
  • 网络Computer Information Management System;cims
  1. 虚拟DCS(VirtualDCS)是相对于在过程工业系统中运行的真实DCS(RealDCS)而言的,就是要在一种通常为开放平台的计算机信息管理系统中,尽可能真实地再现分散控制计算机系统。

    Virtual DCS reappear the real DCS as possible on a open platform .

  2. TG公司计算机信息管理系统的设计与应用

    The Design and Application of the Computer Information Manage System for TG Company

  3. 在计算机信息管理系统中,用Excel进行报表输出并直接基于Excel进行用户自定义报表设计一直是个难点。

    In computer information management system , it has being difficult to output report using Excel and design user-defined report based on Excel direct .

  4. 介绍了基于GIS的铜陵市防震减灾计算机信息管理系统,着重介绍了在系统研制和开发过程中编程的关键技术及运用实现。

    A computor-managed system of Tongling City 's earthquake preparedness and disaster reduction information based on the GIS is briefed . The key programming technique and its actual realization in the process of the development of the system is also briefed .

  5. 利用计算机信息管理系统(MIS)建立和利用客户数据库,与现代信息技术、网络技术相结合,着重从服务模式、关系管理为顾客提供全方位服务,是企业提升竞争力的重要方法和手段。

    Applying MIS and modern information network technologies , establishing and applying the customer data base , providing all-round service for customers from the aspects of service mode and . relation management , are the important methods and measures for enterprises to enhance their competitiveness .

  6. 论述了我国大中型冶金矿山计算机信息管理系统(MIS)的应用现状,分析了MIS开发应用中存在的关键技术问题,并对市场前景进行了预测。

    The present situation of the application of the computer management information system ( MIS ) in China 's large and medium sized metallurgical mines is described . The key technical problems in the MIS development and application are analyzed and the market prospect is predicted .

  7. 高校校办产业计算机信息管理系统的分析研制

    Analysing and developing of the college-run industry computer information management system

  8. 基于现场总线猪肉生产计算机信息管理系统的方案设计

    Scheme Design of Pork Production Information Management System Based on FCS

  9. 放射治疗计算机信息管理系统的开发与应用

    Development and application of the computer information administration system in radiotherapy

  10. 商品煤质量计算机信息管理系统

    Computer Information Management System of the Quality of Commodity Coal

  11. 对酒店计算机信息管理系统的分析与展望

    Analysis and Prospect of computerized information management system for Hotel

  12. 纺织机械企业计算机信息管理系统的设计

    Design of Computer Information Management System in Textile Machinery Enterprise

  13. 也谈电子衡器的计算机信息管理系统

    On the electronic weighing instrument computer information management system

  14. 计算机信息管理系统在采场运输中的应用

    Application of computer information management system in stope transportation

  15. 对现代商业企业计算机信息管理系统设计的思考

    Reflections on the systematic Design of Information Management on Computers in Modern Business Enterprises

  16. 冶金工业部教育司计算机信息管理系统

    A Computer Management Information . System for the Education Department Ministry of Metallurgical Industry

  17. 来件加工计算机信息管理系统

    Computer information management system for parts processing

  18. 仓库库存计算机信息管理系统

    Computer Information Management System of Warehouse Stock

  19. 高校党员计算机信息管理系统的研究与开发

    Development of the Computer Information Management System for the Party Members in Colleges and Universities

  20. 微型计算机信息管理系统的配置分析

    Disposition analysis of Microcomputer Management Information System

  21. 铜陵市防震减灾计算机信息管理系统的技术实现

    The technical realization of the computor-managed system of Tongling City 's earthquake preparedness and disaster reduction information

  22. 这些特点决定了它必须依赖高效可靠的计算机信息管理系统。

    These characteristics had decided it must rely on the highly effective reliable computer information management system .

  23. 计算机信息管理系统在浙江省全科医师培训中的应用与研究

    The Application and Study of Computer Information Management System in General Practitioner ′ s Training in Zhejiang Province

  24. 进入21世纪以来,计算机信息管理系统已经成为图书馆进行图书管理的主要手段。

    Since entering 21st century , computer information management system already became a means for books management in the area of library .

  25. 防震减灾计算机信息管理系统包含地震危险性、灾害预测和对策等工作内容。

    The earthquake prevention and disaster reduction decision making information system is always including seismic hazard , disaster forecasting and countermeasures , etc.

  26. 随着现代工业的发展,计算机信息管理系统越来越受到企业重视。

    With the development of modern industry , the information management system of the computer is being paid attention to by enterprises .

  27. 集约化肉羊生产场计算机信息管理系统的研制基于网络的友谊农场农机信息管理系统

    Study on the Computer Information Management System for Large-scale Farms of Mutton Sheep ; Agricultural Machines Information Management System Based on Network

  28. 随着销售量的快速增长,迫切需要一套计算机信息管理系统来进行这些数据的有效管理。

    With the rapid growth of the sales , it is critical to set up an information management system for managing these data effectively .

  29. 目前,基于各个领域或部门的计算机信息管理系统和网站在大庆油田已经普及。

    At present , the Computer Information Management System and Web site on the basis of each field or the department have already popularized in the Daqing oilfield .

  30. 合肥市防震减灾计算机信息管理系统&我国城市防震减灾示范研究与应用介绍

    Computer information management system of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction in Hefei City : an introduction to examplary study and application for urban earthquake prevention and disaster reduction in China