
  • 网络Planned Production Capacity
  1. 生产安排,物料计划,生产能力与物料分配。

    Arrange production schedule and material plan . Distribute the production capacity and material .

  2. 日产复兴计划是以生产能力集约化为目标的工厂关闭和人员裁减,从而减轻主要部门的负担和缩小日产本身的经营规模。

    " Nissan Revival Plan " has the goal that is intensive production by closing factory and cutting down employee in order to lighten the burden of the main departments and reduce the management scale of Nissan Motor Co. , Ltd.

  3. 其次针对生产能力资源的瓶颈约束,从人力资源管理、设备综合效率改善、原材料供应控制和生产控制系统整合等方面进行了改进研究,优化公司的整个营运计划、提高生产能力和降低营运成本。

    Secondly , facing the recourse constraints of production capability , make the improvement study on HR management ; equipment overall efficiency ; raw material supply and production control system to optimize company whole operational plan , increase the production capability and cut down the operational cost as well .

  4. 他计划使公司现有生产能力翻倍,具体措施包括扩建现有的生产厂并在喜马偕尔邦新建一家工厂。

    He plans to invest $ 450mto double Nestl é 's capacity by expanding existing dairy plants and building a new one in Himachal Pradesh .