。

    There are a lot of causes about the invalid labor contract , but it is affirmed only by the authorized departments .

  14. 第三部分为无效劳动合同的法律后果,分为无效劳动合同的确认程序和无效劳动合同的法律后果两个方面。

    The third part is about the consequences of invalid labor contract , and it is divided as the authentication procedure and law consequences .

  15. 无效劳动合同不发生当事人预期的法律约束力,但会产生不同于无效民事合同的特殊的法律后果。

    The invalid labor contract can 't result in the legal restraint which parties have expected , but it will lead to special legal consequences which are different from the invalid civil contract .

  16. 通过消除一切无效劳动和浪费,不断地降低成本、提高质量、增强生产灵活性等手段确保企业在市场的优势地位。

    By eliminating all the non-value added process and waste , continuously reduce cost , improve quality , and enhance the production flexibility , to ensure the company is in the advantage position of market .

  17. 判断无效劳动合同,有利于在实践中避免、减少无效劳动合同的存在,保护劳动合同双方当事人的合法权益。

    The determination of an invalid labor contract will benefit the parties in the contract and protect their legal rights by avoiding the existence of invalid contracts and cutting down on the number of them .

  18. 时间研究是从宏观上把握企业生产过程中的各种时间消耗,强调通过管理手段来减少无效劳动时间,提高正常作业时间T(11)的比例。

    The time study mainly analyzed the percentage of varies of time expenditure from macroscopical view , emphasized on decreasing the noneffective time by some management ways and increasing the ratio of normal working hours TH .

  19. 精益生产,是起源于日本丰田公司的一种生产管理模式,该生产管理模式的基本思想就是通过提高生产管理的各个环节的效率,消除绝大部分的无效劳动和浪费。

    The lean production is a production management that originated in Japan Toyota . The basic idea of lean production is eliminating most of the inefficiencies and waste by improving all aspects of the production efficiency .

  20. 无效劳动合同因严重欠缺有效要件,法律不赋予其效力,不发生当事人预期的法律后果。

    The Invalid Labor Contract is a contract system , due to severely lack of effective elements , that the law does not give effect on , that does not occur to the legal consequences of the parties expected .

  21. 如此改革,可产生多元效应:可操作性强,信息传递加强,减少许多无效劳动,激发学生的写作兴趣,使学生养成良好的写作习惯。

    Such a reform , can have multiple effects : may be feasible , to enhance the transmission of information to reduce the number of invalid labor , stimulate student interest in writing so that students develop good writing habits .

  22. 劳动合同是调整劳动关系的一项重要法律制度,是劳动法律体系中的重要组成部分,作为判断劳动合同效力存在与否的无效劳动合同制度是其中的重要一环。

    Labor contract is an important adjustment of labor relations legal system , labor law system is an important part , but as a labor contract to determine the effectiveness of the invalidity of the existence of the labor contract system is one of the important part .

  23. 最后,明确了事实劳动关系的定义、放宽劳动合同的形式要求,对无效劳动合同、双重或多重劳动关系处理中的法律问题,提出一些建议措施,得出了一些富有建设性的结论。

    Finally , it mades definition of the factual labor relation clear , and relax the labor contract demands and deal with the problems of invalidate labor contract , double or multiple physical labor relation and bring forward a little suggestion measure and get a little rich constructive conclusion .

  24. 法律应当将社会公共利益、第三人利益以及劳动者的合法权益作为判定劳动合同是否有效的一般标准,并据此甄别与清理现行劳动法的相关规定,重新确定无效劳动合同的具体种类。

    Law should have social public interests , third party 's interests and legitimate rights and interests as the general standard to determine the validity of the labor contract , and by which makes clear the concerned proverbs of current labor contract to reconfirm concrete types of invalid labor contract .

  25. 《劳动法》关于劳动合同无效的规定过于严格,致使众多的劳动合同变成无效劳动合同。

    The provision of " labour law " is so strict that many labour contracts have been invalid unnecessarily .

  26. 该部分借鉴了合同法关于可撤销合同以及无效合同的规定,并考察了世界各国关于无效劳动合同的规定。

    It used the definition of cancelable and invalid contract in the contract law , also that of other countries as references .