
  1. 不产生芽孢,但有单根偏端生鞭毛,最适生长温度为55℃。BRF-1芽孢球型中生,无鞭毛;

    The optimum temperature is 55 ℃ . The endospore of BRF-1 and was BRF-2 grown in the middle and at the end of cell , respectively .

  2. JL-01和SD-02在形成孢囊的过程略有不同,JL-01在形成孢囊时呈端生和中生,而SD-02则呈现等分。

    The difference of JL-01 and SD-02 was that the sporocyst of the JL-01 cell was observed at one end or the middle while the sporocyst of SD-02 formed after equipartition .

  3. 腋生或端生单花的多年生多汁草本植物。

    Perennial succulent herb with small solitary axillary or terminal flowers .

  4. 芽孢卵圆形,端生,直径为1.0~1.3μm。

    Spores were oval , 1.0 ~ 1.3 m in diameter and terminal .

  5. 细菌的附着过程是端生鞭毛首先附着,随后菌体横卧在表面上,然后生长出侧生鞭毛或粘多糖的纤丝,使菌体牢固地附着。

    Finally , the bacteria were attached firmly with lateral flagella or fabrics of mucopolysaccharide .

  6. 该菌株为革兰阴性短杆菌,具端生单鞭毛,主要生化特性为氧化酶阳性,发酵葡萄糖产酸不产气,发酵麦芽糖、乳糖、肌醇等;

    The strain showed following characteristics : Gram-negative rod , motile , oxidase positive , glucose , maltose , lactose , inositol fermentative .

  7. 菌寄生真菌粉红聚端孢生防机制的研究兼性寄生菌能够象寄生虫或腐生物一样生存。

    Studies on Biocontrol Mechanisms of the Mycoparasite Agent Trichothecium Roseum ; a facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte .

  8. 以清代陈澧《引书法示端溪书院诸生》为例,阐述了引文应按规范,即杜绝抄袭,当引雅书,注明篇卷,核对引文,标出创获及尊重前人。

    Some citation norms are expounded , such as avoiding plagiarism , citing professional books , annotating volume and chapter , checking citations , highlighting transcends and respecting predecessors .

  9. 那个现在缓过劲儿来的服务员给我们端上了海蜇面,之后又端上了生鱼片和一盘卷在圆白菜里吃的五花肉。

    The now-recovered waiter serves us jellyfish noodles , followed by sashimi and a plate of fatty pork to be rolled in cabbage .