
  • 网络straight
端直 [duān zhí]
  • (1) [upright]∶正直;正派

  • 苟余心之端直兮,虽僻远其何伤。--《楚辞.屈原.涉江》

  • 品行端直

  • (2) [directly]∶不拐弯;一直;笔直;照直(这条街端直走去,通向天安门)

  1. 果实长棒形、端直,果皮鲜紫红色、有光泽,皮薄、肉细、少籽,商品性佳。

    The fruit was stick and regular in shape , the peel was bright purplish red with lustre and thin .

  2. 运用该模型模拟了水柱倒塌后有无透空块体两种情况下右端直墙上的压力过程。

    In the end , collapsing process of a water column impinging an upright wall after by-passing a set of perforated blocks is simulated by using the MPS model .

  3. 在十日禅期间,我开始学习反回安住在我自己的重心而且调整身体成平衡端直的姿势。

    In the course of the ten-day retreat , I began to learn to settle back into my own center of gravity and to align my body in a balanced vertical posture .

  4. 钢筋端头直螺纹辊轧工艺及其装置

    Technics and Device for Rolled Parallel Thread splicing of Rebars Couplers

  5. 髓放线内有近端小管直部和远端小管直部。输尿管部分梗阻与肾小管间质纤维化

    The medullary ray contains the straight parts of proximal tubules and distal tubules . Renal fibrosis caused by partial unilateral ureter obstruction

  6. 高精度重轨AGC热精轧及轨端数控压力矫直

    The AGC hot finishing rolling and numerical controlled pressure straightening of high-speed railway rails

  7. 以往的公式[1,2]采用将楔杆等效为以小端截面作为等直杆的截面、将渐变的影响计入计算长度系数的方法;

    Previous formulae [ 1,2 ] took the web ratio factor into the coefficient of length , regarding web-tapered member as a uniform one with the same cross-section of the small end .